Monday 17 May 2021

Week 5 [17-23.05.2021] Secret Sky Virtual festival



    Concerts and music festivals are often eagerly anticipated by fans. These are events where you can meet many interesting people, create friendships and experience something unforgettable. Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic, virtually any events of this type have become something unattainable. The artists and their fans were deprived of interaction with each other, people could not feel the thrill that accompanied them when the lights on the stage and the sound of music were suddenly turned on.

    Even though I haven't been to many concerts, I'm a big fan of them. It's amazing how this type of event can connect people and arouse so many positive emotions. I believe that along with the need to cancel all kinds of concerts and festivals, their fans have lost something very important and they were looking forward to anything that could at least slightly recreate what they had lost.

    Fortunately for fans of electronic music and Porter Robinson himself, on April 24 a very interesting and important event took place. The aforementioned electronic music author Porter Robinson with Swardy, Wave Racer, Rezz, Kero Kero Bonito and many others decided to organize a virtual festival called Secret Sky. The concert took place in a browser-based auditorium built by Active Theory's creative design team, with optional VR support developed in collaboration with Oculus.



    The site took fans into a huge field full of avatars depicting real people. Each of the users, instead of the typical nickname above their head, had only a short information where they came from. The white circles on the floor allowed players to join voice chats and mix with other groups from around the world. Thanks to this solution, many interesting situations had place, many new bonds were created and many new acquaintances were made during the festival. I had a chance to talk to people from many corners of the world, on the most common topics, from musical tastes, politics, hobbies to how someone's day just passed. Even though I didn't have direct contact with other festival goers, I felt as if they were right next to me. It was possible to take part in the festival via a browser, but the main attraction was the possibility of using a VR set. I had never used a VR for such a long time before, the festival lasted until 5am and I must admit that at the end of it I thought my eyes had turned into hot embers, but it was worth it.

Ending of festival 
song: Porter Robinson - Look at the sky

    Something as simple as being able to voice my enthusiasm about how much I "love this song" with other people around was really cool. You can say that thanks to this whole pandemic, I started to appreciate even such simple things that I would never even think about.


1. What do you think about the event I have described, do you think that such events may gain popularity in the future? Or maybe you also took part in this festival?

2. Would you like to take part in such an event? If so, which artist would you like to hear?

3. What is your opinion on the VR technology itself? Do you think it may find wider application in the future?


  1. At the outset - thank you very much for such a nice description of this type of event, I didn't expect such an article on the blog. The festival itself seems very interesting to me and is definitely a great solution during a pandemic, when we don't really meet face to face with others. As you mentioned in the article, it must've been an unforgettable experience - provided that you have VR googles (I didn't understand this part very well, so anyone could join the festival via a web browser, but VR googles owners had additional experiences?). I think that such events should become more and more popular, simply because such a festival can accommodate an audience consisting of people from all over the world. Question is - what are the limits of such a solution, how many people are able to connect simultaneously?

    As much as I like the concept, I don't think that due to my introversion I would take part in it - or on the contrary, maybe it would be the perfect opportunity to break some barriers. If I had to choose one artist that I'd like to experience at a concert like this, it would be "Always Never" or "Oh Wonder" for sure.

    All the time you hear about newer and newer applications of VR or AR technology, for example in medicine, military, education, etc. It's still an under-exhausted topic, but in my opinion this industry has great potential. Personally, I'm more interested in AR technology (in the form of multifunctional googles that I'd like to have come into daily use someday), but I'd also not despise a decent MMO computer game that would use a VR theme.

    1. Sorry for not clarifying enough, it was exactly as you wrote! If the participant did not have VR goggles, he could navigate using a browser. The person with the goggles had a first person view (you can see it in the video), and the person using a web browser had a third person view where they could see the "creature" they were moving around (2nd picture).

  2. Unfortunately, I had no opportunity to participate in such a festival but from my point of view, there is a chance that their popularity will gain soon. To be honest I’d like to take part in such an event but the list of artists I’d like to hear is too long I think. I assume that it would be an outstanding feeling to listen to Andrea Bocelli during such an event. In my opinion, VR technology is something great and its potential is unlimited. The only limitations are in human minds and we have to put our imagination to stress to get more from VR technology. Some time ago I had a PlayStation VR kit and it was great fun to play with it but after about one hour of playing I’ve had a headache so it’s good only for a short time. Maybe better devices don’t cause such problems.

    1. Unfortunately, a large number of people using VR goggles have symptoms similar to those in motion sickness :( Game developers have some smart tricks to minimize these side effects, but sometimes even that is not enough. At first I also had a slight headache problem, but after prolonged use with the goggles I got used to them.

  3. I think that it was an amazing idea! While COVID lasts I think there should be much more events like this. I am a big fan of concerts and I attempted a lot of them and my favorite one is now called Pol'and'Rock which I miss so much (i'm going to try to get tickets to it this year, wish me luck i think it's going to be hard to get ;D). If i only knew that event existed it would love to attempt it 100%!

    As I mentioned I would love to attempt it even tho i don't know any artist that performed. :D It's very hard to pick an artist which I would like to see, there are so many. But my mind is around Red Hot Chili Peppers and Twenty One Pilots (i wanted to see them in Poland but COVID :/) I'm waiting so much for big music events to come back!

    I think VR is fun, I tried it few times but there is one thing that annoys me, I wear glasses and that's a struggle, I can't wear them under VR set and without them I see nothing :D. In the future it might become a thing but it still needs more working on, especially with the headsets as it is very uncomfortable.

    1. I've heard a lot about the pol'and'rock festival! This event sounds very interesting especially because there are several bands that I like playing there. I am trying to convince myself to go to the next edition, currently I have only been to concerts in closed halls so I am curious what a "real" concert / festival in the air looks like. As for the glasses themselves, at the beginning I had a similar problem, fortunately the headset I use is large enough to fit the glasses, the only problem is their proper setting, which sometimes takes a while :)

  4. I think that idea of virtual concerts is something that in current reality might help us to socialize with people. I do believe that from year to year, even if Corona pandemic will end such event will get much more popular, reason is very simple, costs of attendance are cheaper than going to for example foreign country to festival. You save money, time ect. I had attended once to such event, i think it was in last year, Travis Scott organized an event in online game called Fortnite. I have not heard about that game before, i purchased it only for this event. Such collaboration is profitable for both, artist and video game owner which. For sure some people that at first only wanted to attend to concert will stay with game for a while. Regarding VR I don’t really enjoy that. I do always have headache after using it. However this is very interesting technology which im strongly following and waiting for news.

    1. I completely forgot about the money aspect! You are absolutely right, as the event is run this way, there are no costs associated with the preparation of a huge stage, security, various other attractions and required services. In this case, the most important aspect is the quality of connection with each artist and the configuration of the equipment and service on which the event will operate. A big plus is the fact that people do not have to pay, for example, for airline tickets and hotels. In the long run, it can even be said that to some extent such an event is eco, usually a huge amount of garbage is produced at music festivals, etc.

  5. For me this kind of shows are nothing more but fun fact:), but probably because of COVID and laziness of younger generation it will be something that will last longer. But that's of course only my opinion. It really depends why you are attending concerts.If you are just for music, that solution should be enough, but if you want to see on your own eyes or you want to meet face to face new people with similar music taste that kind of events probably aren't for you. As for me as heavy metal fan that kind of stuff aren't for me because most of concert im in mosh pit under the stage, and at least for me there is no feeling like being covered in blood, sweat and tears while drinking cold beer after the show:)
    As for VR I tried it and didn't enjoy it so it's a pass for me, by technology itself is interesting and I'm trying to be up to date with all new things regarding it.

  6. What do you think about the event I have described, do you think that such events may gain popularity in the future? Or maybe you also took part in this festival?
    The event you described seems to be great! I’m also a big fan of going to concerts and having fun at them, so I think that kind of event can replace the fun we miss a lot. I believe such events may gain popularity in the future. Especially if the coronavirus pandemic attacks us in another wave (I hope not…).

    Would you like to take part in such an event? If so, which artist would you like to hear?
    As an alternative to live concerts, I would like to participate in this event. However, the most I would like to be able to participate in an “ordinary” concert :)

    What is your opinion on the VR technology itself? Do you think it may find wider application in the future?
    To be honest, I didn't have much to do with VR technology. I’m not a fan of it, but I’m also not an opponent ;) I believe that it can certainly have a wider application in the future - I think it is mainly used for fun now. However, as I wrote earlier, I’m not up to date with the news about this tech :)

    1. It is true that the popularity of this type of concerts / festivals may largely depend on how long the coronavirus will stay with us. Personally, I hope that such events will also be organized after the pandemic is over. It is very convenient for people from the other side of the world, where getting directly to the place of the event would be associated with high expenses and fatigue.

  7. I think it's really interesting. I'm not a fanatic when it comes to music events but I enjoy them a lot. I didn't participate in this event but after reading your article I regret I didn't. It sounds like great fun. To be honest, I don't think it will gain popularity after pandemic because the event, when you can meet with each other, face to face, is always better experienced but It's likely to see this kind of methods as an addition to classic ways of organizing events. Especially for people who cant travel across the world to take a part in music concerts.
    I would be really happy to enjoy some good rap concert this way with Eminem for example.
    In my opinion, VR technology is part of our future for sure. It can be useful in various parts of our lives like cinemas, games, virtual concerts, simulations, meetings, etc.

    1. This is partly true, the popularity of such events is now questionable, the more so as people really crave good old gigs in a classic edition. So far, the next concert organized by the organizer mentioned in the article is already planned in the classic style, due to the relaxation of restrictions in the United States. In a way it is a big loss for me due to the concert location. Right now I'm not that hardcore fan to fly to the US for a concert, but maybe someday ...

  8. Actually, this topic gives me not so much room to talk about. I haven't ever been on a concert. Therefore I do not miss mass events. If it comes to popularity, I think these days and months/years to come will give us a chance to develop such events.
    As I wrote above, I am not a fan of classic festivals/mass events so I am not into online event as well.
    As of VR, it is clear to me that this technology and other such ideas are more and more efficient and usable. Personally, I do not use VR right now, but I am sure I will use it in the future on a daily basis.

  9. That is a very interesting idea, especially for people who enjoy concerts very much and not always are able to get to the venue. Myself, I am not a huge event goer, however I do enjoy a good concert from time to time. Having said that, what I do like about concerts is live experience, not necessarily because of vibe that other people give me but mostly because of the intensity of music, which I think would be hard to represent in VR. I do have a VR set and I think it has a great future mostly in gaming industry but also possibly in film industry as well. Maybe I do not see it as technology trying to desperately mimic reality but providing a completely different experience, which is also very valuable.

  10. I did not take part in this festival, and I haven’t heard about such events before. I think it must be a very fun experience and it’s also a very interesting way of meeting new people. I guess there is a good chance that such events may gain popularity in the future.
    I think I prefer such events to happen in real life, however I think it would be nice to take part in such event at least once.
    I think VR technology may find wider application in the future. Due to pandemic and the new reality of working, VR technology has a great chance of development. I feel that online meetings with people from all around the world will look completely different one day thanks to VR technology.

  11. The event is quite expected, even somehow strange that such events did't gain massive popularity during the pandemic. Although in my area many artists organize regular concerts despite the bans, it's easier for the organizers to pay a fine, but at the same time mow a lot of money. I'd like to believe that not, because I hope that the pandemic will not last long and soon everything will be as before and there will be no need for such events.

    I'm not a fan of concerts in general, so neither the usual nor the virtual ones attract me. But this applies specifically to concerts, not the technology of the event itself, for example, I would like to visit some kind of international conference or exhibition in this format.

    Yes, many different applications of this technology are potentially possible, but they will be developed mainly only in those areas where they can make good money on this, such as such concerts or games, but I would better pay money to walk on the Moon or Mars in this format ...

    1. A good idea with the organization of other events using VR technology! For example, a part of a technology fair could be organized to present the VR technology itself and what can be achieved with it. Unfortunately, currently the very problem of VR technology is its price and availability, when I ordered my VR set, I had to wait a few months in the queue to be able to place the order.

  12. 1. Wow! I've never heard anything about an event like this before. I hope so! People always like to be surprised, myself included Unfortunately, I have not attended this festival, but I would love to attend in the future. At the moment a person would like to go to any. It's definitely not the same as taking part live, meeting people, or just having fun, but it could be the future.

    2. It’s a tough choice for me... Although I really like the Red Hot Chili Peppers and 30 seconds to Mars. I think they could do a great performance :)

    3. I think VR technology itself has huge potential. It seems to me that the field of science itself gives a huge scope for VR technology. Looking at current times, drones have also evolved heavily. They are often used in research and expertise (and these are just drones) that are conducted in places that are hard to reach for a normal person. Who knows, maybe one day we will be more friendly with VR technology, we will see :))
