And what about you? You may have heard about nerds, the people who wear glasses, a plaid shirt, who can’t talk about other subjects than computers. Hahaha that’s not true, at all. Can you imagine a programmer’s job? Let me describe one day from a programmer’s life.
Computers, applications, smartphones, and even refrigerators have been overrun by software developers, and we even don’t know it. Every device must have software to do something – who is creating this software – programmers! That is incredible and makes programmers gods – hahah that’s true. Can you imagine your life without smartphones or the Internet? Probably not. Me neither and I was decided to start working as a developer to be able to create our modern world :)
Every day from 9:00am to 5:00pm I work in an office with 15 other developers in the “Soho Factory” (a small business district in Warsaw Praga). We are called the “EDGE Technology” - We aren’t nerds and don’t wear shirts – there is no dress-code. Probably you think we sit in front of computers all day long, I have to disappoint you… The very first very important point of the day is coffee :) This is the casual time when we meet us with managers and talks about ongoing projects– something like the scrum, this takes 10-20 minutes. The next step is the computer – we write our part of projects in code. Each of us has a favorite notepad or a compilation application – yeah! Save the logical sequence of commands in code that creates an application invented by a customer. That process lasts sometimes even for several months – next for several months as well we fix bugs and the biggest errors, and after probably a year we could deliver the application to our customer. Our programming languages are C++, Java and PHP, and we write applications for BGK, AXA, TVN and some other companies… Often we meet with demanding clients... :)
Work is work but no one is limited only to work – there are corporate events (dancing, karaoke, competitions and games). In our office we have a relaxation area, something like in Google, where we have TV, a PlayStation, a Microsoft Xbox - you can feel like a child, when you have a break.
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"Relax area" in Google |
And as I’ve mentioned the break – our break starts at 12am and continues for 2 hours when we can do anything we want to. We usually go to a restaurant to have dinner. We have several options – there are 3 restaurants (“Szklarnia”, “Warszawa Wschodnia” – Mateusz Gessler’s and “Paleta Smaku”). Stress-free programmers’ lives are the topics of discussions – not computers, software or hardware – food and fun… From 9:00 am to 12:00 am we can hear only “what we have eaten?”, “where we have eaten?”, “are you going to play CS?”… 30 year old people that behave like children. It's a bit surprising but stereotypes don’t work here. Maybe you think: what’s going on? They only have fun! That’s right, but this fun, a casual style integrate and motivate people to work hard– relaxed people do more and more effectively. Programmer’s work is creative work, and having fun they have new ideas to write the smartest, fastest algorithms. After dinner and several minutes of rest it’s time for coffee and discussions about relationships, women, sport and of course sex – our team includes only men. Sorry there is one female programmer – Mariola :) She is very kind, slim, pretty, but she is crazy about technology and sometimes she thinks like men do… She is good at her job. I do not think she is a good candidate for a girlfriend… Sorry Mariola…
My working day ends at 5:00 pm when we close notepads, application compilations, turn off computers and go home. I don’t know what you do at home. We have two singers and two people playing the guitar in our team, so I guess that they have fun also after work…
Interesting people, interesting characters, interesting work and a good team - would you like to learn more, get to know us? Feel free to discuss and ask questions in the comments.
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