Monday 2 May 2016

Week 4 [02.05-08.05.2016] Future of Football

As almost all of us know really well, football is one of the European things.
It comes from England where were written the oldest rules of the game. Premier League is also one of the best leagues and for many years there were biggest money and greatest players. Of course, the other leagues, such as German Bundesliga, Spanish Primera Division or Italian Serie A also have a lot of money, famous footballers and loving fans all over the world. And above all, they have a lot of memorable moments.

Naturally, there were a few exceptions to the rule. For example Brazil… THAT BRASIL. With all these magicians and incredible players. Can you remember all of them? Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Rivaldo, Romario, Pele! A whole galaxy of stars and great results of Brazil National Football Team.

But until recently one thing didn't change. Each player in the world dreamed about  playing in the Champions League.

Unfortunately it is changing nowadays. =20140512180107&MaxW=640&imageVersion=default&AR-140519745.jpg
Increasingly, European clubs are owned by sheikhs who don't have much in common with football. They just need a new, and the most important - trendy and expensive toy.

The World Cup will be held in Qatar in 2022!
How many players do you know from Qatar? Not too many? Don’t worry, they have a few years, so maybe they can manage to buy some not bad players from other countries. Exactly as they did with handball. The 2015 Handball Championship  also hosted by Qatar did not see many  native players (6).
Okay, but these things were less important. What can you tell about names like Guangzhou Evergrande, Jiangsu Suning, Shanghai SIPG FC, Hebei China Fortune?

Probably not much. All of them are names of Chinese football clubs. Each of them has spent many millions of euros for transfers from Europe this season. Evergrande has bought Jackson Martinez from reserves of Atletico Madrid for 42 million euros! To compare, Lewandowski is valued at  70 million, Cristiano Ronaldo at 110 million and Messi at 120 million.!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpg

You wonder what is in the above picture? Nothing special, just a modest football academy of the mentioned Guangzhou Evergrande. Only 80 playing fields, 2 000 students and support from… Real Madrid.
As you can see, they do spend a lot of money and it is only a matter of time when they will buy the best players instead of the average. All of this with the enormous approval of the Chinese president, who is a big fan of football. Probably in a while we will be forced to sit in front of TV on Tuesdays or Wednesday mornings, not evenings like nowadays.
Just be ready to change:


Questions for you:

  1. Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?
  2. What is your favourite sport team and why?
  3. What sporting events are worth  remembering? Why?


  1. 1. Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?
    As you already mentioned, the similar situation took place in the 2015 Handball Championship in Qatar. But Qatar bought not only the players but also the fans from Spain.
    Qataris paid not only for tickets to both sides for fans, but also pledged to pay daily diet amounting to 20 dollars and accommodation in a four-star hotel. Recruited fans had to be in a quandary (I guess) when it came to the game "Qatari" team with the Spanish.
    It is very sad that even a sport is ruled by money.
    2. What is your favourite sport team and why?
    I do not have a favorite sports team. I follow the major sports events such as the World Cup, the European Championship and I support Polish team. But such game as the Champions League is too much for me.
    3. What sporting events are worth remembering? Why?
    For me worth remembering was Football Championship Euro 2012 in Poland and Ukraine. Although the Polish team was very weak, the atmosphere was amazing and all tournament passed friendly and happily.

    1. I forgot about those fans. It's ridiculous. Fortunately, in the case of football, such treatments will probably be barely visible in 2022.
      Yeah, Euro in Poland and Ukraine was amazing, and it's almost four years have passed since it. I wonder when such an event will come to us again.

  2. 1. I’m not really into ‘ball’ sports that are popular in Poland, so I haven’t heard of any situation like this.
    2. Since last year I’m cheering for Rycerska Kadra Polski (you can find them on facebook ). Now our team is fighting in Prague on Battle of the Nations ( ). I’m trying to watch all streamings with our team. In three weeks our national team is going to Portugal for International Medieval Combat Federation Championship. Last year in Malbork (I saw all battles for my own! Amazing feeling) we won 6 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals – I really hope that this year we will be even better :) And you can help them in crowndfunding
    3. I think all medieval championships are unforgettable.

    1. I have watched videos on youtube, it must be hard to fight while wearing all this iron.
      Have you ever tried to participate in such a fight?

    2. It is really hard - full armour is about 30-40kg per fighter.
      I have once tried move in hauberk, but it was not really comfortable ;) In the future I would like to try on a full armour, but probably no one will agree to lend me their precious belongings.

  3. 1. Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?
    No. It's sad when sport is treated only as a way to make bigger money or as a part of sb portfolio.
    2. What is your favourite sport team and why?
    My own, when me and my colleagues are gathering to play football/volleyball/basketball (we are poor players :)) and why: because we are doing it for fun, not for cash.
    3. What sporting events are worth remembering? Why?
    As Klaudia said before: Euro 2012 :) I'm not a football fan, but the awesome atosfere in fan zones, on stadiums and in front of TVs was so addictive...

    1. Indeed. As long as the sport is just fun, it is much more accessible. When money began to enter the game, then everything starts to look like in the example above.

  4. Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?

    I do not really follow sports news so I couldn't tell, maybe something like NFL and Baseball has this problem as well.

    What is your favourite sport team and why?

    My favorite team used to be my speedball team. Speedball (variation of paintball) is a 5v5 or 7v7 game where 2 teams shoot each other on field with covers made of inflated baloons. I just love how fast and adrenaline pumping those matches are.

    What sporting events are worth remembering? Why?

    I agree with others on this one. Its Euro 2012, even tho the city was a nightmare to drive trough, not that many people seemed to care. It was a great example of how sport can get people together (euro zones).

    1. It's hard to say how this is in the NFL, but one thing is the unimaginable. The amount of money for advertising during the Super Bowl. Americans in this thing are really crazy.
      I never heard of speedball. You can play it anywhere just like paintball or asg or only with your own equipment?

    2. You can play on normal fields but make sure everyone uses rented equipment as well because you might end up versing person whos marker shoots 30 balls per second and yours shoots maybe 7-8 tops :D

  5. Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?

    I have not, but I think this kind of changes will take place in all disciplines. I todays world money rules everything, if something becomes popular there will be rich people investing in it if not just for the fun of owning a team then for making money off of it.

    What is your favourite sport team and why?

    I am not really into watching sports so I can not relate to that question but the favourite team is always the one I am on ;)

    What sporting events are worth remembering? Why?

    As many above me said, 2012 Euro, met alot of great people from different countries, and in genereal had alot of fun wathing the games in the zones.

    1. So much the worse if the sport does not bring them profits, and in spite of it to engage and destroy... Just as unfortunately this is currently in football.

  6. Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?

    Sports isn't a very interesting subject for me, so no I haven't heard about any kind of changes in any discipline.

    What is your favourite sport team and why?
    As I mentioned in my previous answer, Im not really a sports fan,so I don't have a fauvorite team.

    What sporting events are worth remembering? Why?
    Maybe Olympics, or Euro, or any other big football championships. They are worth rememebring because it's always a really big entertaining event with a lot of side attractions, and lots of people from different cultures. Organizers are usually setting up a very big show to open and close the event. So it's kind of fun to watch, and it's the part I remember the most.

    1. You're right. Opening and closing ceremonies are interesting. You can thus often get to know a country and its culture, etc. Of course, in such a short glance.

  7. Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?

    Sports isn't a very interesting subject for me, so no I haven't heard about any kind of changes in any discipline.

    What is your favourite sport team and why?
    As I mentioned in my previous answer, Im not really a sports fan,so I don't have a fauvorite team.

    What sporting events are worth remembering? Why?
    Maybe Olympics, or Euro, or any other big football championships. They are worth rememebring because it's always a really big entertaining event with a lot of side attractions, and lots of people from different cultures. Organizers are usually setting up a very big show to open and close the event. So it's kind of fun to watch, and it's the part I remember the most.

  8. 1. Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?

    Recently I heard about the scandal of the World Cup in South Africa in 2012, FIFA officially acknowledged that the World Cup in South Africa was bought! FIFA has sent a large document to the US General Prosecutor's Office, which calls for the return of money seized by investigators corrupt activists. The document also confirms that the organization of the World Cup in 2010, South Africa was awarded as a result of bribes.

    2. What is your favourite sport team and why?

    I do not have your favorite team because it is not interested in everyday football. However, when the game Polish national football team, always them with all my heart I support! :)

    What sporting events are worth remembering? Why?

    As for me the most important sporting event was organized Euro 2012 in Poland. Despite the failure of the Polish team, the atmosphere in Poland was amazing. A famous match against Russia is unforgettable.

    1. Similar stories probably are behind granting the privilege of hosting the World Cup for Qatar and Russia. Though not so long ago, many FIFA activists were arrested...

  9. Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?

    No, I haven't heard about similar changes beside the ones you mentioned. Your example shows that if you have a lot of money you can buy almost everything.

    What is your favourite sport team and why?

    I don't have any favourite sport team, but I'm a big fan of Agnieszka Radwańska. I cheer on her, even if she plays in a double - this should count as a team:)

    What sporting events are worth remembering? Why?

    I had nice memories from Euro 2012 which took place in Poland as well.
    I remember moments full of excitement when I cheered on in the fan zone in Gdańsk. There was an unforgettable atmosphere.

    1. The sad thing is that women like even Agnieszka Radwanska or Justyna Kowalczyk must fight with someone like either of the Williams sisters or Marit Bjoergen.
      Where is the logic and justice?

  10. 1 Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?

    No, I haven’t heard about similar changes in other sports. I am only little interested in football, and I am not a big fan of any football team. The situation that you presented is something that bothers me the most. Now football is only money. Richer teams buy players and now every game is about money, not about the atmosphere and the competitions.

    2 What is your favourite sport team and why?

    As I wrote above I am not a big fan o football. I don’t have my favourite team. I support our country on any competitions they participate. I also sometimes like to watch some sports events from European Championships, Champions League or World Cup.

    3 What sporting events are worth remembering? Why?

    As my predecessors said, one of the events of which I have a great memories was Euro 2012 in Poland. I was a few times in fan zone in Warsaw and the atmosphere was great. All together watching one game and supporting our team, was unforgettable event.

    1. Therefore cool happened that in this season the Premier League champion was Leicester City. The team that last year defended itself against the fall, and about money like a team sheikhs, Manchester City, or any other type of rich teams can only dream of.

  11. 1 Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?

    No, I have not. But it repeatedly strikes me that sport becomes more of a business than fun for common people.

    2 What is your favourite sport team and why?

    I don't have a favourite sport team but if I had to choose, I'd go with Polish volleyball team :) I must say it's one of my favourite sport and it's great we can be proud of our national team.

    3 What sporting events are worth remembering?

    I like watching Olympics Games and other most popular tournaments like word championships. But generally I am not into watching sport so it happens rarely.

    1. Keep your fingers crossed that finally this year to our medal volleyball and handball players the football ones will join! :)

  12. I'm not a fan of any sport so unfortunatelly I haven’t heard about such changes as you described. My mom is always upset with me when she calls me and asks if I’m watching some match and I’m always responding that I have something else to do. But don’t get me wrong, I like sports. Maybe I don’t follow any news connected to any sport discipline but I sometimes watch basketball matches with my boyfriend or play volleyball with friends. And I think that everybody should have something that he or she loves the most and spend every minute for searching and finding some exiting news about it. My „thing” is mobile tech so maybe next time I would write more :D

    1. Maybe someday you will create or come up with some equipment, which will improve something in sports, I don't know, maybe the camera in ball, sensors, etc. :)

  13. 1. There's a huge change coming next season (or one after that) to NBA. There's (finally?) going to be advertisement logos on the jersey of NBA players. To me, it's always been quite surprising that in the USA it's possible for advertisment to stay out of jerseys (which is not a common practice when it comes to sports, where even teams change their names for the sake of their sponsors).
    2. Legia Warsaw. Why? It's a really short answer. I was born in Warsaw and that's how I was brought up.
    3. I think when it comes to sports, it's either joy or pain that you feel and you remember these games that you give you most joy or are painful as hell. Being a supporter of Legia Warsaw the latter come to my mind. Lost opportunities, losing against teams that are worse than Odra Wodzisław, last minute mistakes. That's what etched in my mind.

    1. FC Barcelona also, until recently, had no sponsor logos on the jersey. Probably it was the only one of the top clubs without logo. But everything changes.
      Exactly. Supporting our local clubs provide many nice memories. And all these Polish attempts to advance to the Champions League and so on. So much football powers was on our way, haha :)

  14. 1 Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?

    If we're talking about non native players, for example when we're talking about our volleyball team there is case of Wilfredo Leon. Our table-tennis players are mostly from China.

    2 What is your favourite sport team and why?

    Legia Warszawa. Most of my life I was living near the stadium and I'm interested in football, so it was kinda natural choice for me :)

    3 What sporting events are worth remembering?

    As mentioned earlier, event worth rembembering is Euro 2012. It had really great atmosphere, and because of that event our infrastructure devloped quite well.

    Also I have really great memories from Champions League 2004/2005 where in final Liverpool was against AC Milan and after the first half The Reds were losing 0-3 but they managed to get equalizer and then won in penalty kicks all thanks to superb performance of Jerzy Dudek.

    1. Ah, come on, I'm tired of all these... Roger, Obraniak, Polanski, Cionek etc. I beg for mercy. Never again...
      Oh, Dudek dance in Istanbul - totally unforgettable :)

  15. 1.Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?
    I don't heard about similar changes in other sport, but when i have free time i read about changes in sport. I wait for Olimpic Games where will be play a lot Polish sportmen. I wait for match handball and volleyball. This match will be more exiting.
    2.What is your favourite sport team and why?
    My favorite sport team are Real Madryt, because in this team play a lot great footballer and they play great football. For me its the best team on the world.

    3.What sporting events are worth remembering? Why?
    For me first things are final Champions League when Jerzy Dudek dance on gate and well defended. Second things are Euro 2012 whose are in Poland and Ukraine.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. 1.Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?

    As you can see the correlation between the changes described by you is enormous cash what is to come because football is probably the sport in which the amount of money which are rotated are greatest.
    I personally do not know of another such sport which would within a decade undergone such changes.

    2.What is your favourite sport team and why?

    At one time I loved the team about which you write in the beginning, Brazil - "those Brazil" with football magicians. Now football has become too commercial to be attached to any team.

    3.What sporting events are worth remembering? Why?

    For me the most memorable sports event is the FIFA World Cup in France in 1998 with the brilliantly playing teams of Brazil and France. This was the first championship which I watched entirely and most stuck in my memory Brazilian players tears after losing the final.


  18. It seems that in the today's world money can get you almost anything and I don't really know wheather to percieve it as good or bad. Anywho answering your questions
    1)It seems like most of the popular sports are experiencing similar changes and the case of handball your brought up seems to be a pretty good example
    2) My favourite sports team is Manchester United. One just cannot not love them for their magnificent performance, tradition of pure excellece and amazing community of fans.
    3) To me any sport event you personally find interesting, any that brought some positive emotions into your life is worth remebering, but if I were to name one in particular those would be the last championships in vollayball that were held in Poland. It was just wonderful to see our magnificent players climb the very top and win one game after another. There was just no stoping them! :)


  19. Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?
    It's hard to say, beacause I'm not a big fan of sport. But I remember when 2014 in Polish, was championship in volleyball, and 2012 was EURO in Poland, our goverment try to do it its best, but was a problem with putting the second metro line, and the renovated railway station National Stadium.
    What is your favourite sport team and why?
    I don't have fav team, but if I must choose one, maybe it war Real Madryt, I don't why maybe, beacuse it good known.
    What sporting events are worth remembering? Why? I really hate, ski jumping, it is boaring and so long sport event. The worst thing of the sport journalists are commenting from the studio, long and boring, and moments when they are falling down, every time I look at it, I feel pain. I'm sorry, maybe it could not entirely about footbal, but I' m not a football and sport fan.

  20. 1. Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?
    Well, where is big money there will be also a bigger corruption, that's written in business, and FIFA it's biggest footbal organization, but it's still a business.
    I'm not intrested in Football so It's quite hard for me to say, but I think that there are many examples similar to one which you had wrote about.
    2. What is your favourite sport team and why?

    I'm a big fan of Asseco Resovia Voleyball team, if you would ask me why, I can give you similar example in Football. This year, Leicester City won Premier League Championship, and they did that in quite spectacular way. If you would make a bet and spend one Zloty at the beginning of the season, you would won 50000. That should show you how much they amazed football fans when they won Championship, and there is a similarity with Asseco Resovia, several years ago, it was a very big suprise, when they won Championship and became one of the best voleyball teams in World League.
    That shows how people which are not a big sport stars, and their team haven't have millions dollars of extra money to spend, can achieve something great and beat everyone, that's the true spirit of the sport.

    3. What sporting events are worth remembering? Why?
    I think that instead of watching sport, people should spend that time on performing some :) Our bodies needs some move to be healthy and stay in a good shape due to our genes and ancestors.
    But for sure, we could spend some time watching our favourite teams matches, or watching national events like EURO 2012. I'll never forget what hapenned when our team shoted a goal against Russia, I was watching it from center of fan zone near to Palac Kultury i Nauki. 200 thousand people started shouting GOOOOOOL and they were so happy, that was a really beautifull experience.

  21. 1. Have you heard about similar changes but in other sports?

    Well, I am not as interested in sports as few years ago! So i didn't hear any of news like that. Nevertheless, I can say that not only in sports but in many other areas of business, economics, culture and life in a whole we (Europeans) jeep forgetting how important and powerful Asia has become. I think that this kind of sport transfers somehow just reflect how our world is about to change. Not only with locations, but also with culture and attitude.

    2. What is your favourite sport team and why?

    Well, since I was in elementary school I loved Tottenham Hotspur FC from North London (Arsenal Woolwich go to hell! :D). I really don't remember why, but maybe because most of my friends were fans of Chelsea or Arsenal (if we are speaking about London Football Clubs) and i wanted something different. Then I got into it's history, songs etc etc and BAM!

    3. What sporting events are worth remembering? Why?

    I guess that every FIFA World Cup it is one of the biggest and most spectacular events in history with many nations and people involved in. But i also heard that Rugby or American Football Cups are a biiig deaal1!
