Monday 28 March 2016

Week 2 [28.03-03.04.2016] This War of Mine

Those who have already recognized the title know what my presentation will be about. Others in the next few paragraphs will find out what I’m doing in my spare time (or to be more precise: how I spend every single second of my free time). Enjoy!

I am very glad to tell you today about the most amazing game I’ve played recently. This War of Mine is a strategy game which is set in the reality of contemporary war but unlike similar games, in this one you won’t be playing as a well-equipped, athletic soldier. Your task is to lead a group of ordinary civilians, who are completely shocked, terrified and unprepared for this war.

A Polish game developer, 11 bit studios, prepared their product for almost every platform: a console, PC, even for Android and iOS mobile operating system. The versions of the game can slightly differ from each other so to keep my presentation consistent I will focus on the version for the Android system. The second reason is that I’m actually playing it on my smartphone so with this version I’m the most familiar.


When you start the game for the first time, you will get few people to control. You will also have a chance to read about their stories. That makes you stop thinking about them as some characters and start remembering them as Marko, a firefighter, Pavle, a football player who is missing his wife and a son, and Bruno, a chef who has his own TV show. There are 12 characters altogether and after your first game, you can choose with which team you would like to play next. Each character has its special ability, which you can use during the game. For instance, Bruno can cook meals using less resources than others and Marin, who used to be an owner of a workshop, can craft items with less material Besides special abilities, each of them has different statistics (like speed of running, capacity of inventory), tolerances (how fast he gets sad or sick) and addictions ( coffee, cigarettes). You have to keep in mind all of them to make the best choices for particular tasks.


There are 6 categories of character states which reflect their health. These are mood, hunger, wounds, illness, tiredness and sleep. As a player, you need to manage and properly care about them to keep your people alive. Each of the states has a few levels (e. g for mood it will be content, normal, sad, depressed, broken) and reaching the last of it (it means the worst) it usually doesn’t end up well for the character. Each of the states can be affected by different actions or choices that your character (or any other character from the team) makes. What is more, some of them can even affect others. Let’s say your character is wounded. The most effective way to heal him is to use bandages, but of course this is war and the bandages are priceless and hard to find. So instead of it, you can feed you character well (so fulfill the hunger state) or make him sleep in a bed (which also affects tiredness). As I said before, each character can be more or less durable but it’s almost impossible to keep all states in the best conditions. During the game you usually try to balance between the middle levels, avoiding reaching the last of it.


The whole game is divided into, let’s say, rounds. Each round consists of a daytime and a night. During the daytime you can interact with all of your characters. You can feed them, cheer up, patch up if wounded but mostly you will give them tasks to make some improvements to the shelter. At the beginning you can build some basic equipment like beds or chairs but you will quickly notice that it’s not enough to survive. After an upgrade, you will gain far more possibilities like building a water collector, a trap for small animals or even a metal workshop in which you can craft some weapons and tools. But don’t forget that building these things costs. A lot. So, how to get all needed materials? There are a few ways to do that. One of them is trading. It’s the easiest and the safest way to gain what you need but you have to give something else in return. And from my experience trading costs way too much and it’s better to use it as a last resort. Another way to gain some resources is to scavenge and for this activity nights are indented. Every night you can choose one of your characters to go to another location and look for supplies. But it isn’t that easy as it sounds. Before you go, you have to think carefully what you need the most at this moment. Some locations may not have the exact things you need. Another thing is making choices. Do I need this wood or should I bring some water instead? Your character’s inventory is limited and you can’t take everything at once. But it’s not the end. There are much harder and unpleasant decisions to make like robbing other people, stealing from hospitals or even killing. You can do all of it just to stay alive in these tough times.


In my opinion This War of Mine’s definitely worth playing but keep in mind that this isn’t just another time-killing game. When I play it, I sit with a pen and note the exact amount of material I need to bring every night to survive another round. You have to be focused so if you are looking for a game which you can play while waiting for a bus, this one isn’t for you.

After my explanation it may sounds like a very complicated game but trust me, it’s not. The mechanic of the game is quite natural so all choices have their reasonable effects, which could happen in the real world. The atmosphere of this game can be a little bit overwhelming or even depressing. That’s not only thanks to brilliant graphics or realistic scenarios but also music. I strongly recommend playing This War of Mine with headphones.

I know that probably my words can’t describe all aspects and small details of this game but if you feel just a little bit curious you can watch some videos below:

In the moment of writing this presentation there is a huge discount for the PC and mobile versions of This War of Mine so if you would like to try it by yourself I think now it’s the best time.

and for PC:

Thanks for reading. Leave your comments and thoughts about This War of Mine or any other game that made such a huge impression on you like this game did on me.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


  1. Playing " This War of Mine " looks very interesting. The game has a very interesting story , which definitely keeps the player in suspense (WAR for anybody is not an easy topic)
    Unfortunately, I don't play longer in any PC games, my last game is The Sims 2 , GTA San Andreas and Perfect Word (sometimes I miss this game ) . If I had time to play on the computer, happily I would buy this game and try to play.

    1. For me it's also hard to find a longer moment to sit and play without thinking that I should do something more important :) The Sims and GTA are very popular games but you should definitely try This War of Mine - remember that it's from polish developers! :)

  2. First time I saw This War of Mine when my boyfriend showed it to me. He loves strategy games and he tried to convince me that I ‘need’ to try this game. Of course I tried, but after few game 'days' I just can’t make myself to continue playing. I think that this game lacks of something for me that would make me not be able to get away from computer.
    I prefer RPG-kind games – Baldurs Gate, Incewind Dale, Diablo series, The Elder Scrolls series, Fallout series and more and more ;) Recently I’m playing Skyrim or Follout Las Vegas.

    1. Have you tried the newest Fallout 4? I started playing Fallout Las Vegas but I wasn't convinced. But the beginning of Fallout 4 is just amazing. I saw it when my boyfriend was playing and I was sitting next to him wondering what will happen. Here is a link to that fragment:
      and to the next part:

    2. My computer is not good enough to play Fallout 4 :(
      But probably in the future I will play it.

  3. This War of Mine is an amazing game, and I really do like the fact that its made by polish company.
    I didn't have a chance to try it yet but I might soon.
    The game that made a huge impression on me was DayZ it constantly keeps players on their toes, its so immersive and set in similar post-apocalyptic environment as This War of Mine.
    Also I really do enjoy games that I can play with my friends such as The Division and Counter Strike.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I also like games in which you can play with some other people. I was playing Diablo 3 on multiplayer but my favourite game to play with friends is Team Fortress 2. We had so much fun playing together that we even recorded some moments and made a compilation :)

  4. Thanks Patrycja for sharing this game with us! After reading your post I will definitely give it a shot :)

    I am not a regular player - recently I prefer - as you called them - time-killing games, especially in terms of smartphone games. However, some time ago I spent some nights playing on xbox games. As far as I remember, I played Tom Raider and Assassin's Creed, but I'm not sure what parts of their series they were. Although I really enjoyed playing them that days, I haven't finished them. I played several days in a row then took a few days break and when I tried to continue the game it turned out that I was out of practice and couldn't easily feel the story any more so I gave up on it.

    1. I've also played Assassin's Creed. My favourite was Assassin's Creed Brotherhood but every next part had the same game mechanic and logic and I just get bored.

      I had the same issue as you described with the last part of Dragon Age: Inquisition. I played few days in a row and then stopped and never finished it.

  5. I've played it - an amazingly addictive game. The first play, when I didn't know mechanisms working inside, was the most "impressive" one. The first scavenging expedition, the first created tool, the first lost companion... The most memorable situation was that after killing other civilian to get food for my starving community. The man who did it, after few days of depression hanged himself. In some way, those situations show cruelties of war. Second play was better thought, basing on previous experiences and knowledge of game mechanisms but no so emotional.

    1. I'm very glad that you also liked the game :) How many days did you survive the first time? I've managed to stay alive for 15 days and then my all supplies were gone, I was robbed night after night, I was too scared to attact others and all my characters were wounded and broken and they died by the 18th day. But I have to agree with you - first game was the most memorable :)

    2. 22 days ;) During my next game all my people survived the war (It was ~44 days).

  6. I'm proud that polish developers created such amazing games like This War of Mine or The Witcher. The game described by you seems very interesting. It shows war from the other side - the side of the civilian. I think the game is very honest in this portrayal.
    Unfortunately I don't play games but recently I've seen my boyfriend playing in Fallout4. The game's action takes place in a post-apocalyptic world which was created perfectly. Personally I prefer games without killing. Due to this I've only played for a few hours.

    1. I know Fallout 4 and I love it :) Game's world is fantastic (despite a looot of bugs) and the music is even better. There is one, my favourite, image connected to Fallout 4:
      You can show it to your boyfriend. I'm sure he will understand the joke :)

  7. Very nice presentation. I have heard about this game some time ago, but I haven’t played in it. I don’t especially have time to play games on my PC. I rather spend most of my time on learning programming. But I sometimes play some games on my smartphone. Till now I thought that this game is only available on PC, but as you said, I can download it from App Store and I will definitely do this. I love games in which you are leading some characters and when your choices are causing changes in the storyline of the game. This also leads to strong emotions while playing such games. When you have to make a choice between life and death, taking some supplies or leaving it, helping someone or leaving him, it makes that you have to rethink every decision, because you are responsible for it.

    Some time ago I played a game, that made a big impression on me. I am a big fan of zombie universe, so it means I love The Walking Dead series and games. I really recommend you to play “The Walking Dead” game from “Telltale” studio. In this game every decision, that you will make has consequences in later scenes of the game. You also don’t have much time to make decision. There are situations, in which you have only few seconds to make decision between saving your or someone’s life. When you empathise with the main character and you will enter into a game it brings to you very strong emotions.

    Here you can download first season.

    1. I'm familiar with The Walking Dead series. I even watched first few seasons of it but I wasn't aware of the existence of the game! What is more a mobile version (I like PC games but I like more playing on my big-screen smartphone). So many thanks for the link to the store. As it is a free version I will definitely play it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I first heard about this game when a colleague from my work office told me about. He had just bought it for his tablet and said it's very frightful (not in the way of a jump scare or disgusting monsters, but because of the consequences of your actions that haunt you afterwards). On the spot I decided to try it myselft and at first I was very impressed by producers' take on the war subject. One of the advice my aforementione colleague gave was to not bring into the house any other war victims since the food and medicament are valuable commodity and the're never enough for everyone. Still I did it and didn't regret it later (though the person - I can't remember her name - was quite obnoxious). Soon I learned that with even small thought put into "management" process the game is not really that hard and I had no problem surving until the end of the titular war with four people in the house. I have to say that I was looking forward to the end game slides (that tells you about what happens after military actions are ceased) to see if things that I did (e.g. killing of a soldier) would have any repercussions for my characters and this part was the biggest disappointment for me as many things were not even mentioned or incorporated into the end games story. Still, it's a really good game with an interesting topic to follow and I'd recommend anyone to play it.

  9. I have to admit that the first time I hear about this game and it fascinated me. Im used to color graphics, many lifes and games with happy ends. Meanwhile, I am reading about the game, in which nothing is colorful, lacking everything, nothing is obvious, and the enemies can not be defeated with a simple blow. I think this game is a perfect way to test our conscience and heart. I will try to find the time and play this game, because it is very unusual and this is another great game made by polish creators. Keep up the good!

  10. Great idea for presentation! I heard about This War of Mine some time ago but I wasn't convinced to it because of "another" approach to graphics - it looks a little like very dark and gloomy platform game. But after some time I was more and more interested in it. The fact this game was made by polish studio and a very positive feedback from west gaming sites/journalists says something :) And still it's really cheap! 50zł for a new game? Great price. Maybe I'll buy it...
    The game that made good impresion on me... Ok so I'll choose two games. When I was younger and had more time for myself I was playing Football Manager like a maniac. Why? I'm football fan and level of details that are connected to football world (statistics, transfers, everything connected to stadium, fans, press conference) are just astonishing.

    Second one is Heroes of the Storm. I like to play with my friends, so game that I can play with 4 of them is exactly the thing I want :) Blizzard actually manage to made something new in terms of MOBA games.

  11. I don't play games for many years but sometimes I hear from friends or simply I just read somewhere about newest or popular games. But to be honest, I heard this title, but I didn't knew nothing more about it. Thanks to you, now I know :)
    So actually it is focusing on problem, which is almost completely omitted in other games. Every game is focusing on shooting, on soldiers, tanks and helicopters. But their developers forgets about a big problem. About a hell of ordinary people... Good, that in this case, developers took another look.
    Also I'm glad that another time polish developers created good game (after Witcher).

  12. Nowadays I don't really get to play games due to the lack of spare time, but this one seems to be worth trying to find some of it to get the new experiece the game may provide. The perspective through which the war is shown in the game is very unusual and interesting. I guess we who are lucky enough not to have any experice of war see it through the prism of games such as "call of duty" completely forgetting that soldiers made just a small percentage of people affected by the militray conflicts. I guess showing mostly young people what war is to regular people and that it might affected them as well will have a long-term postive impact and may lead for instance to a better understanding of war refugee's position and tragedy bringing in more reasonable and empathetic approach than the most common one among the youth.

  13. Hi Patrycja,
    I really like your article.
    I have heard about this game some time ago, but I haven’t played in it. I don’t especially have time to play games on my PC. I rather spend most of my time on creating apps and programming. I'm proud that polish developers created such amazing games like This War of Mine or The Witcher. It shows that polish game dev arena is growning up. :)

  14. Hey, thanks for your work, this aritcle sound very cool. I've never before heard about this game, maybe beacuse I'm not a player, but it's very intersting. I have to many graphic projects conectinng with my work, and school project. Nowdays, polis developers more and more are appreciating. An example can be also graduates of our university.

  15. Hey, thanks for your work, this aritcle sound very cool. I've never before heard about this game, maybe beacuse I'm not a player, but it's very intersting. I have to many graphic projects conectinng with my work, and school project. Nowdays, polis developers more and more are appreciating. An example can be also graduates of our university.
