Tuesday 12 April 2016

Week 3: [11.04-.17.04.2016] The World's Parkour and Freerunning

The World's Parkour and Freerunning
Parkour was created in France and the first person whose practiced it was David Belle, Traceur and an actor best known for the films 13 District and 13 District ultimatum. He is pattern for another traceur and everyone want be want like run how him.

Rys.1. David Belle
source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cjibtmSLxQ4/maxresdefault.jpg
The following link to the interview with David Bell where you can see a few tricks.
The main idea of Parkour is to get to your destination in an unconventional way, e.g. when everyone goes in a normal manner by and sees obstacles, try go around this. But Traceur (person who grown parkour) jumps on  or try jump them in a very impressive way. In parkour we distinguish many styles of movement that are developed by a traceur. Very often a traceur not only runs and jumps but he also climbs on different buildings and monuments. It's dangerous but for a traceur it's a place where he can get great skills and he can exercise flow. Basics tricks are: one hand vault, two hands vault, monkey vault and roll.
Rys.2. One hand trick
Source: http://img01.deviantart.net/857c/i/2012/218/e/f/speed_vault_vector_by_kaka916kayz-d5a0nsj.jpg

Rys.3. Monkey Vault
Source: http://o4.fbl.pl/w640/fbl-2008/200812/27467315/monkey-vault.jpg
More advanced tricks are: balance, gap jump, kong vault, cat vault, climb up, back flip and many more. Very performing arts are for me flag and half flag.

Rys.4. Flag
Source: http://m.ocdn.eu/_m/be657a0a8fa6e13519013e5a3627c22c,62,37.jpg

Rys.5. Kong Vault
Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6d/65/11/6d651180e32a22559f1131f311920d80.jpg

Rys.6. Jump
Source: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/parkour/images/c/cb/4508_1002576923124_1785871406_700_918771_n.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100406145016
Very often parkours are an inspiration to create feature films. The best example was a film Yamakasi and Yamakasi 2 where we can see a group of young people whose run and do various stunts to do something for bigger objective. It's a very interesting film for a person whose likes fast action and the French type of humour. It’s a good film for a Friday  evening or for see in bigger package of friends in Saturday meeting.

Rys.7. Yamakasi
Source: http://1.fwcdn.pl/po/14/17/31417/7537330.3.jpg
Sometimes this type of film show young people whose develop their passions  what great tricks and skills can be learned, expressing some involvement. Therefore, for persons whose want to rest from the computer, was created a lot of schools where under the guidance of coaches can improve technics and skils.
This sport is for everyone who want have fit and durable body. Who want impressive overcome obstacles. If you like train hard, you can be the best traceur in your district, town or country.

1. Have you ever heard about Parkour and what do you think about it?
2. Have you ever try do it? Which tricks are the most liked?
3. How do you think, whether the sport has a chance get more popularity?


  1. 1.The first time i found out about parkour it was from the movie which you described, Yamakasi. I was fascinated but it passed quickly when it turned out tha it isn't so easy;]
    2. I tried but definitely it is not something to be proud. It isn't for me.
    3. I think there is a chance because these thinks make a big impression so surely there will be people who will want to learn it.

  2. 1. "Yamakasi" - this is the first thought. I haven't seen any Traceur live - only on YouTube. It's amazing what people can do or where they can get on foot.
    2. Unfortunately, I'm not a sport enthusiast but sometimes I feel like a ninja - when I see my bus/tram, I'll overcome every obstacle (curbs, fences, walls) to catch it ;)
    3. Yes, It's quite popular in media (films, games) + It's free. We don't have to pay for a possibility to train it - only thing which we need is a strong will to self-improve.

  3. 1. Have you ever heard about Parkour and what do you think about it?

    Of course, the first time I've heard about Parkour was when I was
    still in primary school. In my opinion Parkour is a very hallenging and dangerous sport with many opportunities to get yourself hurt.
    For me it is too risky. You could break your legs or arms when falling from high buildings!

    2. Have you ever try do it? Which tricks are the most liked?

    Fortunately no and I am not going to try this sport. This is too
    dangerous like I noticed above. I like the Wall Spin trick which consists of jumping onto a wall and spinning around. This trick is very eye-catching because you look like the spider man.

    3. How do you think, whether the sport has a chance get more popularity?

    Maybe in the future the sport will grow in popularity. There are a
    lot of crazy and brave people which love adrenaline which could be
    interested in it.

  4. I love watching parkour videos. It’s just amazing how some people can move. Some tricks look spectacularly and I wonder if is it difficult to learn them? Or you just have to be fit and practise for a while? Anyway, I don’t do parkour and I don’t think I will try in the future but I really enjoy watching (but short few-minutes videos not movies).

  5. 1. Have you ever heard about Parkour and what do you think about it?
    2. Have you ever try do it? Which tricks are the most liked?
    3. How do you think, whether the sport has a chance get more popularity?

    I found out about a parkour from the movie, but i've never tried it by myself, i think it's not so safe if you don't prepare properly. It's easy to get injury. I think it's popular but in movies, because it looks good in camera, it gives the illusion of action.

  6. 1. I have heard about Parkour only from movies. I think it is a great thing to watch. On the screen it looks very professional and you can see that the person who does it must be very muscled. I also like the escape scenes in the movies with the use of the parkour, they are always very exciting.

    2. I think as a kid everybody was making parkour while climbing and jumping of a trees and fences. Now I like sports but parkour is not something that I want to do. I am not a very flexible person and I think I could get hurt myself.

    3. I think that parkour is known from years and if it did not get the recognition since then, I think that it will not be popular with a wider group.

  7. 1. Have you ever heard about Parkour and what do you think about it?

    As collegues from above, I heard about from Yamakasi film. Also I saw couple films from youtube. I thinks that this sport is "glorification" of best French skill -> running away :). I'm really not into it, but still I think that you need skills and strength for it.
    2. Have you ever try do it? Which tricks are the most liked?

    I never tried it. And I don't have any tricks that I like.

    3. How do you think, whether the sport has a chance get more popularity?

    I don't think so. It doesn't have huge relevance in media, it's not interesting (in my opinion). There'll be probably base of hardcore fans of it and that will be all.

  8. 1. Have you ever heard about Parkour and what do you think about it?

    As collegues from above, I heard about from Yamakasi film. Also I saw couple films from youtube. I thinks that this sport is "glorification" of best French skill -> running away :). I'm really not into it, but still I think that you need skills and strength for it.
    2. Have you ever try do it? Which tricks are the most liked?

    I never tried it. And I don't have any tricks that I like.

    3. How do you think, whether the sport has a chance get more popularity?

    I don't think so. It doesn't have huge relevance in media, it's not interesting (in my opinion). There'll be probably base of hardcore fans of it and that will be all.

  9. Yes, I have heard about Parkour. This is a great motif in music videos. It looks great, but I can not imagine that I could perform at least one trick. I think that this is a sport for the brave people, who are aware of their body.

  10. 1. Have you ever heard about Parkour and what do you think about it?

    I've learned about it from Yamakasi movie, and some russian youtube videos :)

    2. Have you ever try do it? Which tricks are the most liked?

    I never tried it, but i think all climbing related tricks are my favorite

    3. How do you think, whether the sport has a chance get more popularity?

    I dont think it will be very popular, it will still exist as its something unique and fun to watch, but I dont see it being a major competitive sport

  11. 1. Of course , I heard about Parkour . This is a very dangerous and difficult sport . I think you have to have an innate talent to practice parkour . 13th District is one of my favorite movies .

    2. I've never tried Parkour , because I fear that I might end up in a cast over his body .

    3. I hear less and less about Parkour , I think you will be getting less popular .


  12. 1. Heh, it really makes me feel old when I see that Yamakasi was made in 2001. It was a huge deal for me and my friends to see it then. Everyone wanted to do parkour afterwards, but children's exploits were not as exciting and the ones made by this movie's protagonists. It looked more like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNiekjk3u2Q then.
    2. As aforementioned I did try this a few times at least when I was a child. I don't remember if it ended with any serious injury, but this fad was quick to fade. Skateboards were just around the corner.
    3. I forgot about this movie completely and my most recent memory or thought of it pictures parkour as in the Office video I posted, so I think it's not that popular nowadays. Although, I might be wrong, because recently a movie called Hardcore Henry has hit theaters and it's based on a music video which contains a lot of parkour-like stunts.


  13. 1. Heh, it really makes me feel old when I see that Yamakasi was made in 2001. It was a huge deal for me and my friends to see it then. Everyone wanted to do parkour afterwards, but children's exploits were not as exciting and the ones made by this movie's protagonists. It looked more like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNiekjk3u2Q then.
    2. As aforementioned I did try this a few times at least when I was a child. I don't remember if it ended with any serious injury, but this fad was quick to fade. Skateboards were just around the corner.
    3. I forgot about this movie completely and my most recent memory or thought of it pictures parkour as in the Office video I posted, so I think it's not that popular nowadays. Although, I might be wrong, because recently a movie called Hardcore Henry has hit theaters and it's based on a music video which contains a lot of parkour-like stunts.

  14. 1. Have you ever heard about Parkour and what do you think about it?
    Yes I have. I think it’s really incredible way of going through city. I really loved Yamakasi films :)
    2. Have you ever try do it? Which tricks are the most liked?
    I haven’t try it. I’m not really athletic type.
    3. How do you think, whether the sport has a chance get more popularity?
    I think it might have a chance. I believe there are some training spots even in Warsaw.

  15. Hi Adam,

    1. Have you ever heard about Parkour and what do you think about it?

    Yes, I have heard about Parkour. I think it is a great thing to watch.

    2. Have you ever try do it? Which tricks are the most liked?

    I have never tried it and unfortunately I do not know any tricks.

    3. How do you think, whether the sport has a chance get more popularity?

    I don't think so. It doesn't have huge relevance in media I think that parkour is known from years.

  16. 1. Have you ever heard about Parkour and what do you think about it?
    Yes, I've heard first time about parkour few years ago thanks to Yamakasi movie. It's nice thing to watch and also good for kids who lives in city centres, where they can't play football or other games due to lack of proper space.

    2. Have you ever try do it? Which tricks are the most liked?
    No, I didn't tried it. Also I cannot tell you about tricks because I doesn't know their names.

    3. How do you think, whether the sport has a chance get more popularity?
    In my opinion parkour popularity will not increase. Biggest chances it had few years ago, now it tends to lose "players".

  17. 1. It seems that all of us have watched Yamakasi movie :) However, I think that most of stunts in the move might be directed and carefully planed. Nevertheless, I've seen some YT clips of free runners, which were less effective but still amazing.

    2. I haven't try it. It involves great agality which unfortunately is not my forte.

    3. I also think that it won't get very popular. It has been around for some time time now and I don't see many free runners in Poland.

  18. 1. Have you ever heard about Parkour and what do you think about it?
    Yes I had heard about Parkour quite a long time ago, it was like 10 years ago. I think that it's a really nice and orignial way to stay in a good form, furthermore it allows to develop our body to unimaginable level. I'm really glad that nowadays there are so many new ways of workout discovered, it allows us to stay in good shape and make people more focused on healthy way of living.

    2. Have you ever try do it? Which tricks are the most liked?
    No I didn't tried it, but there are still a lot of springs to live through.

    3. How do you think, whether the sport has a chance get more popularity?
    Honestly, I don't think that this sport will become more popular than it's right now, the main reasone of that is that people don't want to risk their health, as it's a very dangerous sport. There are people which have some sort of healthy imagination, and there are those ones which don't, that's the reason why this sport is not for everybody.

  19. 1.Have you ever heard about Parkour and what do you think about it?
    Yes, I heard about it. I think it's a good way to express yourself. In my opinion extreme sports are shaping the personality. However, it is a kind of sport for selected group of people. Not Everyone have strong knee joints. I didn't try. I think this sport is now popular. I rember wheh, i frist had heard about it, I was ony 10, maybe 11 years old, and I spending holidays on acrobatic dance colonies. I was impressed this sport. Now I'm 23 years and I think that all extreme sports siill growing- we have more and more disciplines of extreme sports like parkour.

  20. 1.Have you ever heard about Parkour and what do you think about it?
    Yes, I heard about it. I think it's a good way to express yourself. In my opinion extreme sports are shaping the personality. However, it is a kind of sport for selected group of people. Not Everyone have strong knee joints. I didn't try. I think this sport is now popular. I rember wheh, i frist had heard about it, I was ony 10, maybe 11 years old, and I spending holidays on acrobatic dance colonies. I was impressed this sport. Now I'm 23 years and I think that all extreme sports siill growing- we have more and more disciplines of extreme sports like parkour.
