Monday 30 May 2016

Week 6 [30.05-5.06.2016] Board games

Most  people thinking about board games probably will think about their childhood.  I believe all of us played Monopoly,  Checkers or Snakes and Ladders. And when we’re talking about that kind of games (maybe besides Monopoly) I’ll agree that they’re childish, easy and probably dull for grown-ups. 

Since the beginning of 21st century, board games have been  having their renaissance. Let’s start with a brief history.
The oldest board games come from the  southeast of Turkey and they are over 5000 years old! Series of 49 painted stones were found at the Başur Höyük burial mound. Similar pieces were found in Syria and Iraq. It was The Royal Game of Ur (from the name of dynasty – Ur), researchers are not 100% sure about the rules, but basically it was a race game. 

The oldest game are from the Middle-East, India and China. They were used as gifts or as a learning tool. Probably some of you heard about Go –a  Chinese game used to examine would-be clerks.. Chinese also developed a game called Xiangqi – it’s a version of our chess (also from China).

What’s so awesome about board games? Everyone can find something for themselves. According to BoardGameGeek,  there are nearly 84000 board games in 84 categories with 51 mechanics (tracked by them). So if someone likes  to play against other people,  they could choose a board game with negative interaction (where one of your goals is to make your opponent hate you). Or maybe you want to help each other? There are cooperative types in which you play against the game! 
Also if someone is a fan of modern books or TV series, there’re games with themes from our culture. Let’s start with an  example: A Game of Thrones: The Board Game.

It’s a game for 3 to 6 players and your aim is to claim the throne of Westeros! You play against other players, you can form an alliance or betray your friend. Just like in the books. It’s kind of a hard game for beginners but having played it a few times , you can really feel the power of long term tactics.
Now maybe something easier.
Actually I started my journey with board games with this one.
Ticket to Ride: Europe. In this game you build a railway from one city to another and gain points for it. Everyone has  sets of goals -> for example to build a railway from London to Madrid and get a bonus from it. This game can be played with your family, with younger kids or older people, it’s for everyone.

There are also Polish, successful designers. Actually they’re one of the best in the world. I’ll present one game, which is the highest in rankings.
Author: Ignacy Trzewiczek (he also made a very good game named Imperial Settlers)
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island.

It’s a cooperative game so you and your friends are playing against the board. You’re a shipwreck survivor  and your goal is to stay alive! So everyone is are building a shelter, finding food, fighting with beasts and conquering weather. It’s also a hard game and be prepare to lose a couple of times. Or maybe even more than a couple…

And now time for questions!

  1.  Have you ever played any modern board games  other than checkers, chess, monopoly etc.)? Did you like it? What kind of game was it?
  2.  An average price for a board game is ca.100zł. There are games that cost even 200zł! Do you think that kind of price is fair?
  3.  What kind of game would you enjoy?

     Useful links: Board game database. You can find here rankings, FAQs, fan made add-ons. largest Polish board game forum. Here you can ask about rules, dispute over mechanics, or even buy or sell games. search system and price comparer for games in Poland. Don’t overpay for your games J


  1. 1. Unfortunately, I had no opportunity to play in any modern board games.
    2. The price is fair, provided that it is not so high only because it is based on the story of a film. For example Game of Thrones - I suspect that this game costs more just because it is based on the book, and exactly the same game but with different title certainly would cost less.
    3. Unfortunately I have no time to play games, but if I had to say what games I like the most , I choose computer games. In the past I liked to play GTA or Sims and I also often played monopoly or puns online at I dont know if this site still exists, but I liked it.

    1. GoT board game cost now about 160-170zł and if think about how many elements are in the box and how big this game is I think even that kind of price is fair. It's really one of more complex games :) So I really don't think that it is overpriced.

      Yeah kurnik still exists! And I also like video games, but when it comes to meeting someone (let's say with 2 or 3 people) I prefer to play board games from time to time :)

  2. 1. Few friends of mine are BoardGames Fans and I had opportunity to play with them. My favourite is Munchkin and as far as I know it has about 8+ additional deck to make this game even more interesting. I aslo played Discworld: Ankh-Morpork based on my beloved universe of sir Terry Pratchett. I think that I played even more games like that, but now I can’t remember their names.
    2. It depends. In my opinion when such game itself is small masterpiece it’s worthy to pay even 200zł for that.
    3. I prefer PC games such as Diablo series, Fallout series or The Sims series ;)
    In board games I think I would enjoy games similar to Munchkin and Discworld: Ankh-Morpork.

    1. I think about buying munchkin for about couple of months now :P Standard version have about 8 additional decks, but there're another versions like Cthullu. Zombie, Legendary etc. which you can combine.
      I also played Ankh-Morpork, I never won actually but i still think it's really great! Shame it's white raven now because of license problems after death of Pratchett :(.

    2. As I remember friend of mine has Zombie and Cthullu decks :D
      I didn't hear about problems with license for Ankh-Morpork :< I hope it will solve soon, because I wanted to buy it...

  3. 1. Yes, I've played boarding games. Two of them you've already mentioned: A Game of Thrones and Ticket to Ride but my favourite is Risk.
    2. Yes, an idea, materials and copyrights - it can be expensive.
    3. Strategy is a type which I like the most. Unfortunatelly, the main disadvantage of boarding games is that they are time consuming (even more than computer games).

    1. Risk is fun but i prefer more complex games. Yeah, if we talk about time it can be really an issue. Let's say that someone never played game that is on the table, or we have new game. Learning rules, first play, mistakes etc. all of that factors contribute to prolonging game. And it can take hours and hours and hours...

  4. 1. Yes, me and my friends play a lot of them and we love them. Just some of them are: Kolejka, Loża Szyderców, Dixit etc.
    2. Yeah I do, the game however has to be fun and replayable.
    3. I like "funny" games which require interaction between players.

  5. 1. Have you ever played any modern board games other than checkers, chess, monopoly etc.)? Did you like it? What kind of game was it?
    Unfortunately no. I played last time when I was a kid. In those times monopoly was really awesome and luxury :P

    2. An average price for a board game is ca.100zł. There are games that cost even 200zł! Do you think that kind of price is fair?
    I never thought about it. But I think price is not too fair when we compare it for example to computer games. In my opinion you need to spend much more time to create computer game which you can sale for similar price. Also PC games producers have big risk, like piracy etc.

    3. What kind of game would you enjoy?
    I don't enjoy playing any games. Also I don't enjoy watching other people while they are playing games. If I have free time then I would prefer to watch some sport events.

  6. 1. Have you ever played any modern board games other than checkers, chess, monopoly etc.)? Did you like it? What kind of game was it?

    Yes, of course. I'm a big fan of board games. Together with my boyfriend we have a big collection of them. We have friends who share with us this interests. My favourite board games are Tzolk'in, Carcassonne, Eclipse. Obviously these games develop strategic skills and they provide great entertainment like the Game Of Thrones.

    2. An average price for a board game is 100zł. There are games that cost even 200zł! Do you think that kind of price is fair?

    Yes, it is fair. The game is cheaper form others when its complexity level is lower. I think the price expresses the level of quality.
    The online store with various board games I like to visit:

    3. What kind of game would you enjoy?

    I prefer board games with high level of complexity like I noticed above. I love games with beautiful artwork with rules that allow for high replay value.

  7. It is very interesting article!

    1. Unfortunately, I had no opportunity to play any modern board games like above.

    2. It depends. I think that when you are passionate about such games it is priceless.

    3. I like games which require interaction between players and provide a lot of entertainment.

  8. Have you ever played any modern board games other than checkers, chess, monopoly etc.)? Did you like it? What kind of game was it?
    Yes, I was. Unfortunately I don't remember, how it is called. I remember that in it I first built with my friends a big towers with wooden blocks and every one of us took out one block of this tower. The winner was person who had more took out wooden blocks.
    An average price for a board game is ca.100zł. There are games that cost even 200zł! Do you think that kind of price is fair?
    I think is it, but I don't need this kind of games. I don't have enough time to spending time with friends and playing board games
    What kind of game would you enjoy?
    It is hard to say I like sims, angrybrids and hearthstone, I like to play games which the rules of it I understand.

  9. 1. Have you ever played any modern board games other than checkers, chess, monopoly etc.)? Did you like it? What kind of game was it?

    Yes, I have! I might not be the biggest fan of board games but I enjoy playing them from time to time. For me it's a grat way of spending time with friends in a chill-out atmosphere. However, I realise that there are games that can lead to a big argument of best friends.

    I recently plays in Carcassone - one of my colleague showed be the game few weeks ago and I really liked it. Now I even have my own copy and keep collecting extensions to the core box.

    2. An average price for a board game is ca.100zł. There are games that cost even 200zł! Do you think that kind of price is fair?

    I think it's a reasonable price of a good board game. Modern games are produced with in high quality and often are just beautiful. And for me a good board game can give you more fun than a computer one. And it makes you contact with other players face to face which nowadays is not so common. I spend so many hours in front of a monitor that I prefer to avoid it during my free time.

    3. What kind of game would you enjoy?

    I mostly like games with medium complexity which single round lasts around 40 minutes. Board games for me are mostly an excuse to see friends and drink some beer - we wouldn't like the game rules to overwhelmed us too much ;)

  10. 1. I'm dissatisfied with myself that I don't play board games more (or at all). I've always seen them as refreshing in comparison to other kinds of entertainment. Unfortunetaly, the only board game my fiancee likes is Monopoly, which I hate it like a sin. I have a friend who is really into board games, but we never can find time to play anything. Last game I played was Carcassone (the basic one, there's one too many expansions). Much more fun that Monopoly. :)
    2. I thinks it's fair. A cinema ticket costs 30 or so and it's enjoyment just for two hours. With games the fun lasts much longer.
    3. A strategic one. One that requires much focus of you and may take more than one sitting to finish.

  11. 1. Have you ever played any modern board games other than checkers, chess, monopoly etc.)? Did you like it? What kind of game was it?

    I never played in a more modern board games for example . Monopoly , because I do not like them. The only board game that I loved as a small child was playing Super Farmer .
    I remember that at that time the game was very expensive , now costs a few cents. I have a great fondness for it :)

    2. An average price for a board game is ca.100zł. There are games that cost even 200zł! Do you think that kind of price is fair?

    In my opinion, 200 zł for a board game a lot, but if the price goes with a pair of quality , why not ? Such as cosmetics , we can pay for a face cream 20 zł or spend on the cream of the higher-end 200 zł . It is our choice .

    2. What kind of game would you enjoy?

    As I wrote earlier , the board games not crazy about . However, when it comes to computer games , my favorite game is The Sims , Grand Theft Auto and Need for Speed ​​. One time I played it in MMOPRG Perfect Word .

  12. I must admit that in the beginning I was very skeptical about board games. I didn’t like the randomness they had. When I was playing for the first time in some game and I was winning with people who were playing it multiple times before I felt that the whole game was pointless. Playing board games I was treating like something you can do additionally when meeting with friends (rules are simple, you don’t have learn them before). I had this feeling playing 7 Wonders, Room-25, The Settlers of Catan, Tokaido and many more.

    My attitude changed when I first played polish game: Kolejka. It was really fun playing that game but mostly because of the polish accent and texts from PRL times. First game which made on me huge impression was Caverna. This very expensive but splendidly prepared game is my favorite one til now. It has very low randomness which makes me feel that I really can control all of my actions. Also there are many ways in which you can win it. Next game which I can truly recommend is of course Game of Thrones but second edition. First edition has some shortcomings which are fixed in the next edition. The last game about which I have to mention is also polish game: Neuroshima HEX. The rules of this game are very simple but it takes time to play it well and not make many mistakes.

    Sorry for posting my comment so late and thanks for such interesting article! :)


  13. 1. Have you ever played any modern board games other than checkers, chess, monopoly etc.)? Did you like it? What kind of game was it?

    Yeah! I played Monopoly of course and Game of Thrones - the second one was really interesting and i enjoyed it, but unfortunately didn't have an opportunity to play it a lot because my classmate owned the game.

    Chess and "Chinczyk" were my childchood games.

    2.An average price for a board game is ca.100zł. There are games that cost even 200zł! Do you think that kind of price is fair?

    Hmm I guess Game of Thrones was quite expensive. I think the whole process of game development is very time and mind consuming, also many games have amazing artwork which isn't cheap i think. But i guess that prices are like this because you buy the game for a very long time, so i think it is a good price!

    3. What kind of game would you enjoy?

    Haha, to be honest i would love a game that is CRAZY as hell! I mean with a lot of twists, weird stuff and being very competetive.

  14. 1 Have you ever played any modern board games other than checkers, chess, monopoly etc.)? Did you like it? What kind of game was it?
    No I hadn't have opportunity to play any modern board games other than ones described by you above.

    2 An average price for a board game is ca.100zł. There are games that cost even 200zł! Do you think that kind of price is fair?
    I think that yes, it's fair. It of course depends on quality, but If all playable items are performed from high quality materials why not ? there are games which should cost 50 PLN, but there are also ones which could cost 200 and it's a good price.
    3 What kind of game would you enjoy?
    All games which requires working in a team to achieve success.

  15. That's a really cool take on board games you present! I like the enthusiasm with which you talk about them, it's so viral I actually feel like playing one right now : ) Also thanks for sharing a few games worth reaching for- I certainly will in the close future! But not to leave your questions without a response
    1) I did- It was a strategy board game called "Decide and survive". Though it was rather demanding in terms of complexity I liked it very much.
    2) Well, it does seem like a rather high price on one hand, on the other though when we realise how much time it must take to design such a game and that it must be really difficult to make a living by giving people the joy of playing it, the price starts to seem more and more fair
    3) I'm a strategic thinker so I would enjoy any game that makes my brain work on tactics and startegy a bit

  16. 1. Have you ever played any modern board games other than checkers, chess, monopoly etc.)? Did you like it? What kind of game was it?

    Yes, I had an opportunity to play in "Chaos in the old world" and i must say it was great fun.
    This is a fantasy strategic game.

    2. An average price for a board game is ca.100zł. There are games that cost even 200zł! Do you think that kind of price is fair?

    It depends on how the game is extended and how many players can play at the same time. I think that 200 zł is maximum price i would pay for this kind of game.

    3. What kind of game would you enjoy?

    Genrally i'm not a player type, but if someone invite me to spend my free time playing some games, it does not make a difference for me what type of game i will play.

  17. 1.Have you ever played any modern board games other than checkers, chess, monopoly etc.)? Did you like it? What kind of game was it?
    Of course I played and play in modern board games. I like this game and it is great spent time with friends in saturday or friday evening. I like play Monopoly or games this type but another name and playing cards.
    2.An average price for a board game is ca.100zł. There are games that cost even 200zł! Do you think that kind of price is fair?
    Sometimes cost board game is too expensive, but sometimes worth buy game a little expensive and play a lot of time.
    3.What kind of game would you enjoy?
    Its difficult question. I like a lot of type board game. I like play "Settlers of Catan" or "Queue". I like play and have fun.
