Monday 16 November 2015

Week 4 [23.11-29.11.2015] Can You Really Be Anonymous Online?

When you connect to the Internet you are assigned a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address that allows your computer to communicate with others. Through a unique IP address, other people  can identify your ISP and figure out approximately where you're located. User control on the Internet  is needed because it allows you to track down criminals by law enforcement agencies. IP address  is also used for censorship, for example, in China, where the government restricts users to access all network resources.
If someone wants to be truly anonymous on the Internet,  they will  use  TOR.

What is TOR?

TOR  (Eng. The Onion Router) is a virtual computer network  which implements second-generation onion routing. Onion routing is a technique for anonymous communication over a computer network. In an onion network, messages are encapsulated in layers of encryption, analogous to layers of an onion. The project was founded in 2004 by  Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson and Paul Syverson.

It is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people to improve privacy and security on the Internet. Tor works by sending traffic through three random servers (also known as relays) in the Tor network; then traffic is sent to the public Internet.

What data can we find in TOR?

If someone wants to be anonymous,  they usually  have bad intentions ...
Best- known hackers in the world use the TOR Network.
They usually trade scans of  important documents, which they  send to each other in e-mails.  They create fake online accounts in banks, loan companies, auction sites.

If you think that such problems do not concern you ... you're wrong. In February 2014,  Polish hackers used TOR to publish  Internal Security Agency’s materials.
That's not all .. TOR is used for:
-          theft
-          tax evasion
-          drug trafficking
-          database leaks
-           extortion,
-          Document forging,
-          avoiding incarceration,
-          smuggling.

You need new documents, a fictitious identity? You will find everything here – you just have to negotiate the price with hackers.  Some hackers even offer  training’ how to steal from ATMs’.

Unfortunately, these are not all of TOR’s issues:
They also include:
- stalking
- illegal trade in firearms

 There is also pornography, including pedophilia. Frightening is the fact there are plenty of  images, information, advice, tips and experiences.
We can find exchange experiences on  how to take revenge on somebody or how to destroy him/her. We can read extremely accurate advice on how to effectively “ get rid of the body "or homemade abortion.
Shocking is also advice on how to take revenge on a pregnant woman:  ‘buy a needle infected with HIV and stab her’…

As you can see, connecting to TOR is quite simple, but is this right?
Have you ever used  the TOR network?



  1. Nice presentation. This is important topic for all of us. I think that everyone should have own space and own privacy. Now almost all simple task or moves leaves some marks and this can be used by companies. Companies from that informations can build knowledge that can be used to sell you some staff, to know about your opitions. this knowledge can be used by media to serve you informations and opinions in way that you will buy it. This can be dangerous in all kinds of way.
    I think its very good that this technologi exists, there should be way to protect each person privacy.

    1. You are absolutely right. Whatever we write , provide on the Internet , it's already been there forever . We have to be careful that our “footprints” on the Internet.

  2. I think you chose a very interesting topic. The thing I really loved is the end: “If someone wants to be anonymous, they usually have bad intentions ... “, then you list all the possibilities: you can kill someone, black mail, forge a document etc. and you end up your presentation with video tutorial how to do it :D I know it was a coincidence (at least I hope so), but still delightful. I had an opportunity to use TOR (and no, I’m not a pervert) and it’s… interesting idea. Of course you can use it for ‘nasty stuff’, but I think that idea of not being traced all the time, no ads, no cookies policy is a very refreshing one. I also think that hard core porn stuff should be kept there (I want to say right not that I’m fully against paedophilia and other harmful affixations) [], just to remove the possibility of kid/regular user to find it easily. The downside of that of course is all the robberies, paedophiles etc., which can harm a child ( &, but I hope that in the future they will be traced and ‘disabled’. But if TOR will be used like this: to help destroy terrorism – I fully agree with that cause and I hope they will succeed (

    As for this presentation, I really enjoyed it, but if I were you, I would pay more attention to formatting: in some places you use double space, when you list threats sometimes you start with capital letter, usually minuscule, you mix fonts and colours (probably in spots, where you pasted), while listing you should be consistent and either finish with comma, period or semicolon or don’t use any of those. And last, but not least - try to use only one type of quotation mark, not 3 :) and

    1. Thank you for your comment . In my presentation I wanted to show the " dark side " of TOR . Of course, being anonymous online does not just end up on the bad intentions :) Topic of TOR is voluminous and difficult to cover in one presentation.

      Thank you for guidance on formatting .:)

  3. According to Pierluigi Paganini's article "81 percent of Tor clients can be identified with traffic analysis attack" (, there is a way to de-anonymize TOR clients by Netflow technology. It was introduced by Cisco for its network appliances. So it's not as great as it seems.
    I've never used TOR.

    1. Thank you for the link to the article . As you can see TOR ceased to be the perfect tool to be anonymous .

  4. Very interesting presentation. It is true, that TOR is the darker side of the Internet, but I think there are not only disadvantages and illegal things. TOR is also using by “normal” people, who now – in times of increasing invigilation and abuse of personal data, there can breathe and calmly work, looking for valuable information for themselves. There they can be sure that no one accuse them for example of the copyright violating (of course if they do not betray themselves by giving unintentionally their real names – it should be noted that many of criminals anyway are captured there, because the police have also access to TOR – to all of the content and can apply provocations). TOR is also good for people living in regimes and where Internet censorship works, for example in China. It is also helpful for the informants, intelligence services and people who are responsible for leaks of the information and who do not want to disclose their identity. The fact that someone uses the TOR, does not make him a criminal.
    In TOR you can see how to care for your own safety, you can get to know cryptographic methods, for example. TOR allows you to create your own blog, web hosting, forums or emails – there you can anonymously exchange information and files. We should not focus only on terrible things which are exist there (it is clear that the Internet is full of trash), but we should concentrate on valuable informations which we can find there. TOR is just one of the network this type. Who knows, maybe in the future this network will become more structured and will evolve to a higher level?


    1. Claudia , thank you for a very interesting comment . The fact is that TOR also has a positive side and the use of anonymity on the Internet doesn't ending with bad intentions . Surely we can find information from the world , which TVP1 , TVN or do not inform us ....

  5. Last year on meeting with my friends I’ve heard that there is an alternative way of using the internet. It was TOR. The first thing what they said is that some time ago, it was the place for example to hire hitman. It was also a place, where you could buy organs. For me it was a little bit wired. How in XXI century you can do such things using internet? I am still wondering how safe it could be, because of deep invigilation around us.
    I have never used this before, but you’ve reminded me this project, and I will download a browser just to see what it is :)

    1. When I was 17 , I used the Tor (the first and probably last time ) . I do not remember excacly name to the forum but it was the Polish Forum (polish language) , and I found a post about " where are the open graves in the vicinity " . OMG ... I was scared and closed the TOR .

  6. I heard about Tor before, but I've never used it. I hope there is at least one person who uses Tor for objectively good reasons. Otherwise this would mean mankind
    is indeed in poor shape. Personally I haven't found a reason to be totally anonimous in the Web, because I don't have bad intentions and I don't want to do any illegal things.

  7. Sylwia, very interesting topic nowadays!
    Many people nowadays do not realise that internet have bad sides.
    I tried tor. You have asked if we think that using tor is right.
    Please notice that only connecting to tor network is legal. You only breaking the law when you buy drugs for example. In this network you can find a lot of interesting information, you do not have to buy a gun for instance.

    I had a pleasure to realize material about Tor network with TVN, you can find it under the link below:,52/darknet-raj-dla-bandytow-i-ostoja-dla-represjonowanych,536996.html

    1. Daniel wow ! It’s a great material about Tor network. The material is short but very specific. It contains key information about the TOR . Great job!

  8. Maybe it's not right to be able anonymous in the internet, expecially when we talk about pedophilia. But new technologies are giving us more and more posibilities even to hide ourselves before other people and police.
    I have never used TOR network or something like that, because I did not have to. I'm not doing anything wrong to use TOR :)

  9. I've never used TOR, but I heard about it many times. And everytime it wasn't nothing positive - drugs, crimes, terrorism...

    Of course in my opinion, interfering in someone's life and depriving people of privacy is really wrong. Although it's not quite true. It shows distrust of the citizens, but also often prevents various crimes.
    So each stick has two ends. TOR may be good solution for people for example in China where they have totally censored Internet (really often even non-negative content) by their government. And here is a chance for positive usage of TOR.
    But from second side, as it was said before, it mostly helps people with bad intentions...

    1. I agree with you , countries like China , North Korea - The Authority of these countries stupefies civilians , giving them false information with the world. They are fooled only the TOR can help them communicate with the outside world and obtain real information on what is happening in the world.

      I think ISIS also uses the TOR network and communicates with other jihadists worldwide.

  10. I think that TOR technology is interesting and powerful tool to keep your privacy in web.
    But I agree with Katarzyna - TOR has also a lot disandvantages, especially when we talk about legal offence. I've experienced by myself how helpful net users control could be. I use gmail, and one day I noticed that someone logged on my account. I was able to indentity place where someone used my mail, and I propably found a company which made it! I'm going to report a case to police. So, sometimes increased user control might be very helpful.

    1. Burglary at gmail account is disturbing. Our account on Facebook is also not safe. My story log into Facebook shows sometimes place the login option from another , unrelated to me the village , and even other countries! All our movements are observed on the web . Even talking on faceboku can be monitored . We must be careful what we excacly write on The Internet.

  11. I've used Tor myself, but purely out of curiosity. It truly is simple to hide your identity that way, but I believe that hardly ever a rightegous person has a reason to do so. Furthermore I'm terrified by the "missuse" of the network you described, but still I believe that Tor itself is completely neutral and so is using it. It's just like with guns. They are not bad themselves, it's people who often turn them into something awful.
