Good morning everyone, the
title of my presentation is: The Polish Mountains.
First, I would like to talk
about two places that are worth visiting.
These are :
- czerwone wierchy
- dolina pieciu stawow
Then I will move on to give
you some advice how to get prepared for a trip to those places.
If you have any questions, I
will answer them in the comments.
Let Me ask you a question:
What places come to your
mind when you think about mountains?
Most of you,will probably
- kropowki,
- morskie oko,
they are really atractive
and popular, but also full of annoying tourists.
If you go a litte bit
farther, you will find as beautiful places as the popular spots, but
not that crowded.
These are:
- czerwone wierchy
- dolina pięciu stawów.
First of all, i will talk
about czerwone wierchy.
Their name can be explained
with the fact that in autumn the mountain meadows are full of red
flowers as You can see in the picture.
If you take a walk there,
everything around you is red.
However, this is not the
only reason why we should go there.
In czerwone wierchy we can
also climb four peaks, these are :
- Ciemniak 2096 m
- Krzesanica – 2122 m
- Małołączniak 2096 m
- Kopa kondracka 2005 m
As You can see it
is really worth seeing.
That's all for Czerwone
Lets move on to Dolina
pieciu stawow.
As the name suggests it is a
valley with five lakes, which you can see walking through the valley.
The place is definitely
worth seeing mainly because of its landscapes.
The view of the lakes
surrounded by the mountains is breathtaking.
Before going to those places
it is really important to get well prepared.
There are some pieces of
advice that you should take into consideration:
- first, you should buy good
pair of shoes,
- the next thing is a
backpack with a jacket, a bottle of water, food and choclate.
Jacket in case of rain.
Bottle of water in case of
Food in case of being
Chocolate to increase the
level of sugar in your body when it is too low.

As You can see preparation
for the trip in the above-mentioned points is not very complicated
issue. Specialized equipment is also not required in any case, well,
maybe the shoes, but their cost scales within 150-300PLN. As regards
the difficulty, these are very mild route, but still time consuming.
Be prepared to walk for about 12 hours, take into account the
weather, that it was not raining and it was the sun, and You can
enjoy the beauty of the mountains move. I was there in person two
years ago and to be honest I go back there again. There I developed
any injury, the situation is not expected have not known, maybe
except fatigue, which is a well remember the pride I beat Czerwone
Wierchy of (route rather long). This can not be forgotten :) I really
recommend it, but what do you think gold, maybe some of you have
already seen these places?
and My experience :)