Monday 30 May 2016

Week 6 [30.05-5.06.2016] 7 amazing places you have to visit in Europe

ROME, Italy

It's a beautiful city with a lot of monuments, with more than two and a half thousand years history. It's not only the capital of Italy but a 'global city', it means that it is on 3rd place of the most visited city in Europe. Tourists love this place because there are a lot of UNESCO monuments and museums. Rome is one of this city you can't see everything in 24h. You need to stay there for few days to enjoy this specific Italian atmosphere.


It's a gothic and modernist city on the Mediterranean sea. There are 4,5 km total beaches in city, but before 1992 there are none, seaside was completely run over by industries. La Rambla is the most famous street in Barcelona for sure, but did you know that it's not one street? It's a 5 boulevards joined to make one promenade as we all called La Rambla.
In Barcelona there are a lot of festivals and cultural events. Flamenco dance festivals in city center or once a year La Merce festival in september. It's a very interesting place with a lot of cultural attractions and architectural monuments worth seeing.

 GLACIER Snæfellsjökull, Iceland

We have a lot of beautiful places on our world but the best winter views are in Iceland for sure, this landscape was used for many movies and documents. In Iceland the 11% of country area is cover in glaciers (something about 11,400km2).  Every year a lot of tourists come visit and hiking. But Iceland's glaciers are in danger because of climate change, every year they lose some of the ice cap. 

FJORDS, Norway

Norway is a beautiful country and they have a amazing cities but they also have a lot of green areas, where you can enjoy nature. Fjords in Norway are the most beautiful in Europe. Fjords are found in general in locations where current or past glacier extended below current sea level. The longest fiord in Norway have 2014km long - sognefjord, it's also the deepest one it have 1,300m high.


Mont Saint Michael is an island located 1 km from northwestern coast. In 2009 the island has a population of 44 people and it's visited by more than 3 million people each year. This place is on UNESCO list. In 2014 they build a new bridge connected island with France (which was completely submerged on 2015 by high sea level).

PETERSWORLDSE Meer Lake, Netherlands

In this breathtaking environment you can ice skate. This is the most visited places in Netherlands because of unbelievable surroundings. It's the biggest natural area to ice skate. Almost every year it' open from December to February, it depends on how low the temperature is.

PLITVICE Lakes National Park, Croatia

When you want to rest and spend some time with nature, it's a perfect choice. This place was found in 1949 in national park which is the oldest in southeast Europe and the largest in Croatia. It was added to the UNESCO World's register and now more than 1,200,000 people visits this area every year. There are 16 lakes connected to each other with waterfalls. It should be a magical place.

1. Do you like to travel and exploring? Why?
2. Have you ever been in one of these places?
3. What's on your bucket list?


  1. 1. I love to. I wrote about it in a previous presentation, that this is my hobby. I love to explore new places, meet new people. In the world there are plenty of great places that are worth seeing. Unfortunately during the year there is no time to be able to explore them all. Sometimes it is also worth to go to another country to appreciate what we have here in Poland.
    2. The only place from your list, which I visited is Norway. I agree that this place is extremely beautiful. Norway is green, the air is wonderful, views are amazing. Norway is a very beautiful and also very peaceful and quiet - a great place to relax.
    3. South American countries: Argentina, Peru and Brazil
    Asian countries: Vietnam, Thailand and Japan
    I hope I will manage to visit them all.

    1. Norway is definetely a great place, really relaxing I agree.

  2. 1. I think I like it – but for last few years I had no opportunity to travel a lot, because I had no money for that ;) For me seeing new places is exciting and provoke desire to learn something new about other culture, beliefs and cuisine.
    2. Nope. Not yet, but thanks to you I added few places to my “Plan to visit” list :)
    3. I never thought about such list.

    1. I hope this artickle will inspire you to make a bucket list

    2. I think I would create one ;)

  3. 1. Yes, I like to visit places all over the world, especially those connected with a history. Learning about cultures and drawing conclusions from civilizations ups and downs - that is what I like the most in travelling.
    2. Rome - the Eternal City.
    3. This is a short version of my list: Havana, Barcelona, Palermo, Vienna, Budapest, Prague.

    1. I recomend Prague and Barcelona for sure, they are really beautiful cities.

  4. 1. Do you like to travel and exploring? Why?
    I do, however I had a long break in traveling abroad. Currently I travel around Poland a lot. Getting to know my own backyard before going outside Poland.
    2. Have you ever been in one of these places?
    No I cant say that I have.
    3. What's on your bucket list?
    I would love to go to Norway, or Iceland. New Zeland maybe.

  5. 1. Do you like to travel and exploring? Why?
    I love. I like get to know new countries, their cultures and their history - sometimes it's really amazing and interesting. And just to see all these awesome places.

    2. Have you ever been in one of these places?
    Unfortunately no.

    3. What's on your bucket list?
    It is a whole life ahead of me, so I hope to visit a whole world! :)
    If time and money will allow then I plan to visit Spain this year.

  6. 1. Do you like to travel and explore? Why?
    Yes, I like travel very much, because I can see how people live in other parts of the world. I like learning about other cultures especially when I can explore them on my own. Last year I visited Portugal in such a manner.

    2. Have you ever been in one of these places?
    No, I've never been in one of these places.

    3. What's on your bucket list?
    On my bucket list are Thailand, USA, United Arab Emirates and Japan.

  7. Thank you for interesting article.

    1. Yes, I like to visit places all over the world especially United States.

    2. Yes I was in Barcelona. Beautiful and interesting city. I think that it is worth to see it.

    3. On my backet list currently are Asia, and Japan.

  8. 1. Do you like to travel and exploring? Why?
    Yes, I like do travel and exploring, because I like to admire views and searching an inspiration in foreign places.
    2. Have you ever been in one of these places?
    Unfortunetly, no. However my grandmother was on a trip on a ship at Fjords. She told me, that she was impressed this place.
    3. What's on your bucket list?
    On my bucket list are Sweden and Iceland.

  9. 1. Do you like to travel and exploring? Why?
    Yes, I do like. Unfortunately I don't travel a lot recently. In the past
    I was travelling much more, mostly around Poland. I hope that I will be able to visit new places more often soon. For me travelling is great because you can see views that normally you watch on TV or in magazines.

    2. Have you ever been in one of these places?
    No, I have not. I really would love to, but had no opportunity so far...

    3. What's on your bucket list?
    I would like to go somewhere outside Europe. I am planing to travel to Australia in December.

  10. 1. Do you like to travel and exploring? Why?

    I love to travel . Why? I love to explore beautiful places on earth , know the culture of the people , regional cuisine. I like to visit countries where the climate is Mediterranean or tropical because I love hot weather and also a beautiful tan.

    2. Have you ever been in one of these places?
    Yes, when I was 11 I was in Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. Beautiful waterfalls and the whole landscape took breathtaking .

    3. What's on your bucket list?

    I would like to visit Japan , the Philippines, Indonesia, Brazil, the USA and Australia

  11. 1. Yes, I do. I like to learn new things and learn about their history. When it comes to travelling there's always something a guide might not mention, but you can get to know it on your own just visiting a place and meeting people there.
    2. I haven't been to any of these places, but hopefully, I will see Plitvice this summer on my way to Albania (or maybe on way back).
    3. I don't a have bucket list. I just do what I want to do when I can do it.

  12. I love travelling! Who doesn’t? :) This holiday I’m going to my favourite place on Earth - Florence. I love this city because of its timeless beauty. Whenever you go you are surrounded by amazing monuments and paintings. Also, I ate the most delicious ice-cream there so I can’t wait to try them again :) What is more I’m fond of italian cuisine so there is another reason why I should go back there.

    On my bucket list there are 2 places: Egypt and Iceland. Egypt because I’m very interested in ancient times and I’d like to see mummies with my own eyes. I saw some of them when I was in British Museum but I’ve heard that in Egypt there are more spectacular exhibits. And Iceland because it has breathtaking landscapes.

  13. 1. Do you like to travel and exploring? Why?

    I like it when i am in mood for travelling. Why? It's a real fun to go to other places, interesting venues which are different from your regular place/country. I also love when some place has it's unique mood - then i am sure i will come back :)

    2. Have you ever been in one of these places?

    I have been in Rome and Fjords from this list and they are awesome indeed!

    Rome is just an incredible old city with a very special climate and atmosphere. I also speak italian, so it was quite enjoyable to go to this city and speak this language with natives!

    Fjords are breathtaking and out-of-this-world, it is really hard to describe it with words - you just gotta see them.

    3. What's on your bucket list?

    Tokyo defenitely and Japan as a whole. I would love to see the very modern overcrowded part of this country as well as the peaceful and quiet natural side of it.

  14. 1. Do you like to travel and exploring? Why?
    Yes, I really like to travel, because there are so many benefits from it.
    It's a beautifull experience to see something new, meet different cultures, meet new people, only great opportunities ahead.

    2. Have you ever been in one of these places?
    Only in one from the list above, I've seen Plitvice lake. It's quite big district and it took me around 8 hours to sightsee everything, but it was worth it, there were so many awesone views there, and that crystal clear water, amazing.
    3. What's on your bucket list?

  15. Wow! Aren't those places something! It's really nice you decicded to go for diversity in your presentations and present places intereseting for sometimes such different reasons. Also the facts you've dropped make your presentation definitelly worth a while! To your questions though : )
    1) I do like travelling a lot since i like being exposed to new experiences and other cultures I find it to be extremely enriching.
    2) Yes, I've been to Barcelona and it was spectacular!
    3) I'd love to go to London and Ney York some time soon. You see those places so much in media and pop culture in general I think it'd be interesing to see them for yourself and compare what you see to what you are shown indirectly so often.

  16. 1. Do you like to travel and exploring? Why?
    I like to travel and exploring, because I like see new place but I travel only in our country. I think that, We are should a beautiful place in our country about whitch We don't know and in next time should travel abroad.
    2. Have you ever been in one of these places?
    No i never been in this places but I visit a lot of this places. Few of this places I never heard.
    3. What's on your bucket list?
    I would like visit Austria, Italy and Crotania. This is my list on my first travel abroad.

  17. 1. Do you like to travel and exploring? Why?

    Traveling nowadays is really cheap and we can save so much money that we can afford decent vacations. There is also a lot of promotions or last minute offers that are very good. What is more I love sightseeing and watching pieces of art on my own eyes not only on pictures in books or internet. This make a huge difference. I also advise to read blogs with tips how to travel on budget.

    2. Have you ever been in one of these places?

    Unfortunately I didn't saw any of described by you places.

    3. What's on your bucket list?

    I have huge list of places that I would love to see. First of all I would love to see at least one country in every continent. The differences are the most visible among continents. Secondly I would love to travel during some festivals in countries. This experience would be amazing.
