Friday 1 April 2016

Week 2 [28.03-3.04] That Sugar Film

Watch the documentary That Sugar Film at
and comment on it.


  1. Thanks for this movie. This material is yet another proof of how much is sugar unsafe. Obviously not every sugar is bad but the one contained in processed foods like for example sweet beverages, cereals or cookies. We should deliver the sugar by the means of vegetables and fruits. The elevated levels of sugar in our blood can cause heart diseases, insatiable hunger, obesity, high blood pressure and much more. We must take care of ourselves because the health is the most important.

  2. Thank you for sharing this video.
    I already knew the consequences of eating so much sugar in everyday meals, but again it shocked me... The worst problem is that it's almost impossible to avoid 'bad sugar' in products that we are buying in grocery shops.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very good , simple film showing the biggest problem today - the excess sugar in the daily diet . This is a problem which we are not aware .

    There are three white death - White flour , salt and sugar .
    Most people do not care about your body from the inside . They have no idea what is going on in Their body and what they eat junk food every day . This film perfectly demonstrates what sugar is doing to our poor body . Sugar Causes a number of diseases as obesity , diabetes and even cancer . Unfortunately, nowadays there is a lot of sweet temptations at your fingertips . People need to be aware of how sugar can ruin Their body . If the want to live a long and healthy life - in sports and to give up These 3 white death .
    We should enter into a daily diet of fresh juices from fruits and vegetables to cleanse the body of toxins and prevent many diseases .

  5. I'm not a fan of eating sugar and never been. It's kind of scary how "healthy food" is advertised as good for you when in fact its not.

    But that just goes to show how people will believe anything you tell them and how carelessness about diet can hurt your body.

  6. The film brings up the issue of high sugar consuming in the western societies. Sugar eating is described as a contemporary addiction. In fact, the documentary’s made in an amusing way, but this half- funny half-sarcastic style brings out the paradox that we live in. On the one hand, sugar eating is a common addiction that causes a lot of harm in human bodies, and on the other hand food producers are throwing the buck at lazy, greedy and voracious customers. Meanwhile the majority (80%) of products provided by food companies consists of sugar. So it’s quite a challenge to do the low-sugar shopping these days.

  7. People know that sugar is harmful, but such new productions can open the eyes even wider. Seeing how sugar negatively acts on our body really works on the imagination. Watching this document reminded me of several issues about sugar and healthy diet. Such productions are needed to educate people what they charge in their organisms, because the sugar intake is increasing, also in Poland, so it is worth looking for knowledge about the dangers of sugar and spread it further.

  8. Good, simple film that tell us about how sugar could destroy our health, both mentally and physically.
    I'm especially concerned with problems that are connected the topic because my dad have diabetes and this illness is strictly connected to "distribution" of sugar to your organism.
    On daily basis I don't use sugar to sweeten things. I prefer honey, it's healthier :) And still works!
    To this day i remember pic in which was shown amount of sugar in coke. That was really mind blowing.,640,0,0,0.jpg

  9. Thank You for sharing this film. It's very important to educate society on healthy diet, because obesity and diabetes are a real epidemic nowadays. That documentary had a very big impact on me and I will show it to my family and friends for sure. Due to health problems I have to eat products containing as little sugar as possible so this movie was really up to date for me.

  10. The worst is that it's almost impossible to completely avoid sugar in your diet. I've heard that sugar might be found even in some hams... People don't read labels on products they buy and even if they do, they don't realise how much sugar is too much. Therefore, pictures like the one Cezary shared are very educational. Moreover, sugar can be hidden in many names like syrups or chemicals names as well.

    Regarding the film it self, it reminded me of another similar film called "supper size me" where a man was eating only fast foods for a whole month. You can probably guess that the results were similar to sugar diet.

  11. That's another proof of totally unhealthy life during these days.
    It's sad that nowadays we need to waste many minutes of our time in shops and read all these labels and search for sugar, salt, preservatives, gluten and any other unhealthy stuff... It should be limited in some way by government or something, since it is so unhealthy. Without that different companies will continue to poison people. And as we can see the many examples, when ordinary people are able to find substitutes, then all this big companies are also able to improve its products.

  12. It's kind of scary how "healthy food" is advertised as good for you when in fact it is not. This movie reminds me also another similar film called "supper size me" - about Mc Donald's food. It is to show how people will believe anything you tell them and how carelessness about diet can hurt your body.

  13. This film forces me to reflection. Nodays we don't care about what we eat. We try to find the the fastest source of energy. We explain ourselves, that we have a lot of work and duties. So we buy a coffee in Starbucks and others cafes, but we don't realize that every drink can have almost 25 spoons of sugar. Doctors informs us that, we should eat only six spoons a day. Looking into future, eating sugar is cause of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cancer. Sugar is unhealth for our psyche, everybody saw a lot moments at film, when sad lady eating a box of ice cream ( the best known is Bridget Jones) , but we should be careful. Sweets make us more relaxed, but this state of mind colud be unhealth, we shoudd try to find others solution of nervous situations, than eating sweets. The sum up, I think that we should read a labels of products, and care about our psyche.
