Sweeteners or sugar substitutes are commonly used in diet drinks, desserts, chewing gums and many more products. What makes them useful is the fact that they are usually much sweeter than sugar while containing zero or really low amount of calories. Many of them are plant-derived, but the most common ones are artificial (sucralose or aspartame). Considering this fact people often wonder – are they healthy? Is drinking coke zero bad for my health? Can sweeteners help me lose weight? I’ll try to dispel doubts with this article.
To answer these questions we need to comprehend some facts about sugar substitutes. Because of the facts that they are much sweeter than sucrose (sugar) we can use very small amount of them. Most of artificial sweeteners (also called intense sweeteners) are hundreds times more sweet than sugar. For example aspartame is about 180 times sweeter, sucralose is 660 times sweeter. This fact doesn’t only apply to artificial sweeteners, stevia is about 250 times sweeter than sugar. These sweeteners that I mentioned above are all non-nutritive – it means they are not completely absorbed by your digestive system, they don’t any calories.
We already know that we don’t need to use big amount of sugar substitutes, to make product sweeter. Now let’s review some concerns about the effect of sweeteners on our health. We often hear the myth that drinking diet sodas can cause cancer. The research from the 1970s based on saccharin showed that the high dosage of this substance caused bladder cancer in laboratory rats. It might me concerning, however this mechanism wasn’t confirmed in humans. The same goes with other sweeteners, they are constantly tested, numerous studies confirms that they are safe in limited quantities (which are much greater than the quantities we can consume every day). As for the connection between sweeteners and body weight, the studies’ results vary. If we just look at observational studies (nothing is under control of researchers, they just observe) shows that there is a correlation between consumption of sweeteners and obesity. But correlation does not imply causation. If the scientists have more control over the investigated groups (in a randomized controlled trial), the results are opposite. For example if we drank a can of Zero Coke instead of regular one, we would reduce the caloric balance by 130 calories.
“All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; but the dose makes it clear that a thing is not a poison.” – this Paracelsus quote describes sweeteners well. When it comes to sweeteners moderation is very important. If you want more detailed information on how sweeteners affect our health, here’s a video.
I’d like to hear what you think about this subject:
- Do you consider products with sweeteners as unhealthy?
- How often do you drink diet / zero calories sodas? Do you like the taste of any of them more than the regular ones?
- Do you know any more facts or myths about sweeteners?