Although nowadays magic has
been put into fairytales, it had its own serious part in history. In a far past
people believed in superior powers governing their everyday lives. For some
unknown reason those people are strongly underestimated and sometimes accused
of having poor explanations for casual phenomenas, which are nowadays
relatively easily explained by modern science. In fact we could also tell
similar things about beliefs of many modern people. Even today many people
believe in so called scientific explanations despite they have been proved
wrong already. On the other side those ancient people sometimes could explain
more than most of us think. This is why I would like to prove accusations in
their direction wrong.
Of course if you were asked to imagine magic,
most of you probably would call an image of colorful lights in the air, flying,
teleporting, etc. But there is much more in it. I don’t know if you know about real
complex magic systems which have roots in the past and have lasted until today. One of them is e.g.
the hermeticism. These magical systems are not a mere fantasy. Of course not
everything called magic will be the same thing and will be worth attention.
Everyone should discriminate between valuable and a garbage info. The real valuable magic is a sophisticated philosophy
wchich consists of wisdom and physical (and/or metaphysical) and psychological
methods allowing people to use them into their own advantage. For mages
magic is an explanation of reality, it exists nevertheless you believe in it or
not and it is better to control it, because otherwise it will control you.
Magic and mages not necessarily are called that way in every place and time.
Some aspects of magic are presented by far-east philosophies or oriental
medicine and some are concluded in variety of religions. Additionally some are
just a casual wisdom or a knowledge about the world we’re living in, which are derived
from a life experience or from a science like psychology. So magic not necessarily
makes you fly, but it can make you feel extraordinarily, when you will get in
love with somebody. It can make you psychically stronger if you want, it can
heal your prejudices, fears or complexes. Magic is wisdom about the world and
shouldn’t be underestimated because it can bring much goodness, e.g. under a shape
of morning mind exercises, like focusing or meditation or feeling gratitude. So
at first magic is control of yourself. When you can control yourself fully,
then you can influence others, hopefully only with good intentions.
Additionally you are resistant to controling by others, if you don’t like their
influence on you. Some can call it psychology, not magic. There is even a
saying that every very advanced act of technology or science seems complete
proverbial magic to someone who does not know what’s going on. So call it as
you want, don’t get into trap of fantasy ‘magic’. For the purpose of this text I
called it magic because I think it helps
to explain my point. And if you get interested, read something more about different philosophies describing the world,
life and all metaphysics structure which surrounds us.
Nowadays there are much
more scientific researches about alternative explanations of many things around us than most of society have in their minds. Using white magic
you can increase your wisdom and make you feel much happier. If you are curious about what I am talking
about, do a simple exercise. Don’t worry, I am far from describing and giving
you anything evil or stupid. These are just
superstitions (though there are people who believe in them and
unfortunately it is their way of seeing magic, making magic seem worse in the eyes
of a society). So what I am asking you to do is just this: sit down for a moment
when there is quite quietly, relax and with all your focus call a feeling of
gratitude and love. To help to do that you can just think about what gives you
these feelings but after that think just about these feelings, not about what
is connected with them, or anything else. Done? Now imagine that these feelings
are filling you up and try to last like that for a moment. See a difference? 😊
If you did such ‘rituals’ quite often, they would definitely influence your life very
much. Think of results and possibilities of such a thing. Someone almost could
call it magic 😉
At the end of my presentation I would like to
show you a story of an old shaman of an Amazon tribe. His practice of magic led
him to extraordinary wisdom which he shared with all of us. I know it is just a
part of a movie but such scenes are derived from real life scenes. Just listen
and judge for yourself.
My questions to you are:
- How do you see magic? Have you ever taken any serious look on the matter?
Regardless of the mainstream and common impression about magic, have you ever wondered about any metaphysics or deep and abstract aspects of life and whole universe?
3. Did you do the exercise I described above? How was your experience?
4. Have you ever tried any other more controversial stuff like psi telekinesis, telepathy or lucid dreaming? Or just have heard of them? What is your point of view about these things?
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When I was younger I sometimes dreamed about super power, but now I really believe it’s better to overcome difficulties with my own work not magic. It brings more satisfaction. I am person who keeps both feet on the ground and I don’t believe in magic tricks also those of ‘psychological’ kind. I didn’t try to do your exercise, but I don’t call it magic. It’s rather a technique which helps to change your approach to life. Those kind of methods are easily understandable when we know something about neurobiology and have knowledge about how our mind works, so there is no magic in it. Changing thinking changes life, if every evening you were thinkinking about all misery and disasters, which happened or may happen in our world, it would also change your life.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree :) And this is what I tried to explain in this article - not everything in an old magic systems is as most people imagine to be under the term of 'magic'. There are also just wise statements, which can be included into psychology, philosophy, sociology, etc. Knowing all of these makes a person very very powerfull and for someone not knowing these stuff it just seem like magic.
DeleteRegarding that many people have problems with control themselves, ability of controlling your emotions, thoughts and behaviour is a big thing. In that way we can call it magic!
DeleteAs a child I loved reading and thinking about magic, at this time I also tried a lot of "magic tricks" with cards, but unfortunately I grew up and everything has been blurred. Right now I'm looking from scientific site and it's hard to look from other perspective for now. All the biological processes that are happening in our brain are results of some actions we took before (sometimes inentionally). Only "magical" experiments I've done in the past was meditating and trying lucid dreaming but it needs a lot of persistence and patience which I don't have enough for such things. After some time all these mysterious things just stopped interesting me and it's hard to look from such different perspective.
ReplyDeleteI understand you. But magic not neceserilly opose scientific way of thinking. Knowing all of scientific explanations of our world, can you proove that we are not living in some sort of virtual simulation like in the movie 'Matrix'? Or can you proove that our brains are creators of consciousness and not just a receiver and a transformer? Because what is the consciousness? How can you tell that f.ex. our planet Earth isn't conscious? Maybe it is so inteligent that we cannot comprehend it with our inteligence level, like a worm cannot comprehend us..? What if the major of electromagnetic waves and other forms of matter and energy we cannot see and research yet, is the clue to real understanding what is going on on the world? We do not know for sure. But present science don't explain everything. So there is a space for thinking and consider different options :)
DeleteThat’s really interesting topic. I’m a huge sceptic and to be honest I do not believe in supernatural powers, curses, spells and similar staff. I did wondered about unexplained phenomenons and I strongly believe that these issues will be solved by scientists in the future. Perhaps our children or grandchildren will learn it at school. For example many observations in the field of quantum mechanics are impossible to explain with our current knowledge. I did an exercise you proposed and I felt joyful and calm but I have no idea what it has in common with magic. I didn’t get a chance to try practices like telepathy or lucid dreaming but I’m curious what would be my reaction.
ReplyDeleteNice remarks :)
DeleteBut what that excercise has to do with magic? Did you hear a term 'the magic of Christmass'? Neither you are religious or not I think most of us know what is it. It is magic already, because makes our perception and experience magical, more deep, more unusual and it can influence our further thoughts, choices, habits, acts and behaviours.
Taking a definition of magic as a conscious influencing the reality according to our will and also as gaining a source of extra perception and wisdom, it can take more real shapes that most of people imagine under term of magic.
I think if you would do more excercises like that, you would start to feel and know things which would expand your consciousness and open you to new things, new ideas, and new possibilities.
So if you are curious, try :)
I'm pretty skeptical about the existence of magic in the form we see in movies or we read in fantasy books, but thinking about that as a change in the body depending on the special circumstances is a very interesting point of view. I did an exercise and of course thinking about person I love made me calm and more happy. I tried lucid dreaming many times but without any effect. But I hope one day I will succeed because it is something that I would like to experience.
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to hear somebody shares the fascination of the point of view. I wish you good luck with the exploration of your dreams! ;)
DeleteIn my opinion term "magic" can be describe and readed in many ways. For me this might be the same as a religion, believe, feeling, fate but certain thinking must be involve. Personally I'm talking about time when all my being come to one simple act of knowing I am here. This might sounds weird but most of the time I have to work on lot of things and preparing for bunch of anothers so when opportunity come and I can sit for just a few minutes and relax by listening to how my inner self is felling could be called magic. Nothing matters its just you and your thoughts. You are free from judgment and act calmly. This feeling is my describtion of magic. I can't do your exercise right now becouse as I'm writing this comments my break at work disappear faster then I would like it to but as a daily routine I'm doing 10 minutes of breathing exercises from application called "headspace". I can recomend it to anyone who choose to try since for me whole world is a huge energy circle in which we decide what stayes with us and what doesn't. Personally after finishing free trial I stayed with this habit of taking few minutes to relax by slowly breathing. I did not try any of the other stuff you count in your last question but dreams are a mistery for me and I wouldn't mind to get to know them better. Generally love to talk about abstract ways of thinking so big thanks for you presentation. ^^
ReplyDeleteI am glad you enjoy it. It's great you practice those things you described. I think if only every man in our society would meditate regularly at least a half an hour a day, our reality would look totally different in a positive way.
DeleteIt is great to hear you noticed that about the world and its connectivity.
I am passionate with abstract thinking too. I think it can expand consciousness and intelligence and bring people much good and make life more interesting and with more potential and capabilities.
You are welcome! ;)
In my opinion this small breakes are beneficial for woman as well as for man but we live in reality where everyone are in a hurry. People are losing awareness of their feeling in behalf of stereotypes or trends. How can we understand each other when we can't get hold of our reall selfs overwhelmed by demands.
DeleteWhen talking about magic I can only think about the magic from fantasy books/movies, and in this type of magic I don't believe (thought I wish it was true ;) ). On the other hand the magic you are describing in your article I might believe in but I think by calling it "magic" instead of helping explain your point its slightly confusing.
ReplyDeleteFrom time to time I think as most of us I do think about the meaning of life, and I like wondering about the universe. Because universe is constantly expanding its most likely infinite, just this simple concept of infinite space is mind boggling, it creates so many questions...
I tried your exercise, but I'm having trouble with focusing on those feelings, my mind keeps drifting from one thought to another to the point that I'm mostly thinking "Am I doing it right?", which is disturbing this exercise.
I did heard about lucid dreaming and tried it, but I was never able to succeed in it. I think it's interesting concept, and I believe that it's true. Other than that, I haven't tried anything else, telekinesis and telepathy is a bit hard for me to believe to be true.
Yes, this term can be very confusing as most people imagine exactly some fantasy stuff. But nevertheless I think it is proper word because despite what most people think, magic has vast tradition and much knowledge already and has been described through centuries. For clever seeker of truth about the world, when he or she will read such descriptions, they will know what about them is valuable and what is just supersticious addon. And for me, besides these addons, there is much valuable wisdom hidden inside. I don't mind how you'd call it - magic, the force, God, or anything else, but there is something great behind all this civilizational routine, some purpose and meaning of life, what we humans really rarelly are talking about nowadays.
DeleteYes, the universe is tremendous riddle. For my question about the beggining of it, of all life and physics laws, is really mindblowing.
I reccomend you to retry the excercise in some more quite moment of your day. And don't worry, it is really simple and it is really hard to do it wrong way, as long as you only open for the experience and just watch it with focus.
Yes, lucid dreaming can be really really interesting and very informative, though for some people it is quite easy to achieve and for the others a little harder.
But about the other stuff, In some I believe, in some I do not also, and in some I am not sure yet. Nevertheless there are many traces which can indicate that some of such things may be real.
But how to witness them as most people in their dayly routine in our civilization don't even control their feelings and minds like in that excercise I described above. I think if we would focus more on such stuff, they would show themselves to us and come more intensly in visible acts :)
I will try it again for sure ;) I have a bit similar exercise I tend to do when I can't fall asleep, it involves thinking about feeling of warm sun on my skin and imaging that my body becomes heavier with each exhale. It's surprisingly effective.
DeleteIt was interesting read, thank you for your reply too ;)
If I understand corectly what you call magic is just a wisdom of a person and whole magic is just using our minds on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteI don't beleive in telepathy, telekinesis etc. and if they exist they are beyond our understanding.
Not entirely...
DeleteThere is a question, not if to youse our minds, but how to use them.
If you assumed you cannot understand something, you never will... unless you change that conviction ;)
Human minds are great great tools and are capable of more things that most of people are aware of. Just give it a chance. You won't understand anything, or learn anything new, unless you open for the new, or unless you start attentively observe the reality without a burden of old convictions and unless you start searching and thinking outside the box on your own. It requires much abstractive thinking. Unfortunately nowadays collective mind of societies has strongly pared down world-view and it pours down on single people living in this civilization. Have in mind that such a world-view is also a beliefs system, not so strongly based on strong scientific evidences.
Just open your mind for more, like ancient philosophers who could see more without such tools like we have these days. Good luck and everything which is good... :)
I was thinking about magic when I was younger but right now I believe that even if magic exists, it's something we still don't understand.
ReplyDeleteI have but then I've realized it actually doesn't really matter and we, as a humanity, still don't have enough information to conclude anything about that matter.
I tried that exercise and it was alright but then I remembered I had to finish writing this comment.
I've tried lucid dreaming and it was quite interesting experience. I think everyone should at least try to achieve it once. I wouldn't compare it to telekinesis or telepathy, though. Lucid dreaming is just a state of your mind while the other two are mostly fantasy or sci-fi.
Yes, these things can seem to be slightly different, but it depends on how you look at it. Once I read a sentence which I liked very much. It said: "Some people thinks that levitating is a miracle, that teleportation is a miracle, that walking on a water is a miracle, that telekinesis or a telepathy is a miracle... But I think that fact that I am alive and surrounded by all of what surrounds me, and that I can just walk and wonder... This is miracle."
DeleteIn some way just the act of living is a fantasy already.
If we only knew more about the world maybe it would appear that any state of mind isn't such a casual thing as you treated it. And such phenomenas as telepathy, which certainly exists due to testimonies of witnesses, some day will be explained in more broad and clear way and more people will be able to believe. Because there are people who waits for others to proove something and then take it for granted, and there are people who search and proove things, like scientist and philosophers. Everyone has to choose wether they want to control their lives and pave new pathways, or to follow paths of the others, not knowing if they leads in their desirable direction.
I don't really believe in magic. I know, quite sad to say. I used to think that it was hidden and real but that was when I was much younger than I am now.
ReplyDeleteBut then having for example electricity is almost magical, it's something we didn't understand before. U think magic can be described as science we dont understand yet ;)
I have never tried any of the techniques that you have mentioned except the lucid dreaming. I think it worked a few times, never liked it and stopped doing it.
I understand.
DeleteYes, I believe that in some future people learn to explain scientificaly things which today are treated like magic or are thought to be unreal or only creation of imagination.
I have never looked at it seriously but it seems to me that it's possible. I even know people who consider themselves to be a witch. They think they are casting spells on other witches. I don't know how much they believe it but it's freaky. Until they hurt anyone, let them cast these spells. Maybe this is their way of life. Honestly I don't know what to think about it. On the one hand, it's funny on the other creepy. My boss does Tarot. It is also some form of magic, occultism. She often burns black candles and others incense for demons. I believe that meditation can bring a lot into our lives, unfortunately I never used it. I never have time fot it. I didn't do this exercise. When I was a kid I used to try to conjure spirit, thank God nothing bad happened.
ReplyDeletePersonally I do not like tarot and this side of things under term of magic. As I said there is many things which people understand under this term and some can be completely different from the other. I think because of such things as tarto, and witchcraft, real positive magic suffers and people turn around from it because of the popular association.
DeleteI would be lying if I would said that I was not dreaming about being a magician. Fantasy movies with the magical environment had some good influance on my children's imagination. Having a super powers, being able to teleport from one place to another or simply flying on a wooden stick were things that looked quite real back then.
ReplyDeleteSuch definition of magic is already an abstract aspect for me. I have never actually thought about methaphysics and such aspects. I simply did not bound these 2 things together.
From the stuff you have mentioned I have heard only about the lucid dreaming. To be honest I think that things such as telekinesis or telepathy are real and if they will ever be. I treat them as fantasy.
No, I don't see magic. I don't belive in magic. From above stuff I've heard about the lucid dreaming. I think something can be there. But I have never experienced it myself, and until I experience it, I take it with a grain of salt.
ReplyDeleteAnd I never try any magic and I don't want
DeleteMagic can be seen on cinema screens, read about it in a book, and even see different kinds of screenings on the street. But is it magic or just an illusion?
ReplyDeleteSince I remember magic, I associated it with people who control themselves, are intelligent and think differently than most people. Thanks to this, magicians have always been seen as people of a great deed and at the same time clinginging to the shadows of other "great", just like the Merlin you mentioned. That's how magic looks to me.
As a high school student, I was still wondering how the world came into being, when and why, and who is behind it all. These questions, however, have not been answered, and it seems to me that I will probably not receive a true or at least sensible answer, except, of course, for the "Big Bang theory", which still does not answer all my questions. I believe that man was created to ask questions and search for answers, thanks to which we are here where we are.
I used to do similar exercises, but I had no satisfaction and I gave up doing them.
I have not tried any of the phenomena listed by you, but I'm interested in a lucid dream. Supposedly you can get access to the memories from reality, sounds interesting. I am interested in how quickly you can such a dream mastered? Personally, I have not seen any of these phenomena and it is difficult for me to tell if there are people who can move objects or see the future. It's hard to believe it to an ordinary person, but I don't reject that there are such phenomena and I'm sure that each of us would like to move objects or float above the earth :)
Hah, it was nice to read what you wrote. I share your point of view ;)
DeleteI’ve never tried psi telekinesis, but I believe in telepathy. Although science still doesn’t confirm it, I think it exists. We often hear about such cases in siblings of twins. Despite the lack of scientific confirmation, I consider telepathy as some kind of "magic". It's amazing that two separate minds can connect. Although I haven’t experienced it myself, but for some reason I believe in it. I would like to try one day, but I know it is impossible. I have only heard about a lucid dream, but I have never experienced it either.
ReplyDeleteExactly, telepathy is experienced spontaneously from time to time by many people.
DeleteHave in mind that when you think something is possible, maybe it will happen, or maybe not (sometimes it depends on how hard you try or excercise). But when you think something is impossible, it will be so for sure ;)
Ah ... magic magic :) the dream of many, but most of those dreamers are in it simply for its many benefits rather there for pure self development. I can see that Author of this text is very much into this magical magic, but as also mentioned in the text, I simply call it psychology, physics, chemistry ... its all there, just need to explore enough. I remember the time in history called medieval, in those times people were forbidden to learn, so they can be consoled by this unknown force that is magic.
ReplyDeleteTo conclude this, I a big fun of magic, and I believe it exist, just I dont call it magic ;p
For me pure self development is the biggest and the greatest and the most important part of magic. And in the other way - magic is inextricably linked with self development and without it it is impossible to develop the self over a certain level. And of course big part of magic nowadays can be known under psychology etc. but in the past people did not have so great tools to understand things, so they made researches in indirect way and have been calling it in other ways. And I am not talking about stupid trials of some rituals or telling a future from tea or cards. I am talking about real complex and wise philosophical systems which can be used with benefits even today and still explain some things which science has problems to do so. Because present science isn't enough to understand the world and life, in the opposite to what you wrote. Well, maybe it is enough if we would treat the world very shallowly and ignore many questions and experiences. But who knows, maybe in some future science will find answers for magical things too. There are some trials and some of them are very interesting.
DeleteAnd personally usually I don't call magic magic too, but I am aware that there is something magical in it and that there are still many things waiting to be discovered and explained :)
How do I see magic? Well, I don't see it at all. I don't believe in magic, metaphysics, telekinesis or telepathy. Or to be more precise, I don't spend time thinking about it. Daily life is consuming most of my attention and I don't have much time left for such abstract aspects.
ReplyDeleteSo what you are telling us is that you don't think abstractively at all? It is impossible, because human intelligence is quite based on ability of abstact thinking. So the conclusion is, if you almost don't think abstractively, you deprive yourself of possibility to experience and to understand much of what the world and life are offering to all of us.
DeleteI understand knowadays we all have so much time for important things. But believe me, it is worth to slow down from time to time. Just try to do the experiment I described. But do it with mean, not sloppily. Then you should experience something and understand something new, something different, somthing what I am talking about ;)
No, magic does not exist. Sorry. From my perspective it only exists as a word describing something people do not understand . I do believe, that we don't fully understand the world we live in. When I was a kid, I saw it diffrently, but now I am a Bachelor of Science in Physics. There's still a lot to discover, but I think that everything has it's own explaination - only a knowledge or imagination is stopping us to do so. I do care about my psyhic healt so I rather try to avoid lucid dreaming, hypnosis and stuff like that - I see them as a danger, power of our mind are also a big question for science.
ReplyDeleteYes it can be dangerous, but also powerfull and unusual. The phenomenon called PLACEBO can make people heal themeselves without any real medicines. It looks like magic, science can't explain it, but I believe there is some logical explanation under it for sure, though we do not know it yet. But the phenomenon exists. The same with many other less or more abstract things which we can call magical.
DeleteI believe that there are phenomena which a man can not explain (perhaps only for now). If the science is not able to explain them, the more I will succeed. Magic as the name of these phenomena is just as good word as any other.
ReplyDeleteI do not believe in metaphysics and the like, but sometimes it is difficult to resist the impression that karma does not exist.
No, I didn't, but if there is even a small chance to feel the difference, it might be worth trying.
Yes, I heard about each of them. A few of my friends have tried lucid dreams. Unfortunately, I fall asleep immediately when my head touches the pillow.
So if it is worth trying, why haven't you done this then?..
DeleteCannot treat magic seriously due to my faith. All this information about the possibilities of brain usage do not convince me. Metaphysics, lucid dreams, telekinesis looks like some alternate, unknown world, which shouldn't be touched, also from my perspective it's not from the "good" source, so I'm avoid that.
ReplyDeleteI understand and do not push. But let me at least explain my point of view.
DeleteThe faith you are talking about uses various magic schemes every day - connection with higher beings, higher energy, resonance with holy spirit, various rituals, meditation, contemplation, mantras as prayers, etc. They all are the same like in some other magical systems. What only differs - the names, but some methods are very similiar or sometimes even the same.
From conscious mage point of view, we are living in a magical world, so there is no chance to do not touch it. So either you will learn to use it consciously, or you will be like flag on the wind, or piece of wood on the ocean.
There is no such a thing as magic in the world. And that is a fact. I heard about lucid dreams, but there is nothing magical in them. That is just a little game our brain plays with us, nothing more.
ReplyDeleteBut have you tried to do the experiment?
DeleteIf there is no magic, how would you explain that anything exists at all? Or what with Out of Body Experiences, or Near Death Experiences? What about miraculous recoveries, or testimonies and evidences of telepathy and dejavu or seeing ghosts? There are many experiences going on in people lives, but probably most of them won't confess because they are afraid of being ridiculed. Science has no proofs for many things. You know only what you know. You must also know that there are things you don't know. And beside these there are also things you don't even know you don't know. How can you tell then that there is no such thing as magic and that it is a fact? You can't, because science knows too little knowadays. And your every denial will be only a belief, what you are trying to defence from.
First of all I’d like to tell that I was sceptic and had negative attitude about that topic. I thought it will be some no sense or things from fairy tales. But calling relaxing exercise as a magic was pretty interesting idea.
ReplyDeleteWhen I hear a word magic I imagine films or books which I’ve read as a child such as Lord of the Rings, or Harry Potter. Nowadays for me this power forces are just creation of authors and by growing and learning physics over years it’s sounds quiet stupidly.
To be honest I did think about universe or whole sense of life. In my opinion life beyond our Earth exists and its only matter of time when we will discover it. Maybe I won’t be able witness it but I’m sure human kind will make that discover.
I’d read about similar exercise before but I hadn’t time to do that so now I’ve forced myself to do it. And in fact calming myself down wasn’t so easy as I thought. But in the end it was pretty enjoyable experiment and I think I will continue to do it regularly to get rid of daily stress.
I have never tried things like telekinesis or telepathy but I’ve heard about them and for me it’s a lie. That abilities are against of basics laws of physics. If it was me who had that power, I’d rob some banks to be free from work. But I have never heard of that accidents or something similar so that’s why I don’t believe in such things.
I am very very glad I helped you to get come back to this excercise :)))
DeleteBut about telepathy or telekinesis, they are not against basics laws of physics. No law tells it is impossible. And nobody told that telepatgy or telekinesis have to break physical laws to exist. And what is more, physics do not describe everything. We, from a scientifical point of view, do know very little about the world yet. Some people try to find and proove different theories which would descrive our world in a different way, which would explain more and do not contradict present knowledgle. There are many interesting works doing so.
And about robberies with use of telepathy... I think telepathy is very weakly developed ability in nowaday humankind, but it is real and possible to excercise. Although it needs much empathy and understanding, so nobody who would develop such skill couldn't even think of stealing.
How do I see magic? I don’t see. I’m too old to believe in magic. Of course, when I was a child, I dreamed about having super powers but that’s all. Now i'm adult and I had many chances in my life to understand how this world works, I have no doubts that “behind” all magicians always we can find money and power. But, what's funny i believe in telepathy. I think we need to learn how to use our brain more effectively and results can be interesting......
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting. You said you don't believe in magic, but you believe in telepathy. You contradict yourself ;)
DeleteGreat text, you did take controversial topic. I did tried your exercise. I needed some time for relax, so it was quite relaxing. I heard about lucid dreaming. It is quit iteresting. My view about real magic is people wisdom that they gather by years, not more. I don't believe there can exist magic without infuence from other people.
ReplyDeleteThank you :) I am glad you are glad :D
DeleteYes, much of magic is just a wisdom in practice, but I thing also there exist things that science can't explain yet...
I have never really believed in magic and always treated it as a fantasy (I loved reading about dragons and wizards :)). However, as a kid, I was really scared of some supernatural entities (like devils, ghosts, daemons etc) related to christian religion. Having watched documentary movies about Satan haunting innocent people and listened to terrifying storied told by the priest during religion classes, I could not sleep during night. When I became mature, started working and facing real-life problems, I stopped caring for supernatural stuff - I really have too many true problems on my plate to solve.
ReplyDeleteI believe there is some destiny in life, a force that guides us.
ReplyDeleteThat there are for example no coincidence, that nothing happens without a meaning. People we meet or things that happen are connected together. Bad experiences are placed there intentionally to teach us something. Some events have a deeper meaning in them, that we cannot discover right await, but after some time we will know their true nature. I don't think we can reason everything, as soon things in life are not logical, they outside our reasoning.
Yes, maybe we can't understand everything, but for sure we can understand a lot, and far more than humankind understands today.
DeleteAnd sometimes I have too this impression that nothing happens without a reason...
1. How do you see magic? Have you ever taken any serious look on the matter?
ReplyDeleteI don't believe in magic, I think it's just some concept that came out in history to tell about things that people didn't understand. But of course, in some historical perspective it's interesting
2. Regardless of the mainstream and common impression about magic, have you ever wondered about any metaphysics or deep and abstract aspects of life and whole universe?
No, I mean, maybe I did in case of some life in space but it's not magic, I was just thinking about it, because maybe somewhere far away there is some life.
3. Did you do the exercise I described above? How was your experience?
I did and it's similar to meditation. I wouldn't compare it to magic, it's just psychological. You boost some hormones in your brains and then you feel better.
4. Have you ever tried any other more controversial stuff like psi telekinesis, telepathy or lucid dreaming? Or just have heard of them? What is your point of view about these things?
No I didn't, I'm not interested in that kind of stuff, because I want to see the life as it is, with it's all honesty and experience. That's my type of magic :)
1. How do you see magic? Have you ever taken any serious look on the matter?
ReplyDeleteI don't believe in magic. I believe in power of human brain and mind. And I truly believe that humans can achieve much more with their minds that they really think they do. That's why meditation and mindfulness trainings are important, because meditation and better control over our thoughts need to be trained, like any other activity.
2. Regardless of the mainstream and common impression about magic, have you ever wondered about any metaphysics or deep and abstract aspects of life and whole universe? Yes, but not in the "magic" therms. I like to think about stuff through science and things we can prove with psychological experiments.
3. Did you do the exercise I described above? How was your experience? No, but it sounds familiar to meditation and I meditate on daily basis :) I highly recommend training mindfulness to everybody.
4. Have you ever tried any other more controversial stuff like psi telekinesis, telepathy or lucid dreaming? Or just have heard of them? What is your point of view about these things?
No, because I am not interested in lucid dreaming. And I don't believe in telekinesis nor telepathy as there is no proof that this is even possible. So far we don't have any solid facts to prove that, so I am not interested at all.
I don't believe in magic or shamans or sth like that. I believe in me and my mind. I just respect other point of view, but don't believe that magic can be real. If you can't measure something and explain in science terms that is not existing. Maybe one day I will try your exercise, but not today :) In my opinion telekinesis is not existing and there is not any hard proof of that.