Tuesday 31 May 2016

Week 6 [30.05-5.06.2016] How social media affect us?

How did social media actually influenced our life and the society in general?

First e-mail was sent and delivered in 1971, now we can't imagine our life not only without internet but social media and smartphones. It's all about connections, social media based on our feeling, we are curious what's going on with our friends and family members, we can connect with everybody we want and the same time and feel important to stay well informed. Someone who would remove his accounts, it's like he is not longer exist. If you have social media channels like fabebook, instagram, twitter etc, you probably know what it means.

We almost can feel this pressure. It's psychologically proved that even our bodies receive adrenaline from checking in social media. 10 minutes of using social media can raise oxytocin levels in blood 13%, it creates feelings of trust and security and also reduces anxiety levels. When we use social media channels, we use the same brain area that is activated when we processes feeling about food, sex and money.

The number of people using mobile devices for social media increased 500% in just 3 last years.

It's also addictive and make us compare our lives with other people. 

Communication (+)
That's the biggest plus of social media. We are living in a time where the world is open to us. We can contact anyone around the world, at any time and it's free. We can also share elements of our life, from what we enjoy to photos of ourselves and those in our lives. It is like being a part of that person’s world, even though distance keeps you apart.

Business (+)
Social media has definitely made us closer to other parts of the world. Social media is a cheap but very effective way to enhance brand image and popularity compared to TV commercials today.

Knowledge (+)
We can learn from internet and social media channels. We can share a lot of interesting stuff others don't know about.

Productivity (-)
We use social media even at work. You check your profiles or viewing YouTube or your favorite blog during work hours. Data shows that we use social media like facebook 81h a year. We don't spend much time on social media channels but we distract our work a lot of times for quick brakes.

Any privacy (-)
Social media sites and apps encourage everyone to be more and more public about every detail in your personal life. It's hard to control some pictures and posts we forgotten, sometimes even employer could do a background check. We have to be more careful with private life's post and other posted information.  

I think that the effects of social media have been balanced. There are many good things about it, and many bad things. If you can keep your own life real and use social media channels as a small part of it, you should be fine.

1. How often do you use social media?
2. What's the biggest advantage and disadvantage in social media channels in your opinion?


  1. 1) I use social media every day.
    2) The biggest advatange is that you can be able to stay connected with your friends and family.
    The biggest disadvantage is that information on social media are often false. Also people who use too much social media prefer this than their "offline" contact which is sick;)

  2. 1. I use them every day, several times a day
    2. The advantage - we know what is going on with our friends. I do not have contact with many people, for example, from High School, but in social media I know what is happening with them, what they are doing etc.
    Disadvantage - false information. Very often on social networking sites appear false informations. For example that a famous person has died or there are requests for the transfer of money for sick children, but really it is extorting money by scammers. This is disgusting.

  3. 1. I use it every day.
    2. In my opinion one of the biggest disadvantages of social media channels is that people forgets about safety. I just don’t know why people believes in all this prizes that they can get from clicking ‘Like’ or why people are opening articles from not safe source – it ends with hundreds of viruses in their computers – but they still are clicking it without thinking.
    At the other extreme we have as an advantage of using social media that we can be in touch with people all over the world.

    1. I think we all use social media everyday :) But more important question is how many times we open facebook app or how long we can spend on other social media channels.

    2. In work I trying to not use FB app on my mobile, but it sometimes happens. On the other hand when I'm back home I open tab in the background with FB and mostly I'm glancing there when I hear notification

  4. 1. Too often :)
    2. Advantage: It's cheap and fast way of communication. Disadvantage: time-consuming.

  5. 1. Everyday, mostly messenger.
    2. Biggest advantage is getting information, for instance war reports and such. Those are hard to control for media and government. Whats bad about them is that sometimes people tend to forget how to communicate in real life.

    1. That's true, we all so used to communicate in social media, sometimes we forgot how to communicate in real life.

  6. 1. How often do you use social media?
    I use it almost everyday.

    2. What's the biggest advantage and disadvantage in social media channels in your opinion?
    Advantages: First - ability to choose things which we are interested in, and then we see mostly them. Second - thanks to them, it's easier to keep in touch with friends and other people which you know.
    Disadvantages: it's really effective time waster. Also informations are really often false. And there is totally no privacy in your life...

  7. 1. How often do you use social media?

    I use social media everyday. I am always connected to facebook on my smartphone. Additionally I use Linkedin to communicate with various people from IT businesses.

    2. What's the biggest advantage and disadvantage in social media channels in your opinion?

    The biggest advantage of social media is the fact that I can exchange information in real-time via chat with my friends. On the business side social media is a great place for marketing, because we have a fast access to a large crowd/population. It is cheaper than traditional advertising and promotional activities. I think the biggest disadvantage is that our relationships change to only virtual contact.

    1. That's true, we all so used to communicate with friends in social media channels sometimes we have more virtual contact with some people on facebook than real life face-to-face conversations.

  8. 1. I use social media every day.

    2. Biggest advantage is getting information in a short time. Whats bad about them is that sometimes people tend to forget how to communicate in real life. It can be also dangerous addiction.

  9. 1. I usually social media every day, my fav are Facebook, pinterest and youtube.

    2. The biggest advantage is the fact that, people can sharing their emotions, whenever they want, and talking each other for free. In my opinion the biggest disadvantage is the fact, that people prefer contact by social media because is faster than typical meetings in reality. What can be the answer, why people feel more and more lonely.

  10. 1. I use it almost all the way. By which, I mean Twitter. I find it a great source of information. I had a Facebook account for a few year, but at some point I just stopped using it, so I deleted my profile.
    2. The biggest advantage is that I can learn and get to know new stuff almost unwittingly. I just follow people who I find interesting and/or entertaining. I'm always up to date on things that I want to know.

  11. 1. How often do you use social media?

    Yes , every day I use Facebook , Instagram , Snapcha t and YouTube

    2. What's the biggest advantage and disadvantage in social media channels in your opinion?

    Advantages - fast communication with your friends, meet new friends , social media is the best marketing for new products, i think more better than TV ads.

    Cons - devourer of time, too much care about the opinions of others . We give too much information about yourself , eg . What we do, where we left . As a result, it is good news for thieves , they know when we have an empty house and can rob us .

  12. 1. How often do you use social media?

    I use facebook everyday and some other social media from time to time.

    2. What's the biggest advantage and disadvantage in social media channels in your opinion?

    The biggest advantage is the ease of communication. For instance, it's often easier and quicker to contact via fb than call. In fact I use fb mostly as a giant contact book. I rarely comment or read other's comments. However, it happens that I stumble upon an interesting link at fb.

    The disadvantage for me is lack of privacy. Recently, I was reading some resources about big data and it struck me how little information is needed to profile an individual - companies don't need your exact name.

  13. I try not to use social media because I’m very susceptible to them. If I start I will spend a whole day just scrolling next pages. I use Facebook only professionally to see if my application works well with it. But personally I love using Pinterest. Some time ago I got interested in soutache (a method of making handmade jewellery) and Pinterest was the perfect place for looking for some inspirations, new ideas and patterns.

    In reference to your article I will disagree with the communication point as it is „the biggest plus of social media”. It's really hard to say if social media boosted or killed our communication skills. The safest option is to say that they've changed the way we communicate. We use emails, text messages etc more often rather than just call somebody.

    1. But can you imagine communication with all your friends without having smartphone and FB? It's just easier that way.

  14. 1. How often do you use social media?

    I don't use almost any of social media. The only one I use is of course Facebook which I visit about 3-5 days a week. I use it usually to message my friends, share some stuff i like and explore music/art news threads like Thump, FACT Mag, Noisey and label/artist pages. I rarely do post anything, i post a photo once in few months, so for me it is a tool for being up to date with things I want to be up to date with.

    2. What's the biggest advantage and disadvantage in social media channels in your opinion?

    The advantage and the core idea of course is the connection between people/groups - easy and instant communication, but i think that the initial mission brought by social media has become in most part kinda grotesque - right now we have tons of people overexposing their lives and thoughts about anything. I also think that it caused a show-off syndrome in many cases which is really funny and a little bit sad in my opinion. Anyway I think that this social media boom we have for almost ten years will evolve into something different soon.

  15. 1. How often do you use social media?
    I'm using social medias an a daily basis, so I can say that I'm addicted. :)
    2. What's the biggest advantage and disadvantage in social media channels in your opinion?
    Advantage - you Can very easily see what is going on with your friends, have a much better contact with them even if you're far away.
    Disadvantages - instead of focusing on your real life, appreciating real contact with your friends, familiy, mates, you might start living only in social medias world.

  16. Thanks for the article. Though social media is a hot topic now not too many people seem to present it's various pros and cons on so many levels and I've got to say you did raise a few interesting points. Anwersing your questions
    1) I use social media nearly everyday, which I guess is also way to often.
    2) The biggest adventage for me is that I can very easily get in touch with other people in terms of both- my private and professional life

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. 1. How often do you use social media?

    I'm using it daily basis, especialy that i have my own business so this is sth like "must have" nowadays to be recognizable, and to provide to your clients most update information about your offer and promotions. It really works.

    2. What's the biggest advantage and disadvantage in social media channels in your opinion?

    The biggest advantage for me is off course free marketing.
    You can advertise with your own bussiness mostly free, you can reach more customers because most of young people using social media.

    Too much worthless information with we must struggle every day.
