Monday 12 December 2016

Week 6 [12.12-18.12] Is Black Friday making people crazy?

Is Black Friday making people crazy?


Black Friday has been a tradition since 1952. It takes place the day after Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November). While it’s not an official holiday, many employees have a day off, (except those that work in Malls and Shops J ) The term Black Friday was created in the 60s to start the Christmas shopping season. Black refers to stores’ finances moving from “red” to “black,” 
During this time many people go out on shopping sprees. People think it’s the busiest shopping day of the year, but the fact is that from 1993 to 2001 it ranked 5th-10th. Usually the last Sunday before Christmas takes the crown.


There are many controversies connected with the Black Friday.
Since 2006 ten people have died and 105 have been injured. Many people come and wait in front of the stores for hours before opening, many of the injured are people working in the shops or ones in front of the line. You probably have seen all those crazy videos on YouTube; people fight over discounted TVs or DVDs.

Many brands that are on sale during Black Friday are typically unrecognizable and are good if you are looking for a disposable item. If you are looking for a quality items Black Friday isn’t the day for you. Plus stores like Target, Wallmart and Best offer the same deals year after year, as a result there’s very little to look forward when it comes to Black Friday deals.
A few years ago that typical for USA tradition came to Poland and many shops tried to get us to buy their stuff, mostly electronics. But in Poland shops rise prices of the items before Black Friday to offer later discounts.
More and more people participate in Cyber Monday  (better prices than during Black Friday). Best deals are offered in categories like apparel, tech, toys and games.
This year Americans spent more than $3Billion during Cyber Monday, I personally bought a few items (PC Games) myself during Cyber Monday and I can recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good deal on games.

  1. Have you bought anything during Black Friday?
  2. What’s your favorite holiday and why? 
  3. Do you think we should have shopping holidays in Poland? (like Small Business Saturday)


  1. 1. In Poland, Black Friday is not the same as in the US. Shops make price cuts only of selected products, which i dont need. Second, it scares me a big queue in shops and wild behavior of customers.

    2. My favorite holidays is the period of Christmas and New Year, because I like Christmas mood - music, decorations.

    3. I think that the introduction of a Small Bussiness Saturday in Poland would be a great choice, because small businesses shops will have a chance to advertise their products and and convince customers.

  2. 1. No, I have not. That day is nothing special for me.
    2. Christmas, of course. I love the Christmas atmosphere, buying gifts, a Christmas tree and spending time with my family.
    3. Why not, it would be a great opportunity to meet many regional stores and brands.

  3. Have you bought anything during Black Friday?
    What’s your favorite holiday and why?
    Do you think we should have shopping holidays in Poland? (like Small Business Saturday)

    Yes, I like this day. I bought a lot online courses and books. Some offers are just awesome. I like to learn and have open-mind to new technologies, new ideas. Some global shops give great opportunity.
    Mostly I dont like holiday in poland. They look cheap, and always I feel like someone wanted to cheat me with this special offer. I like christmas, this is good time to rest, think about last year. Make summary of whole year. Spend time with family, and just do nothing.
    Definitely We should have special shopping holidays. This give us opportunity to prepare money, time and energy to buy great things. Now I dont see great examples of small bussines but I will want to see them. I belive that handmade and custom things have something special, we should use it to make our life better and more shiny.

  4. 1
    I tried to buy hard disc (christmas present for my brother). I found good sale (online shop localized in Germany), but in last step of sale process (online form) this price are increased by 25%. I resigned and I bought the same product in standard shop in Poland (without black friday discount).

    I very like christmas atmosphere in the street (music, illumination, decor shop windows). I love it.

    I completly agree with Klaudia. It is great opportunity to buy unique regional products. We not have many information about local products.

  5. 1. Have you bought anything during Black Friday?
    No, I've never fished anything during Black Friday. I prefer our ordinary sales.

    2. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
    I like white Christmas with a lot of lights on the streets, also warm, family time near to the christmas tree. It's a great time to rest and spend with family and people who I care about the most - two weeks off gives me that opportunity which is also why I adore Christmas.

    3. Do you think we should have shopping holidays in Poland? (like Small Business Saturday)

    It would be nice to expand the knowledge about local stores and businesses, so yes.

  6. 1. Have you bought anything during Black Friday?
    Nope. There wasn't any superb offer for me.

    2. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
    Naturally Christmas time! All these great illuminations, decorations etc. And fantastic Christmas mood. And all of these connected with a snow outside the window. But nowadays... There is no snow, everything is commercialized, so it's loses previous value :(

    3. Do you think we should have shopping holidays in Poland? (like Small Business Saturday)
    Maybe in a normal country. In Poland everyone just thinks about ways to cheat another person. High prices, low quality etc. If you would like to buy something with good quality you should rather search locally or over Internet opinions and boards than by going to any fairs (first impression is "wow! There are so many original things! There are so many family businesses" but when you walk more, see more stands, then you realize that it's mostly still massive production, with bad quality).

  7. 1. This year I could not buy anything during the day – I was too busy. But the year ago I bought a few things.
    2. Summer holidays of course. In the summer usually I and my fiancee fly out abroad
    3. It seems to me that people would prefer the day to stay at home with family.

    1. I dont think people would like to stay at home with their families, its their work and 1 day per year dedicated to their growth isnt too much to ask i think :P

  8. 1. In this year, no. But one year ago, I bought an laptop and I spared a large sum of money.

    2.Christmas time-it is an amazing time for me, I love all of the christmas atmosphere, with beautiful lights in town, and other decorative elements

    3.It depands, If owner pays extra money for his empolyees or he works as dealer. We live in word, where we still busy, so we can forget about buy something important for holidays.

  9. 1. Yes, I bought a couple of things on Black Friday. When I have things to buy, and I know that historically this manufacturer or reseller has decent deals on Black Friday, then I wait for it to get a better price.

    2. My favorite holiday is Christmas, for me it is THE holiday, it's family time, there are many traditions that bring the childhood memories back, there's plenty of delicious food and I even get gifts, so what more to ask for?

    3. No, I think it's a strange idea to celebrate shopping. Nonetheless if the price is right and I don't have to fight in the store, then I'm still going to take part.

  10. 1 Have you bought anything during Black Friday?

    I think that in Poland we don’t have the real Black Friday like in America. Of course I have bought something during Black Friday because more and more Polish online stores are making sales. But this sales are not as big as in other countries, the prices are decreased by 20% only. Such promotions are happening quite often in online stores, so Black Friday was not the reason to buy something cheaper.

    2 What’s your favorite holiday and why? 

    My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love the atmosphere, Christmas songs, carols, shopping and presents.

    3 Do you think we should have shopping holidays in Poland? (like Small Business Saturday)

    I think this is a great idea. Smaller companies are making products more durable and solid. It is good idea to promote their products.

  11. 1. If only Steam sales counts… yes :) This year I bought GTA V and The Wither 3: Wild Hunt. It wasn’t any crazy promo, but still – significantly cheaper than usual. I wish I could be more involved into Black Friday thing, but unluckily I totally agree with what is written in the text. During this day you can’t get good quality products. Mainly those are things which were stuck on shops shelfs for months already and Black Friday is a good opportunity to clean up some dust in the warehouse. I prefer to pay more, but to get something which is good quality item. I don’t mean it needs to be certain brand (in my eyes brand <> quality), but something which will fill my needs, not any product :)

    2. I’m not sure how this question is related to the text, but… I definitely love the atmosphere of the Christmas and New Year’s Eve! It used to be even better with tons of snow all around, but still I can see clear correlation between those holidays and happy childhood. For me it’s the time I’m going to spend with my family. Talk about all the things for which we don’t have time during rest of the year and simply sit together. Spend time together :)

    3. I’m not that confident to be honest. I think that nowadays working people are very busy during week time. In many cases weekends are the only opportunity to go shopping. That’s why it’s inevitable to have all of the business closed during this time. For companies it means pure sales loss. If only employees agree and are extra paid to work during weekends – I fully support it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a local business or a corporation.

    1. Often people working in small buisnesses work 24/7/365, I think that kind of day would just give them much more free marketing and they could reach far more people with their - often great - products


  12. Have you bought anything during Black Friday?
    No I didn't.

    What’s your favorite holiday and why?
    My favorite holiday is 23rd March which is the Day of Polish-Hungarian Friendship. It is held in both countries.

    Do you think we should have shopping holidays in Poland? (like Small Business Saturday)
    We have a Sunday before Christmas as a shopping day.

    1. I've never heard about that holiday, cool!

  13. 1.Have you bought anything during Black Friday?
    No I have never done that.
    2.What’s your favorite holiday and why?
    Christmas is my favorite holiday, and it is coming soon ;)))
    3.Do you think we should have shopping holidays in Poland? (like Small Business Saturday)
    We have shop sales couple times a year, so I think this is not necessary.

  14. 1. Have you bought anything during Black Friday?
    No, I don’t like this day and also I’m not happy that this tradition came to Poland. It is hard to say but shops which participate in Black Friday treat people like animals and the worst thing is that people allow them to do that. Customers are fighting, screaming for things which are not worth that.
    2. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
    Christmas of course . I love this days when my whole family spend time together. Everyone is happy.
    3. Do you think we should have shopping holidays in Poland? (like Small Business Saturday)?
    According to my answer in point 1 I don’t want something like shopping holiday in Poland. It is easy to influence on people and say to them that this day is only day when they can buy something special very cheap. I prefer when people i.e. before Christmas do shopping for a few days. It is not so crowded and people are not fighting
