Monday 12 December 2016

Week 6 [12.12-18.12] New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions
Each year we say we’ll start doing something or try stop doing something. A New Year's resolution is a tradition most common in the West.  It’s kind of self-improvement.

At the end of the old year we come to believe it is high time to change. We expect to roll up our sleeves and get down to the nitty-gritty.
The most popular resolutions chosen by people are:
·         Weight loss
·         Quitting smoking
·         Taking up sports or some hobby
·         Spending less time on social media (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
·         Taking a trip
·         Helping others
·         Socializing
·         Spending more  time with family members
Why are New Year's resolutions destined to fail?
All year long we are tempted by little sins like eating snacks, gossiping, drinking alcohol, being a couch potato or a lazy master of memes and others.
People make resolutions as a way of motivating themselves – says Timothy Pychyl, a professor of psychology at Carleton University in Canada.[1]
Resolutions are a form of an effort to reinvent oneself. People aren’t ready to change their habits and additions. Although we have a problem, we set up unrealistic objectives.
Another aspect of failed resolutions is the fact that we are afraid to take risk and we get back to old behaviors. Last minute decisions tend to be based on what is on your mind at that time. Instead, we should take some time out and reflect upon what we really want to achieve.


1.Which promises usually we make ourselves?
2. How many resolutions we keep?
3. What was your the biggest deafeat with promises and why?



  1. 1. Most popular New Year's resolutions to:
    - Start going to the gym (in January and February, gym are full of new people, then everything goes back to normal);
    - Lose weight;
    - Quit smoking;
    - Save more money
    - More time to learn
    - Find a better job

    2. In my opinion, if someone decides to change something in his life until after the new year, his promises are not succesfull ending. I'm sure that in 90% of such a person returns to their previous habits and give up provisions. Why? In my opinion, if a person really want to change something in your life - change it now and he not to wait for the new year!

    3. Seriously, I dont remember my defeat with promises, because i dont make myself a large promises, but small goals that a little small steps I succeed realize.

    1. Thank you Sylwia for the first comment, I support your answer concern succesfull resolution without waiting for turn of the year.

  2. 1.Which promises usually we make ourselves?
    Start to new year, most people do a lot promisses. Examples:
    -don't eat sweets
    -to be more fit
    -lose weight
    -save more money
    and other different things.

    2. How many resolutions we keep?
    I think that, shouldnt have a lot of promises, because if this promises is a little, propably we keep it, but when we will have a lot, propably we don't keep.
    3. What was your the biggest deafeat with promises and why?
    I think that, it is promises to lose a weight, but never i don't keep it.

  3. Adam, I don't know any person who didn't promise herself stopping with sweets. It's shortcoming of my generation, especially.

  4. 1. Normally they include:
    - quit smoking
    - fitness/gym
    - diet
    2. I think it's an individual issue. I always try to persevere in my decisions.
    3. Stop cursing. Unfortunately I am not able to stop it.

    1. Stop cursing and offending it should be impose resolution for every worker, in my opinion of course. We use too much bad words like commas.

  5. 1. Which promises usually we make ourselves?
    2. How many resolutions we keep?
    3. What was your the biggest deafeat with promises and why?

    I like to talk about this topic. It concerns everybody. Most of promises are related to things we do but we shouldn't. We can see that these things make us worse. We want to change it quickly. My friends often recall they look, how they relax, where they spend free time but most of them fail. They forgot about it after few days. It connected to they daily habits, what they do after work hours. I find out that there are plenty of days where they are just tired and they dont want to change anything. If you write down your promise there is bigger change to keep it. My worst fail is with eating. I try to stop eat not healtly food like fast food but it often back to me on the weekend or at least once a month.

    1. The last research which I have read in last article about improve our day life I found advice with write down our promise but only by pen nit pencil. Because the first one isn't permament.

  6. 1. Which promises usually we make ourselves?
    2. How many resolutions we keep?
    3. What was your the biggest deafeat with promises and why?

    I think most of us treat the end of year as a time to even unintended reflecion. It is a new beggining, so maybe would be good idea to finally change something in our lives. On the other hand, also most of us approach sceptically to this topic's results, so it's going to be a total failure from the beggining. Frequent promises about quit smoking, get a healthy lifestyle including workout and thinking about what do we eat might happen if we won't treat it as a simple event. My biggest defeat with promises was a try to not being late, but when I understood how imprtant that is it wasn't that hard to change.

    1. Quit smoking-it was my resolution for too many years and exactly I definitely did that in the end of the year without any medical aids.


  7. 1.
    I think that most popular promises is:
    * diet/gym
    * new work position (promotion or new work)
    * less time for computer TV/ console.

    In my opinion new years promises not have chance for success. We must have promises for all days. Small promisess are easier for realizations and monitoring.

    I think that the biggset is lose my weight.

    1. One of the promises which you talked It was a getting new work position. It so tempting idea but something independ of us unfortunately of enviroment and chiefs.

  8. 1. Which promises usually we make ourselves?
    Most popular are:
    - I should quit smoking!
    - I must lose some weight!
    - I will definitely go to gym!

    2. How many resolutions we keep?
    I think that most people - none. But of course there are exceptions and person who keeps every of his resolutions.

    3. What was your the biggest deafeat with promises and why?
    To stop eating not healthy food, to stop cursing...


  9. 1. Less smoking, loose weight, save money, find better job.
    2. I don't know, because I haven't got New Year's resolutions at all. Yes, I'm weird, I know it :)
    3. Overall, I'm sometimes unreliable. Especially in terms of time. I just like to have a lot on my mind

  10. 1. Less smoking, save money, be more active, use less social media.
    2.I really don't know. In my opinion, every moment is good to try to change something in our lives. New year promises is only chatter.
    3. Try to be more active- I am not do sports, because I am lazy, but consequence can be dangerous for my health in future.

  11. 1. I think the most popular New Year's resolutions concern lifestyle: going to the gym more, quitting drinking or smoking, eating less sweets, and so on.

    2. I think most of the resolutions are quickly broken, as reflected in cigarette sales records I've seen - every year the first couple of weeks are the worst period for tobacco companies, but it quickly returns to the usual levels.

    3. Can't think of any 🙂

    1. Yes! Of course the tobacco buissnes is dangerous by the first quarter but wave of customers in pharmacy to buy medical aids extremely increasing :)

  12. 1.Which promises usually we make ourselves?
    The most popular are:
    - to go to the gym
    - not to eat so many sweets
    - not to work so much

    2. How many resolutions we keep?
    I think that we keep as many resolutions as we are a strong person. The New Year’s resolutions are only the excuse to change something. I think that every day is a good day to change something and we don’t have to wait till the end of the year to change something in our life.

    3. What was your the biggest deafeat with promises and why?
    I think that it was a resolution to be more active. I think that the health is the most important thing, we lead a sedentary lifestyle so we need to take care on our health.

  13. 1. I think the answer to this question is stated in the text. That’s why I will try to answer in non-obvious way :) I think people tend to aim for goals which are not low hanging fruits, which require some effort and cannot be achieved just-like-this. Usually those are the things we don’t like, things we would like to change, things which are bothering us for long time. But in day-to-day life we don’t have neither time nor power to deal with them properly.

    2. Very little amount. I’d say that there is a dependency between number of resolutions and probability of not keeping them. The more strict rules we set up for ourselves the harder it is for us to live our wish. I think that’s very common mistake – we make plans which we cannot support. We aim to high, we require from ourselves more than we can give.

    3. Common one – to lose some weight. But instead of having a plan which I can execute I have fallen into trapped called ‘being lazy’. Or not really. Actually I’m just way too good at finding excuses and taking care of things which I don’t have to handle at the moment…

  14. 1.Which promises usually we make ourselves?
    Probably about changing our bad habits.

    2. How many resolutions we keep?
    Only those we do believe in and we feel a real need of fullifying.

    3. What was your the biggest deafeat with promises and why?
    Two weeks ago I've promised myself I'll do all the homework for laboratories right away.. once again I've failed and still can't find out why.

    1. I think that Polish can keep promises as do as well but we're sometimes so spontaneous and unpredictable. every promise we forgot during events, shopping (especially women) or day work when chief ask for us stay outside working hours.

  15. 1.Which promises usually we make ourselves?
    Like you said weight loss and changing bad habits.
    2. How many resolutions we keep?
    It depends from person - but generally I think that keeping promises is hard in this times.
    3. What was your the biggest deafeat with promises and why?
    I often promise myself to be more systematic, and going to sleep before midnight...but I'm 25 and i'm still going to sleep about 3 a.m ;)

  16. 1. 1.Which promises usually we make ourselves?
    a) Lost of weight,
    b) Do some courses,
    c) To find other half,
    d) Work harder,
    2. How many resolutions we keep?
    Not many  as was mentioned above, at end of the year people are pushed to review all the year. If they did not do something, failed or something else happened it makes people motivated to do this in the next year. In that moment people should think rationally and decide whether they need this or not or they should focus on something else.
    3. What was your the biggest deafeat with promises and why?
    At end of the last year I made myself a promise that I would work out at least 2 times a week. After that my school started and huge projects at work and as I remember I failed in the January to fulfill my promise.

  17. 1.
    a) losing weight
    b) picking up a new hobby
    c) doing something "crazy" like extreme sport or spontaneus traveling

    2. I think it really depends if you really want to do it or you just pretend u do, if you really want it you will do it, if not you will fail.

    3. I think workout one is the most common and I partialy made it i trained for 6 months :P
