Monday, 21 May 2018

Week 5 [21-27.05.2018] How much time?

Humans have been on Earth for nearly 2,000,000 years. With time, they learned to cultivate the ground and use natural resources that nature generously gave them. First civilizations have developed in the Middle East, in the river basins, which ensured their existence. For thousands of years, with their growth, development, increasing technological progress and expansion increased their needs, ways of using and acquiring these goods, people became more and more greedy for perfect symbiosis. That is why they transformed the relationship with nature into almost parasitic. This type of dependence always leads to the death of a parasite or a feeder. So the question is not "if", but "when" it will happen.


Nowadays, the level of technological development and global unrestrained, progressing in alarming rate consumption and exploitation of natural goods and resources leads natural environment to an almost unimaginable degree of degradation, which has become an inclined plane for the whole human race. Increasing overcrowding decreased a chance to satisfy the needs and caused a widespread famine problem. Governments are under control of global corporations and initiate further conflicts, which ultimate goal is only to achieve influences and economic goals. For huge pharmaceutical concerns it is more profitable to heal us than cure, because patients are also consumers. The more medicines we buy, the more they earn. Increasing disproportions between a handful of corrupt elite and the rest of society have pushed many countries of the world such as Venezuela to the brink of recession. People noticing these disproportions and suffering from military conflicts are looking for a better life in foreign countries and cultures instead of developing and cultivating their own.

In 2017, 1,500 scientists from around the world wrote an open letter to governments and all humanity entitled "Time is running out". It was published in the journal "BioScience" to warn people against the negative consequences of actions of people that can be disastrous for themselves. As they note, over the 25 years that have passed since the previous appeal, the situation has significantly deteriorated. They pointed several main areas, such as:

- 26% decrease in amount of drinking water per resident of the earth
- increase of carbon dioxide emission and increase of average temperatures,
- increase in the human population by 35%,
- drop by 29% in the number of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish,
- loss of nearly 300 million acres of forests that have been transformed into fields,
- number of dead zones in the oceans increase of 75%

Scientists are appealing to all people and leaders to take action to reverse these negative trends. Among the postulated solutions there were: the creation of a larger number of reserves, the creation of the legislation facilitating the protection of nature, conducting educational programs or increasing the use of renewable energy sources.
The full text of the letter at" \t "_top
Will we be able to get back on track? Or maybe it is too late? I think that each of us will find it difficult to answer these questions, but we can try to live in a way that the next generations wouldn’t have to ask these questions. We should make decisions taking into account not only our own needs, choose representatives who will take care of restoring the disturbed balance between man and nature, because what goes around comes around.

1.What is the global problem that you think is the biggest challenge for humanity and why?
2. What will you do to help solve it?
3.How do you think the fate of civilization will go and what consequences the human race will suffer?



  1. 1.What is the global problem that you think is the biggest challenge for humanity and why?
    - It's hard to point only one problem from the set you have stated in the article, but I'd choose poverty as core reason behind quite a few global problems. When people are forced to fight every day for living, they won't care about environment. In most cases, people are more willingly to repair their enviorment or neighborhood only after their everyday live is safe.

    2. What will you do to help solve it?
    - I can't do much as a single person, but I'm trying to save a water, segregate a garbages for recycling, use public transportation for work commute.

    3.How do you think the fate of civilization will go and what consequences the human race will suffer?
    - I always look on the bright side of life, so I think at the end we will protect environment and will be able to live without destroying everything around. We will probably suffer some consequences, maybe the era of car traffc will end and we will only have public transportation :)

  2. 1.In my opinion one of the main problems is our carbon footprint. We as europe are trying hard to limit this and ban that just to have a little bit less carbon emitted but what about the others? China just recently started to work on that problem and Trump stated that he "loves clean coal". Coal is and always will be dirty!

    2. I rarely use a car or public transport. I ride my scooter everywhere (electric so charged from coal power plants :/ ) and i also try to limit garbage production as much as i can. I don't use plastic bags and try to use glass bottles which can easily be recycled.

    3. We will exterminate ourselves - there is no doubt about it. Either we will pollute earth too much and it will no longer be habitable or we will have 3rd world war.

  3. 1. I think that war is the worst thing what I can imagine. Our governments fights with each other to get some more place. But on the other hand it is really hard topic.
    2. We cannot protect whole world. I think that this problem can not be solved, as the situation in Ukraine shows
    3.I think that Europe will be less populated than Africa in the future, but it is really hard to say 😉

  4. I think that global warming is one the biggest challange for humanity. It’s not only the one big problem but I think it’s quite important. What’s more with this topic are connected many, many more problems. For example, have you ever heard about Volkswagen? It’s a German company which produce cars. I’m sure you hear about that company. I’d like to share with you one video called Dirty Money. There is a few episodes, because it’a a series but it’s worth to watch. Especially episode about Volkswagen. I don’t want to say more details about a video but it scares me a lot when people can do such things. One of the biggest company Is one the biggest liar. Their activity is very connected with a global warming and with an environment in overall. I will be a better person for environment to solve it. I don’t know if solve is a good word here, because the world is so big and I’m so small. We should talk with others people who don’t aware about such things. People do a lot things and they don’t think. Sometimes it’s good to not doing something than do and be dangerous for the rest like Volkswagen cars.

  5. 1.What is the global problem that you think is the biggest challenge for humanity and why?
    All that issues were not consequences of simple mans work - I think that is the biggest problem. We can live as Eco as we can but it's still futile because the biggest waste and harm bring big corporations. Even if several corporations become "Eco" because its trendy there will be multiple another who will not care about the environment.

    2. What will you do to help solve it?
    There is only one way to change how corporation operate - by stopping buying from them and/or choose more 'environment friendly' options. Business exists only for customers and if customers will turn their back on you, you must adapt or perish.

    3.How do you think the fate of civilization will go and what consequences the human race will suffer?
    As the standard of living rises, people will choose more Eco friendly products and environmentally degeneration will slow but it will be too late and it will be still proceed. The consequences will be the same as now, but more advanced and serious.

  6. 1.What is the global problem that you think is the biggest challenge for humanity and why?

    I believe that the biggest issue for humanity is pollution. We tend to not care about using things over again. So many things, like the medicine you mentioned is only used once, but then the packaging is probably never recycled. We create so much trash everyday, just getting more things and then disposing them when they are no longer sufficient or new. This creates literally mountains of garbage.

    2. What will you do to help solve it?
    Try to reduce waste in any way possible. You should try to start with house. Start recycling, ditch plastic bags and just use the ones made from material that you can use over and over again. Saves you money long- term. Prepare meals yourself, don’t order the food as the packaging, cutlery and other stuff is just thrown away. Don’t buy cheap clothes but rather those than last longer and are made from organic materials like cotton. Don’t waste water. Use your own water bottles instead of plastic ones.

    3.How do you think the fate of civilization will go and what consequences the human race will suffer?
    I think there is still a hope. A young teenager has an idea how to eliminate the plastic in the ocean. Here is the link to article:
    I believe much more people are aware how to take care of the planet. The consequences that human race will suffer are more pollution, lack of clean water, more diseases, lower birth rate and much worse outcomes.

  7. 1.What is the global problem that you think is the biggest challenge for humanity and why?

    In my opinion, one of the biggest problem that humanity is facing is excessive consumerism. We buy and produce too much. Soon, there will be no natural resources. Recently, I read that the world can run out of sand. It has already come to the fact that ships are used to steal sand from beaches. This is insane.

    2. What will you do to help solve it?

    We must stop buying on such a large scale. Do not postpone it for tomorrow, just start today. To convince people from the closest surrounding to do the same, otherwise it will be a disaster. If we do it, corporations will have to stop. The second important step is to make people aware. For example, diet supplements are not a cure for our ailments. The key to health is a proper diet and lifestyle. If people are aware of this and stop buying tons of medicines in pharmacies, their production will decrease.

    3. How do you think the fate of civilization will go and what consequences the human race will suffer?

    Probably some organisms will be lost. For example I read that such a threat stands before bees. This is not good news for us because there are no other creatures that could replace them in the pollination process. I hope it will not be as bad as the scientists promise.

    Another consequence is the increase in average temperatures due to the high emission of carbon dioxide.

  8. Questions:
    1.What is the global problem that you think is the biggest challenge for humanity and why?
    2.What will you do to help solve it?
    3.How do you think the fate of civilization will go and what consequences the human race will suffer?

    1.I think it is a consciousness rising, which is cardinal issue for humanity if we intent to survive and prosper in balance and fulfilment. All other problems have source in this one. We have to break ignorance and make people expand their knowledge, empathy and consciousness.
    2.I intent to rule the world and bring down the mess :D
    3.There was some time I was very pesimistic about all of that, but nowadays I look into the future in more optimistic way. It is because, as I figured out, people are evolving and still more people are good and want as much goodness as possible. These facts, if not even natural laws, allow to be calm about the humanity's future, because it must end well, despite some bad things in the middle of the process. So our role is to minimalize the bad things and to fasten the process to live in mature, balanced, good and happy way as a mankind, habbitants of the Earth.

  9. What is the global problem that you think is the biggest challenge for humanity and why?
    In my opinion, the pollution is one of the biggest challenges of our time. In August 2017, during my holidays on Lofoten, Norway, I went whale watching. The programme included an exhibition tour which, among other goals, was supposed to show us the scale of the pollution problem and its impact on the oceans. If I hadn't been aware of it before, it would have made me understand then. It was truly terrifying.

    What will you do to help solve it?
    As a one person I can't do much, but I can try and explain the problem to others. It would be solvable only if all the people in the world were working on it.

    How do you think the fate of civilization will go and what consequences the human race will suffer?
    I'd rather not imagine that.

  10. I think that policitals are the most dangerous. Cyber wars and growing conventional armaments race ... it is horrible. In example: Sweden.
    They is sending an updated version of a Cold War-era advice booklet on how to cope with an outbreak of war to around 4.8 million households.

    They says:
    “We are able to establish intent, dominant narratives, behavioural patterns and strategic goals, where the close correlation between Russian public diplomacy and active measures suggest the operation of a coordinated campaign,”

  11. Biggest problem that humanity couldn't solve from it's beggining is to find a consensus that will let all it's members to live peacfull and stable life. Unfortunatelly as history of mankind proved us it's impossible, mostly because mankind is corrupted with greed.
    Only thing we can do about it is to change ourselves and maybe try to influence our environment with our actions.

  12. In my opinion, the biggest problems in the future may belong to the overhang with which there may be a problem with a place to live for all people and too little amount of greenery, which naturally pores the air.

    I think that taking care of the environment and educating people from an early age can help to solve this.

    I think that taking care of the environment and buying, recycling and rubbish segregation can help reduce the risk of potential problems.

  13. 1. What is the global problem that you think is the biggest challenge for humanity and why?
    - There is so many issues going on around the world that pointing a particular one is really hard. Personally I think that environment destruction is the most critical one. Considering how human population is growing exponentially there is a justified concern for natural resource consumption.

    2. What will you do to help solve it?
    - I am not sure yet. It’s not like my daily life is gold standard of ecological existence.

    3. How do you think the fate of civilization will go and what consequences the human race will suffer?
    - Honestly, I don’t really care :) It’s not like I can change the fate of civilization on my own. However I do believe that humans can adapt to almost anything. We might be one of the most adaptive species. So no matter how grim the future may be I think that humanity will find a way to survive.

  14. The biggest challenge for humanity is to get people educated about this topic. If they know nothing or nearly nothing, how they can change anything. What i can personally do to solve any of these problems? I think it’s important to live in a harmony with few mayor rules and being a living example of someone who cares about his nearest environment. Human race? I’m just sitting in the audience… I don’t know what the consequences would be. I only wish that they’re not going to affect my life in any way.

  15. 1.What is the global problem that you think is the biggest challenge for humanity and why?

    The biggest problem will be to provide total energy without fossil fuels. Fortunately, we are relatively close to large nuclear reactor - the sun, we must find a way to effectively use its energy.

    2. What will you do to help solve it?

    For sure I would support research on technology that will allow effective use of solar energy.

    3.How do you think the fate of civilization will go and what consequences the human race will suffer?

    I hope that we will be able to colonize other planets and move freely between them.

  16. 1.What is the global problem that you think is the biggest challenge for humanity and why?
    There are many for sure but the biggest in my opinion is human's lack of wisdom. I think we treat nature as a product, so in this fast world we don't have time to think, so we use it and threw it away. The same is with nature, we use it and one day it won't handle such amount of garbage, green gas emission etc.
    2. What will you do to help solve it?
    Main thing here is to start changing yourself in order to fit to the nature's rhythm. For example one can stop consuming meat 7 days a week, switch off electric devices, switch of lights in apartement. If everybody would obey those rules I think there will be less polution.
    3.How do you think the fate of civilization will go and what consequences the human race will suffer?
    In my opinion we will suffocate, or earth will be flooded. I think we will go under the surface, or we will try to go on some other planet. Human is a parasite but very intelligent so I think we will find a way to escape the tragedy, and we will start again.
