Tuesday 3 May 2016

Week 4 [02.05-08.05.2016] The Rainbow Sponge Lady – How Much are you passionate about what you are selling?

In the first place I would like you to watch this short video!

Yeah! So it is pretty dense (or dance :D), right?

The first time you watch this video you can think that you are looking at a really crazy and overly excited woman. But watching it again you can actually see a person who really loves stuff she is selling. This might look really ridiculous but after watching this thing, I actually wanted to try that stuff out! I really desperately wanted to feel the same way she did! Why?

Her reactions to anything she does with magical rainbow sponges makes her absolutely happy. She is amused, having fun and most important – her emotions and reactions are purely GENUINE.

Right now we came to a very important point! When someone is really sincere and feels actual genuine emotions you can really feel it. By seeing people having fun, being genuinely happy you actually can feel the same way! The same thing works if we see someone sad or angry.

A magical thing that makes us feel emotions other people feel is called MIRROR NEURONS and if you heard about it before or read about it, you probably can observe how people interact in specific situations. Also you can observe how this phenomenon affects you. When someone is really angry or annoyed, you need to distance yourself from him/her not to feel stressed. When someone is sad, you can’t approach that person with a glooming smile and ask „WHAAT’S UUP??” . The Mirror Neurons tell our instincts how we should behave during an interaction with a person having a specific mood.

So if we are talking about „selling” I am not only talking about the only exact meaning of that word, like selling goods, but I mean everything we present. If you are doing something you like to do and enjoy it, you are at a good point! People will see that you love stuff you are doing and probably will be more interested in knowing more about your occupation. On the other hand, it is really demotivating if you really dislike something you do and probably you won’t have much interest in it.

But the most important thing is that you really can’t deceive mirror neurons. If you are faking your happiness, joy, passion or amusement, others will see it and will definitely feel it. So remember – always feel genuine – no matter what kind of emotions you are feeling at the moment, be honest  with yourself and others and you will be really good at selling anything!


1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?
2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?
3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?


  1. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?
    Actually when I'm watching this movie, I want to try to do it myself, but I think I will not have the same fun as the lady had. But this lady is amazing and hilarious.
    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?
    I think that we are a victims of mirror neurons when we see someone is yawning. Immediately everyone has wanted to yawn. I just hear about yawning and it immediately makes me want to yawn. I wonder how many people will yawn when they will read this post :)
    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?
    At the moment I can not to recall such situation. I guess I did not have anything to sell. But if I had to, I think I will fail, because selling is not my cup of tea.

    1. Well as I said - selling doesn't have to mean the exact act of selling :) For instance you can sell somebody really good story, persuade someone or make somebody interested in something you really like! Thanks for Your answers!

  2. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?
    I don’t think that I would buy one of those… Probably because I have no artistic skills and I can bet that I won’t have such fun as lady from the video.
    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?
    I think that we witness an effect of mirror neurons in our everyday life. For example: when you go to your favourite grocery near your apartment and somebody before you was very nasty for the cashier – there is a really great chance that cashier won’t be nice for you. But… You might change that by smiling and being nice :)
    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?
    I don’t know if working as an cashier might be called selling anything… In other way – nope, I never sold anything to anybody.

  3. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?
    Absolutely no - simply - I don't need it.
    Second argument is that I just can't listen sellers like this woman. If I have to choose from that seller and other "normal one" but with more expensive the same goods - I will always choose the second one...

    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?
    I never thought about it. But surely the mood of others can affect on us. Although everyone may react differently. Surely there are some people who do not even notice that someone is angry or sad etc.

    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?
    Sorry, but I never sold anything. Only by Allegro, but this is something completely different..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?
    More than a rainbow sponge, I would like to buy her enthusiasm and positive attitude - that is really awesome :)
    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?
    Adapting our behavior to the mood of other people is very natural and we are not even thinking about it. I remember when somebody was very angry and I changed my attitude to more fitting to situation.
    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?
    At the beginning of my studies, I was working as a telemarketing consultant in a telecommunication company. I sold many contracts to my clients :)

  6. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?

    I mean not really :D I think Its just not something I would enjoy doing for a longer period of time. I know imagination has no limits when it comes to creating something like art, but i guess this form of expressing myself is not the one I would chose.

    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?

    Its not something you percieve i think. Its something as natural as breathing, but I guess I've witnessed it before, for instance at the funerals.

    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?

    I succeeded at selling websites and online stores to my clients which is what my company does, also I've seen you mention ideas as something u had on your mind, so in that term also yes, I've sold on team meetings.

  7. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?

    I would not by the sponge, just because I find It easier and propably cheaper just to put paint on a regular sponge ;) plus I have no artistic abilities :)

    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?

    I think everyone has found themselves laughing for no reason just because someone else was ;)

    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?

    I have never actually sold anything but if I ever will I hope I will be as passionate about it as the sponge lady ;)

  8. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?
    I would like to try it out, but I'm not sure if I wolud buy it. I think it's kind of useless. But if You have kids, or of you're really into that stuff (like the Sponge Lady) than why not? It can be really entertaining, but i think it's not a long term fun, You'll use it a few times then you get bored.

    How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?

    I think it's a natural thing, and everyone witnessed an effect of mirror neurons. We even witness it in our everyday life probably in every conversation we have.

    Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?

    Really long time ago I worked in a clothes store, and I sold a lot of dresses, bags, shoes and clothes for different occasions. But I didn't like this job, and an obligation to be overly excided about selling clothes, bothered me a lot.

  9. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?

    I would not buy rainbow sponge, because it is not necessary to me. But if I ever wanted to create artistic images, buy a simple sponge for make-up and the effect will be the same :)

    How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?
    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?

    Very often it feel to myself, if someone is blissful - I also feel it. If someone is sad and crying - for once I have the same sad mood. I think it depends on the degree of sensitivity - if we are sensitive to the feelings of others - mirror neurons work harder.

    Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?

    When I was in elementary school, I did pendants with colored wires. Very quickly, I managed to sell them as soon convinced his colleagues that without this they will not be fashionable :)

    1. You should work in advertising with such skills ;)

  10. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?
    Of course I would buy rainbow sponge. As she said it's hard to stop;)
    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?
    Yes. I did not know that it's called but I experience this every day
    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?
    I will not talk about personal issues but I want to refer to what you wrote about that we can't deceive mirror neurons. The basis of marketing is to pretend joy and a lot of people believe in it even though it is not true

  11. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?

    I think don't need a rainbow sponge but it was really funny and positive, i have to think about it once again maybe i need to buy it

    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?

    Sure it was fun, i really fetl this joy

    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?

    I've never try to sell anything, so it's hard for me to say if i can fail or succeed

  12. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?

    I think I would not like to buy a rainbow sponge. The way in which this lady presented that product certainly would convince people that need this type of objects. I am not the type of artist and I could not find joy in painting patterns like this lady .

    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?

    I think that I perceived interpersonal interaction many times. For example, the situation when you walk into a room when people felt nervous, you momently have that unpleasant feeling around the stomach.
    Referring to Mirror Neuros I think that some people are missing it : ). Sometimes there are situations when you talk to people who you do not really like and you want to end this conversation as fast as you can. Sometimes people can’t sense your emotions.

    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?

    I sometimes was selling something on Allegro. I made a nice HTML page and always a product was bought.

  13. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?

    Haha I wonder how effective she is in selling those sponges. The video was hilarious. I agree with Łukasz Cholewa I would definitely buy some enthusiasm from her :) However, I wouldn't buy the sponges. Maybe if I had children... Yet, as Kamil wrote, a homemade rainbow sponge would be cheaper and - I believe - similarly addictive :)

    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?

    Someone mentioned yawning. Similar thing happens when you smile. I think everyone affects the effect of mirror neurons everyday. Some people may just not be aware of that.

    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?

    I worked in a cafeteria once and I sold extra piece of cake or shot of flavoured syrup. It was so called cross-selling and up-selling. But those goods were relatively cheap and I'm not sure if I would succeed in selling something expensive.

  14. The behaviour you described is quite common and well known to me. The greatest example of a company which is using emotions while selling is quite big tech company with some fruit drawn on their products :D On every presentation or promotional movie Apple is not trying to sell you their products. They are trying to sell you emotions and some specific feelings. They are constantly describing their products as exclusive, designed for people that „think different”. Notice, that people don’t want to buy an iPhone because it has bigger screen or better procesor. They want to buy it to feel that they have someting exceptional. But Apple isn’t the only example. There is plenty of them. Every boutique for instance. They are selling clothes on beautiful (photoshoped of course, but never mind) models to make you feel that you will look so gorgeous in that dress just like this model.

    But I must agree with you that this lady is really passionate about rainbow sponges :D

  15. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?

    Let me think... nope. :P This lady is really good with her job, and her enthusiasm is awesome but I just don't need it. I'm really pragmatic person and commercials, any kind of them, just don't work on me.

    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?

    As someone stated before, yawning is contagious and we actually can be affected by someone's smile.

    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?

    Yeah I succeeded on selling many things of much variety. Games, books, tablet, mobilephones.

  16. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?

    The only reason why I should buy this sponge is perhaps a gift for child to play. I might not have artistic soul and I do not see in this sponge what this lady sees.

    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?

    On a daily basis we are witnessing and participating in a huge amount of interaction with others and point of view depends on the state of excitement in which we find ourselves at the moment. Between these interactions, I was able to repeatedly noted an effect of mirror neurons, especially when it comes about smile.

    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?

    I'm not a seller, and never before had the opportunity to sell anything

  17. 1. No, I wouldn't. I really don't need it. When it comes to buying stuff, I try to follow one rule: "Wait until next paycheck and see if I still need this". Sometimes I do, most often I don't.
    2. Yawning is a good example. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that it's similar with scratching yourself. Someone does it and instantly you feel an itch on your head or somewhere else.
    3. I'm not good at selling things, because I never want to follow through the whole commotion. I'd rather give up my stuff to my family, a shelter or an orphanage.

    Now when I've watched this video a few times I'm positive that this lady reminds me a fruit/vegetable peeler seller from Montenegro that I saw a few year ago when I was on holiday there. For two weeks this guy just spent whole day peeling cabbage (I think). It was as fasctinating as horrifying to see someone so focused on selling a peeler. It can't be more genuine than that.

  18. Was that video amazing or what?! ;) But for real it's great to see people getting so enthusiastic about those little things. It reminds me that you can be happy about pretty much anything and that's something just great! :) To answer your questions
    1) I definitely would! The lady had me want to get one at her first sentence.
    2) I guess we've all witnessed mirror neutrons, though we might have not been aware of the science behind it. Personally I find genuinity to be crucial in interpersonal reactions and thanks to this article I've also got a better idea why I do so.
    3. I consider myself rather good at presentations in general, so I guess you could say I did. I believe the major factor behind my success is usually the honest enthusiasm and trying to make my talks interesting by simply expressing how I feel about a given thing and why I feel that way

  19. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?
    Definitely yes, because i will use it to many great things. For example I will be use it to do many design when I will paint wall in room.
    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?
    I think, that everyone person were witness interpesonal interaction. This interaction we can met every day and don't know about it. The mirror neurons will be use to many things. It's great idea to sell a lot things and services. I never wonder, how this thing affect on our perception world.

    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?
    I think it was succes in selling. It's great idea to tell viewer "You must have this".

  20. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?
    1. I'm a shopping maniac, so definitly yes, maybe I don't use, but it is nice gadget.
    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?
    I think everybody are witness of interpersonal interaction. In almost each situation in our live, we can experience this phenomenon. The world of advertising, uses a lot of tricks in this, The mirror neurons.
    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?
    3. Almost 5 years I have temporary work as hostess, every event before I had reas short biref of product, which I promoted. I had to look good and be encouraged to buy the product. The biggest success was to encourage families to buy two cars. That was last winter, when I work for one of car comapny. First I arranged the family and encouraged them to test drive car. Next they decied to buy car.

  21. 1. Would you like to buy a rainbow sponge? Why or why not?
    After watching this video I would like to use that toy, but not necessarly buy it. I know that marketing/product placement and advertisement is a very strony power, and Can convince us to purchase products which we don't necessarily need.
    That's one of main reasons why I wouldn't buy such thing.

    2. How do you perceive interpersonal interactions by yourself? Did you ever witness an effect of mirror neurons?
    For me it's a very common feeling.

    3. Did you fail or succeed in selling anything? What was it?
    I experienced both, but I'm glad that I did that, as right now know much better about selling things. I focused on selling IT related things that time but I don't remember what it was.
