Monday 31 May 2021

Week 6 [ 31.05-06.06.2021] Benefits of herbal medicine

As people who live in times of constant technological development, we are eager to move to big cities in search of great experiences, fascinated by the fast pace of life and enchanted by the gorgeous views from skyscrapers. We do not think about less important matters. Only continuous development matters. If necessary, we know that we can easily take advantage of various amenities. One of such facilities is public health care. Another convenience, thanks to the development of medicine, is the availability of all kinds of drugs and supplements. Due to the incessant race, we often forget about things as simple and accessible as, for example, natural medicine. The gifts of nature in the form of herbs are a valuable treasure that we had been using for years, but unfortunately, we do not use it so often recently.

Herbal medicine is nothing different but a reasonable use of the healing properties of plant extracts. Herbs help to fight chronic diseases, food poisoning, stomach pains, headaches, and sore throats. Herbal medicine supports our immune system and helps people who suffer from nervous disorders. Interestingly, some herbal brews also help with such ailments as nosebleeds, fever, hormonal imbalances, or even bad breath.  They can also be used in the form of compresses for rheumatic ailments, burns or acne. You can make brews out of many herbs even out of such plants as plantain or mistletoe. I can recommend you highly fennel tea for stomach aches, white mulberry brew to lower blood sugar levels and rosemary tea which has antibacterial and antifungal effects comparable even to some antibiotics.

You need to remember that certain herbs can cause strong effects on your body, and it is best to use them as prescribed by your doctor. I have experienced some strong effects of herbs myself. I once bought Ashwagandha in powder form. Ashwagandha is a plant extract with many health benefits, especially those connected with stress relief. The recommended dose on the package was as much as 3 teaspoons (which NOTE is a quite large dose, especially for the first use). One morning, after taking the Ashwagandha extract for the first time, I went to work. After half an hour, I felt my heart rate drop significantly and I became so incredibly sleepy that I had to put my head on the desk. In addition, I felt a slight stomachache. Fortunately, the symptoms passed within half an hour. This situation presents how powerful herbs can be and that you have to be careful when using them. I have been using ashwagandha since then - of course in reasonable amounts and I must admit that I am satisfied with the results.

Synthetic drugs, commonly available in pharmacies, often have many side effects. Herbal medicine on the other hand, when used responsibly, does not cause any side effects, but provides advantages only. We feel the best in natural environment, and we should more often make use out of what it offers.

Below I attached two short videos: the first about the History of Herbal Medicine and the second about Ashwagandha:



1.      Did you have any experience with herbal medicine? If yes, how did you feel about it? Did it work for you?

2.      If you feel sick, do you use painkillers right away or are you looking for other solutions first?

3.      What is your favorite kind of tea/herbal brew if you have any?




  1. I have to admit that I’ve had some experience with herbal medicine. In my opinion, it’s hard to say if it worked for me because sometimes I had a feeling that I’m dealing with a placebo effect. Assuming that herbal medicine works I have to say that it helped me a few times and that’s why I come back to it when I have the same case again. Even If it’s only the placebo effect I'm happy with the overall result. I try not to use painkillers at all, I only use them in very tough cases. For example, some time ago I’ve used to take a painkiller whenever I had a headache. Recently I’ve heard that it may be caused by dehydration of my organism. I’ve started to drink a lot of water when I feel that my head starts to ache and I have to admit that it reduced usage of painkillers so it seems that it works. Maybe it’s not herbal medicine but for sure it’s also a good way to avoid painkillers with a doubtful reputation.

  2. 1) Personally I try to use herbal medicine at every better opportunity. I use nettle extract for bladder problems, mint for stomach or an infusion of chamomile, fennel fruit and lemon balm leaves, sage for internal dental problems, chamomile for eye problems. Generally herbs accompany me in my daily life and health problems. To soothe my mind I burn white sage - apparently some people called it shamanic ritual.

    2) At the beginning of my illness I try to fight the pain myself, if that doesn't help me I prefer to go to bed to get as much rest as possible. In the next stage I reach for herbs and natural remedies. Only when nothing else works I take medication - in my case very occasionally.

    3) Hmmm it’s hard to say. I generally like herbs, their taste and especially their smell. I grow lemon balm and mint on my balcony to make fresh infusions. I love mixed herbs and I could drink them all the time! I don't have a particular favorite, but I think I like the taste of freshly brewed mint the best :)

  3. 1. I used to see herbalism once or twice, but these were just some remedies from my grandmother in the country. It didn't seem to help me much, I think the usual drugs would be much more effective. After all, I think that somehow these "medications" have softened the ailments in some way and I was definitely better, but as I mentioned, the drugs would certainly give more and work faster.
    2. Yes, I admit that most often I reach for painkillers right away or anything that will help me in a given situation as soon as possible. I don't like to play with alternatives because I don't usually have time to endure the pain and wait for some "weird" way to help me. I have to act fast, and that's usually what drugs do for me.
    3. I don't have a favorite tea or herbal infusion, but I usually enjoy a plain raspberry or black tea for breakfast. Sometimes when I feel very bad, I drink mint or green tea for better digestion.

  4. It is hard to say whether I have experience with herbal medicine or not. I use some of herbs from time to time but basically, my knowledge in this area is limited. Generally I think herbal medicine works, but the truth is they must be wisely used. That is why I am cautious when I am to use herbs to better my or my family conditions.
    It depends what kind of pain I experience. Of course I have some painkillers in my closet, but when I have digestion problems or some issues with my throat, I prefer herbs at first. I drink mint, I use salvia, camomile or urtica (good for hair).
    As I mentioned above, I think my favourite herb is mint, although it is not about herbs, but I stronlgy reccomend raspberries and garlic, there are plenty ways to use them and better our condition without special medication.

  5. I use herbal medicine from time to time. For example, when I have a stomach ache, I drink chamomile, fennel or mint brew depending on the type of pain. When I’m tied-up and have a lot of stress I also use Melissa brew to calm down. Even though I use herbal medicine sometimes, I don't think that I have a lot of knowledge in this area. When I am sick, I try not to take any painkillers right away. However, (to be honest) it often ends there;)
    When it comes about my favorite brew - Green tea is definitely my favorite. I have to start each day with a cup of nice green tea. I like it in every form - from classic Sencha, through flavored teas to matcha.

  6. 1. I most likely had contact with herbal medicine when I was younger and spent a lot of my time with my grandmother. I don't know if it can be classified as this type of medicine, but when I was younger my grandmother used to prepare mint inhalations for me. They often helped clean the respiratory system when I was sick. A lot of current drugs contain ingredients found in herbs, so herbal medicine must work to a greater or lesser extent. After all, painkillers have not always been in the form of a convenient pill :)

    2. To be honest, I try to limit the use of any painkillers. Usually at the beginning I try to find the cause of the pain, e.g. dehydration or hunger. I usually lie down in bed and close my eyes, if the pain doesn't go away for a long time or it gets worse then I decide to take painkillers.

    3. I have no favorite tea. I don't drink much of it these days, I used to drink tea much more when I was younger.

  7. Of course I did, most of us have at least once tried some kind of herbal decoction, whether intentionally or not, even the same mint tea. I use herbs from time to time and mainly for one purpose - for sleep. Especially since the beginning of the pandemic, when most of the activities became unavailable, gyms were closed, work and study were completely remote. Lack of daily activity, overexposure of energy and a lot of time in front of the monitor greatly affected my sleep and daytime regimen. I tried to compensate for the excess energy by doing sport at home. When I go to the shop, I chose a longer path, or after I could walk a few extra streets by making a detour. In the evening I go for a walk for 30-40 minutes, but all this gave a weak result, and then I began to drink different herbs for sleep, melatonin in different combinations and something else that should not be written about. All these herbs helped me fall asleep faster, although they did not give 100 percent results.
    When I feel bad, I don’t take the tablets right away or I don’t make the decoction with herbs and roots, in fact it all depends on the situation; sometimes it’s worth taking a pill or an antibiotic right away so as not to aggravate the situation, sometimes a good decoction or a simple hour combined with rest is the best medicine.

  8. 1)Yeah, I’ve heard about herbal medicine I came to a conclusion that I’d been doing that from a long time, I wasn’t just aware of this whole process. Since I was a little kid, I was drinking mint or chamomile for stomach issues, nettle for hair or sage to sooth my nerves. Generally speaking, I’m using herbal infusions with minor problems/daily usage and I think that herbs do work for me. In my opinion, herbal teas are overall useful, but they have to be taken cautiously because some herbs can be harmful

    2)For any severe migrens or other health issues I’m choosing painkillers or ‘normal’ medicaments. After years, I can easliy say whenever herb infusion won’t help me and I need to take synthetic drugs. Of course I try to avoid it as long as I can, but I sometimes the pain is unbearable.

    3)Oh that really depends on the season, my mood and many more factors. For everyday drinks I like green tea, yerba mate and mint. Recently i started to adore hibiscus tea, especially during hot days.

  9. 1. Yes, I have dealt with them before, especially when it comes to abdominal pain. If the problem was small and I did not need any medications, herbs often helped me recover quickly and regain my efficiency. However, if I knew that they were not helping or the situation was getting worse, I decided to take painkillers.
    2. As I said before, I give myself time to fix my problem and I don't always take painkillers. Sometimes it is enough to wait or use something softer. If possible, I try to go to sleep.
    3. My favorite herbs are mint and green tea and high quality black tea I hate this poor imitation which is often sold in stores

  10. 1. According to your first question, I don't have any experience with herbal medicine. I don't know if this is the same but I'm wondering what do You think about herb vaporization? There are a lot of articles about positive effects coming from this kind of herb usage.

    2. I'm not using painkillers but I'm not looking for other solutions either. For the first few hours, I'm just drinking a lot of water and wait. Only then if pain still exists I look for other solutions.

    3. I like Mellisa with mint and dried strawberries. It's my favorite kind of tea.

  11. I do use herbal medication sometimes, especially if situation does not require more complex solutions. Mostly I tend to turn to my so called “grandma solutions “ for cold or runny nose like herbal tea with lemon and honey or menthol inhalers. It does work for me, but unfortunately not always is it efficient enough. Sometimes if my fever runs too high so called “home made” medication doesn’t seem to cover it. Then I would probably use something like paracetamol or antibiotics. I believe that there should be a balance in usage of both conventional and unconventional medication, and the true clue is to do your research in proven sources. It is important not to forget about natural ways do cure illnesses, however it is also vital that we trust the development of medicine as a science.

  12. I do frequently use herbal medicine, on very simple level but still I use. I do drink mint tea very often, I do compete in eating challenges and to recover fast I use mint tea which helps me to avoid stomach pain. In addition use to drink pine tea when I have sore throat. I don’t like to use painkillers, not because im not trusting current medicine, its like rather I have never been seriously sick. I always let my immune system to fight the sickness. As mentioned above, i like pine tea and mint tea, both are very tasty and are cheap to prepare. In my parents garden there is always fresh mint so each weekend I collect some and prepare it over week. You can as well prepare great tincture from fresh pine shoots.

  13. I have never tried herbal medicine. I think so, or maybe pills that are based on herbs count into this? If it counts I used things like this to treat my running nose and it worked great, but I am not sure it is the same. As for me when I am sick I don't take normal medicine mostly Aspirin.

    If I am getting sick (hard) the first thing I do as mentioned before I take aspirin pills when it comes to flu or stuff like that, but if it is very light I don't take any medicine. On the other hand I take pills immediately when I feel I am getting a head ache, unfortunately I have a terrible migraine which last about 3 days and without any painkillers i am literally out of anything in life.

    The only tea I drink is a normal Earl Gray (in winter with orange, cinnamon and stuff like that). I do not really enjoy drinking tea since i do not like hot drinks and when it is cold it does not taste good.
