Sunday, 7 May 2017

Week 5 [8-14.05.2017] Have we got any privacy yet?

This short video will be excellent introduction to the subject. Feel free to check this out:

Are you scared now? That speech is showing us perfectly how our world works. We are surrounded by a big international corporations and other companies which create our world and future. They claim they create ‘better’ future but is it true?. Nowadays, we cannot imagine the world without computers, which provide us fast access to enormous sets of data. We can easily find everything about everyone. Because of plenty of advantages we forget about safety.

When we were young, parents always repeats ‘do not trust strangers’. Now things are digitalized and many Internet users are unknown. We do not see other people, we do not know what they want to do, they are cybercriminals or not. As Christopher Soghoian said, we should care about our digital safety. Please let think for 5 minutes. How much  sensitive data do you store in clouds? Have you ever heard about companies in Bloomer, i.e. personal data leaks? That’s ridiculous!

We are addicted to the Internet and social networks. We are attach much attention to online life, put photos from holidays, parties even we spread very private information. What we leave online, it is  ‘the Internet’s property’. The Internet doesn’t forget!

What’s more, in recent years we have met the term  Big Data. What’s that? Big Data is a very powerful tool to get information about people from useless data. Big companies monitor every move, each single click. It sounds very awkward but it’s true. Most of theirs don’t know how to use this information, but sometimes it’s a core of their business model. One very important question, can they do so? The answer is not clear, because companies do everything to get access to data in a tricky way.

I know I presented only cons, but I’d like to wake you up.

Do you feel safe online?


  1. 1. I do not feel safe, so I try to minimize the risk. There are many ways to defend against the dangers on the Internet. For example we should use safe passwords – we should have diffrent passwords on each web sites, which we are using. It is worth to change them from time to time and do not safe them in browser.
    We should not use public wifi networks. They are often available, for example in shopping malls.
    We should watch out for suspicious mails and websites. Especially for the attachments in such messages. These are obvious clues, but we often forget about them.
    2. I do not trust them. Especially two such companies. Google and Facebook. These corporations have gathered a giant database of private information about their users. They know everything about them. Unfortunately, we freely agree to this surveillance. But the problem is not what facebook does, but that in modern network construction, such actions are possible at all (and very simple). But, faith in the fact that legal regulations will ensure us privacy is really ridiculous.

    1. I am not sure if your are right with wifi networks but maybe it is true. I don't even think about it

  2. Of course I don't feel safe online. I feel that it's less and less safe online. It's awful what companies do online. My friend who teaches about safety online told me how companies like Microsoft operate and I'm terrified. Remember: never click Yes if program or web browser asks you if you want to remember your password. You must be careful what you put on the internet. People often laught at people who cover camera on computer. But you never know if someone is observing you. Personally I cover it. One day I saw meme with Mark Zuckerberg who had computer with covered camera. It makes you think.

    1. Yes, you are right it is going to be less and less safe online, 100% true!

  3. 1. Do you feel safe online?
    Absolutely not. There is a lot of hackers, criminals and naturally many crimes and traps. Antivirus and firewall will be always one step behind them... I'm trying to think twice, but you know how it looks like. Of course I'm using twice-steps verification, hard passwords etc but is it enough? I don't think so.

    2. Do you trust big international companies?
    Also not. It's just a business. They have one main goal - earn big money. And many smaller goals/steps to achieve it. They can care about users, but only if it doesn't contradict their goals. So again - we must think twice before each click and don't send sensitive informations.

    1. I think that software it is only a illusion to sell products and it is another product of big company!

  4. Do you feel safe online?
    This is a very debatable matter. Nothing in this world could be free. The strongest of social media addicted us day by day, give us greater sense of acceptance through "likes" nd compliments us comments. In world aimed at perfection, we try to be more and more perfect. However, working in advertising-I am more aware of all dangers. We should remember that, surveillance it is not from today. Previously, letters and telephone conversations were being investigated, now they are invading our online chat.

    Do you trust big international companies?
    Not at all. Of course big companies are big opportunities. Never before, being able to contact your loved ones has never been so cheap. Last times, I watched very interesting document on TVN24, about WIFI networks. From this film document, I found out that, Google gives free internet at Syria. I can read more about this marketing action here-

    1. If we are thinking in this way, why you are believe TVN24? It is also big company, maybe they are lying?

  5. Do you feel safe online?
    No, I don’t feel safe online and probably I will never be. We have a lot of informations about the cyber attacts. For example 2 days ago there was a huge attack with Wanna Crypt ransomware. This attack caused a completely mess in hospitals, offices and manufactures.

    Do you trust big international companies?
    No, I don’t trust them. I think they are focused on the numbers and want to use a potential client for manipulations.

    1. Have you got any interesting information about cyber attacks?

  6. Firstly, thank you for your post and especially for the video you presented. Although being aware that governments exert pressure on corporations to share info about their clients, it didn't concern me a lot because, in my opinion, no government would be interested in me. I thought that security agencies should be able to monitor citizens to secure them - I would lose some privacy but also feel safer. The guy in the video pointed out that foreign intelligence or even criminals could gain access to my privacy by using the same tools or backdoors as security agencies. That makes me think that I should reconsider my opinion on that subject...

    1. Do you feel safe online?
    Generally, I do feel safe. I try to be a conscious user of the internet but I realise that new threads emerge every day and I should be careful while using the internet.

    2. Do you trust big international companies?
    As I mentioned, I am aware that those companies kinda spy on me, but I agree on that in exchange for their products. I would like to believe that besides their cooperation with governments, they keep my data as secured as it's possible. On the other hand, I read recently that a bank, which is one of the most popular banks in Poland, was using an external analytical script that besides normal data was collecting info of the bank's clients balances on their accounts. Nobody could clearly answer why it was doing so and the bank could just suspend the script util the case would be clarified. That shows that even banks don't fully control the security of their on-line platforms...

    1. Thanks for your opinion! Please check other 'TED's' with guy on my video, he seems to be expert in this field!

  7. Do you feel safe online?

    No, I don't.

    Do you trust big international companies?

    No, I don't trust them, because what they are doing with my personal sensitive data. Many points to that data are not protected very well and forwarded to third party organization.

    1. What if they will be pay us for store our personal data?

  8. I feel safe in web, because I work in IT company dealing web security. I know any security standards about my privacy in Internet. I adhere to this. This is most important.

    I not trust big companies, because he have many information about every of us. This companies make many money by using and selling our data. This is horrible.

    1. Can you teach me and other how to surf the Internet in safe way? Maybe you should write post about this topic?

  9. Do you feel safe online?
    – Not always. I don't like to use public internet connections, maybe just for quick google search. Sometimes we can hear on the news about data leaks, even from banks. If such an institutions as banks cann't feel safe, how can I feel safe?

    Do you trust big international companies?
    – I believe taht even if the company has perfec reputation is still better to check the company by yourself and never trust it fully. I prefer to be cautious.

    1. You are right, it is hard to feel safe online.

  10. To start with I want to say about one silly situation in Facebook. Many people wrote post about their properity of photos or posts. It was ridiculous, because when you creating an account you have to agree with conditions. There is written that all your posts and all your photos are belonging to Facebook and they can use it. Many people claims that while they post something about privacy policy privacy they will be safe, bot it's not like that.
    1. Maybe I'm weird or something but during surfing the net I don;t feel safe. Numbers of hackers growth immidiately and you never know when you will be attacked.
    2. I don't trust all companies. Thay made you to write special formula about keeping in secret information they give to you, but they can easilly sell ur personal data and you don't know from where somebody have it. Monika D

    1. All companies? Maybe they all are not so bad as you think?

  11. 1. Oh no. But I recently bought an VPN. Now I feel a little safer, but it only protects me from wiretapping. Anyway, I recommend :)
    2. I shouldn't but i have to. It is hard to do something without using big companies products. For example if you are programmer, you should push you repository on Git. Obviously you can have it on your server. You can also manage the server. Or even have a home server at home. But that's probably paranoia :)

    Do you trust big international companies?

    1. No I do not but you make me very interesting in VPN!

  12. 1. I don’t feel safe online. There are a lot of hackers. I don’t think that hard passwords and antivirus is enough but what more we can do..
    2. I don’t trust big companies, they just want to earn a big money, so I think they don’t care about users.

    1. Of course that hard passwords it is a illusion of out safety! You are right!

  13. Do you feel safe online?
    I think I do. I'm not a person who writes everything everywhere. I can't imagine why people wants to share every single moments of their lives online. I value my privacy and if I wanna share something important I usually do it face to face. Unfortunately it's true that we also share a lots of information through calls and messages, but I don't really think they are worth effort to check them.

    Do you trust big international companies?

    Well, I don't fully trust any company which is big and international. But the problem is, I don't have a choice. I am dependent on communication. We all are. If you don't trust them, you have to give up modern lifestyle.

    1. Thank for your opinion, you are right we all are...

  14. Thank you for this article. Nodaway the problem of cyber security is very important and we should spread knowledge about this topic. People are posting photos on Facebook and they don’t think about consequences of this. Some of these pictures are very personal and people don’t think if anyone will use them against them. The main problem for me about cyber security is that people don’t care about their passwords. To our most important things like online banking or mails people use very or too easy passwords.
    People should care more about their private data.
    I use “LastPass” to store my passwords in online safe, I always generate about 30 random characters password to my services and if it is possible I use multifactor authentication. I really recommend you to check how “LastPass” works and try to use it.

    Do you feel safe online?

    No, I don’t feel safe online. I am always trying to use multifactor authentication and I change my passwords very often. The numbers of hackers on the Internet and many sniffers are not the stuff which make me safe online. Even if you care most about your private data online, the clouds and data from big companies can be stolen and deciphered.

    Do you trust big international companies?

    I use Google and Facebook so in some part I have to trust them. I believe that they store my personal data in encrypted form. But of course they have access to my personal data so they can use it how they want.

    1. It is nice to hear about new tools like LastPass! I will check this in the nearest future!

  15. Do you feel safe online?
    No I don't feel safe online, but I rarely think about it when I'm online. It's like driving a car - it's natural that you're focused and careful.

    Do you trust big international companies?
    No I don't, but in real IT business you have to use products made by that kind of companies. I'm sure that products made by Microsoft, Oracle or Apple collect too much data about its users. I agree with someone who told, that if corporations were persons they would be psychopaths.

  16. 1. Nowadays there are plenty of viruses that are not blocking anti-virus programs. Such a virus can be downloaded by clicking on the wrong link URL, which is sent to us by email as courier company like DHL.

    A non-secure virus can block our data, steal data from your laptop and hackers can blackmail us - if we pay hackers, they will unlock our documents.

    2. Of course not, because company need money, a lot of OUR money .. and good lawyers.

    Bog companies uses our personal data and what we are looking for in the internet. They use our preferences to display products we recently searched for on the web.
    We can not do anything about it, because big companies have very good lawyers and we will not win the legal way without a good lawyer.

  17. 1.
    I do feel safe and I do not at the same time. Studying IT allows me to understand and spot potential threats online, which doesn’t make browsing the Internet more secure, however it sensitizes and expands my focus areas. What has been said in that video is true. We need to take care about secure mediums of communication. But I’d like to expand that problem. There are certain sets of sensitive information that we want be secured and we try attempt to keep them private. What however remained unsaid is – that we (consciously or not) share a lot of information by ourselves.
    Do you recall cookies pop-up that you just close? Have you ever checked what kind of information about your visit are going to be stored on the server? Have you ever installed software from unknown publisher on your PC? Have you granted unneeded accesses to applications on your Android phone? I bet that for at least one of those questions everyone can answer ‘yes’. We need to aware that whatever we do online is monitored and this data might be used by various ways. It might be sold, consolidated to build your online profile. And it’s happening now. Facebook is capable of profiling people who are friends with us, however do not have an account. They can determine their interests, salary range, network of friends. Good one, right?

    But there’s no runaway form it. We cannot simply drop using the Internet. But we NEED to be very careful about what and how we share in there.

    I don’t. But I don’t believe that the problem is passing users private information to the government or intelligence agencies. Company prime aim it to make money. I’d rather say our data is (now in raw form, of course) is sold to 3rd party companies or used in that way, to make even more money. Best example is how precise Facebook is in terms of advertisements targeting. I own a Facebook fanpage and my first contact with commercial campaign on Facebook was shocking. The amount of data held there about interests, hobbies, preferred activities and their frequency etc. is unimaginable.

    1. Your opinion is very interesting and thanks for sharing with us! I'm agree with you!

  18. I work part time in the information security industry. I care about the security of my clients' business data. After passing a few courses, reading the mass of books and after two years of practice I dnn't feel safe online. Is not it strange that a giant like Google, provides its services for free? We are observed on the internet, every our move, every click, every purchase, every search engine page query. There is a saying, "Knowledge is power". The biggest company have this power they know about us almost everything if we do not know how to defend against it, , and what penny blindly trust in the false sense of security on the Internet. So answer on second question in my case of course, of course no, I don't.

    1. Do you enjoy working in the information security industry?

  19. 1. I must say, that for most of the time I do. There are couple billions of us around the World, and I can not imagine what kind of machinery could surveill that many. Of course there is no privacy or anonymity while being online. If you want some just use a VPN connection or Tor network.

    2.It's a bit creepy that google seems to know what I'm about to ask it for, but nevertheless I don't feel like my privacy is violated. I gave them everything they know about me, nothing was stolen. Companies like Google or Facebook do what they do because they want to sell their products to us, that's it. I don't believe that there is some kind of an evil, hidden plan behind it.

    1. You are the second person who wrote about VPN, have you got any interesting articles to recommend me as a newbie?

  20. Do you feel safe online?
    I feel quite safe online, while I try to be cautiuos and avoid taking any irresponsible actions.

    Do you trust big international companies?
    I don't trust any of them, big or small ones it doesn't matter. all companies are only interested in maximizing their income therefore "Thy don't really care about us".

    1. What do you mean avoid taking any irresponsible actions?

  21. Do you feel safe online?
    Of course not fully. But I can prevent it. I am trying not trust 100%, but checking everything what I can. But I know that at the end there are possibility to cheat me and I cannot avoid 100% of cheats. But I can minimise risk... And that's all what I can do with it :)

    Do you trust big international companies?
    Come on. I love this streotype of bad big corporation. It is nice to say that big corporation are essence of badness :)
    But I trust them as much they deserve. If there is bank, I am checking securities of this bank and put on accounts some money. But always have to mitigate risk, by putting money in different ones. Again, this is my approach.
    But if you come through the street, what risk is you will be hitten by car. I am guessing this risk is higher or at same as cheating by corporation as deadly.

    1. Yes, you are right, we can only minimize risk...

  22. Do you feel safe online?

    I don’t feel it, I know it that I will be never safe online. I just minimalize the risk. I try to not open suspicious websites, not to read strange emails, download files only from trusted sources, but that is not enough. Everything becomes mobile and it is a pass for hackers. They have "eldorado" and I am afraid of my privacy.

    Do you trust big international companies?

    The same answer as above. These are companies where business has to go all the time. Recently, there was a scandal about that highly-placed people were tapped. So if they can’t feel safe I feel the same either.
