Saturday 5 October 2013

Week 1

Dear Students,
Welcome to our online English class:) 

The dates of our work on the blog are presented below:

1. 7-13.10 
2. 21-27.10  Sebastian S. , Iza S.
3. 4-10.11 Sławomir S. , Grzegorz K. , Piotr W.
4. 18-24.11 Jakub M. , Anna S. , Emilian B.
5. 2-8.12     Agnieszka J.  , Lukasz M. , Albert P.
6. 16-22.12 Ludwik T. , Albert P., Kasia S., 7.
6-12.01 Volkan K. , Daniel L. , KGajowy

The deadline is always Sunday 11:55 p.m.

You should get 7 grades for your course participation and 1 for your presentation.

This week I would like you to:
1. choose the week of your blog moderation (put your name next to the date); and
2.write a few sentences about yourself. 



  1. 4-10.11 - Sławomir Salwin

    I’m 28 years old system administrator in quite big consulting company. I like new challenges and I want to start working as project manager after finishing second degree studies on PJWSTK.
    As for my more personal life, I like to watch a good movies, play football, ride a bike and run with my husky’s and my fiancé. I’m honest, hardworking person. I like to work with people who also are honest and hardworking.

  2. 18-24.11 - Jakub Madeła

    I'm 23 and I'm currently working as Technical Artist in CDProjekt RED on Witcher 3 game. Of course I'm into computer games, but I like to play football and dance as well. In my free time (which I don't have too much) I fancy seeing a good movie, jog or just relax in front of the computer with a cup of tea.

  3. 2-8.12 - Agnieszka Jaskólska

    I'm 25 years old software quality engineer working for a big company. In my free time I'm bookworm addicted to coffee, passionate about shoes and Internet. I'm in love with cars, interested in software testing and project management. I can't live without travel and cooking.

  4. 21-27.10 - Sebastian Sieraszewski
    Born in 1986.
    A resident of London.
    Has a fortnightly commute of 1000 miles.
    Considers having slept in every airport in London a personal achievement, not a warning sign.
    Cycles and frequents a gym.
    Reads a lot.
    Atheist. Considers Isaac Asimov a deity.
    Compulsively buys gadgets. Google fanboy.
    In his free time does stuff at a data centre and gets paid for it. Promptly spends all on girlfriend.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi All,

    great intro everyone ! :)

    about moderation time, initially chosen 2-8.12 but now I see its already taken, so I'll switch to 9-15.12

    About myself: I am 25 and currently live in Warsaw. I could say I am an IT geek, professionally and personally interested in technology and building great Products.
    Professionally I am into Product management \ building, innovation and entrepreneurship.
    Personally - games (digital, board, card) , football (English, European) and travelling.

    Its nice to e-meet you all.

  7. 16-22.12 - Ludwik Trammer

    For the past couple of years I worked as a teacher in a small High School in Warsaw. It was a great experience, but recently I changed my job and now work as a programmer at NASK.
    I'm completely addicted to podcast - you can find some of my favorite ones listed on my personal website ( While you are there, you'll also find some of the other things I enjoy, including books, movies and a brand of kefir.

  8. 18-24.11 - Anna Strzeżek (short bio will appear today after school :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 18-24.11 - Emilian B (s4257)

    In my full time work I am a leader of developers team in company producing software for road adminstrators in Western Europe and sometime for our domestic adminsitrators. From time to time I become freelancer and create software by own hands according to customer`s wishes. Honestly dont love my work, there is a lot of more interesting things than seating all day oposite computer. After doing what I have to I prefer do things like snowboard, playing paintball, going to gym and sporadically fighting. I also like reading about the human psyche and about all the tricks which we can make for her.

  11. 4-10.11 - Grzegorz K (s10759)

    Hello all,

    I'm student at the PJWSTK on a second degree of Information Science with the Project Management specialisation. While attending non-stationary course of studies, I'm working professionally as a computer vision developer for polish, mid-size company. I've got slight experience as journalist after two years of working for IDG/PCWK company.

    As my personal life tends to be personal, I'll leave out this part of introduction.

    Hope we all have good time participating this course !

  12. 4-10.11 - Piotr Wilk (s8241)

    My name is Piotr, I am 27 years old. My biggest advantages are: friendliness, cheerfulness, reliability and trustworthiness, but from time to time I can be really touchy, impulsive and gloomy. Currently I am trying to obtain/get an engineering degree at Polish Japanese Institute of Information Technology in Computer Science. I have been working as an IT Manager in Independent Public Central Clinical Hospital for six years. I am a proud father of six-month old son named John. I like to spend my spare/free time taking care of my child, playing football and video games.

  13. Hello All,
    My name is Iza. I’ve finished Mathematics on Warsaw University of Technology. Currently I’m doing my Master Studies on PJWSTK – 2nd year of Computer Science, Specialization Project Management. Professionally I’m working as Project Specialist in one of the biggest Contract Research Organizations conducting Clinical Trials. In future would like to become Project Leader.
    Privately – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year I’m a mother of 3.5 years daughter.
    Hope – we all will have a good time during this course.
    BR Iza

  14. Hi all,

    Is there anyone signed for this week?

  15. 18-24.11 - Łukasz Mikołajczak

    I would like to introduce myself :) My name is Łukasz Mikołajczak and I have always been interested in IT so it was a reason why I have decided to study Computer Science. Now, I am doing the master degree in that field. I study at the weekends because during the week I work as an implementation specialist in one of medium size IT companies. At work I am trying to be a perfectionist, I pay attention to all the details and I like to be sure that everything is just right.
    According to my interests, I enjoy playing squash what is more, I am also interested in motorization and everything which is connected with it :)

    Anyway, I have to finish now. Hope to hear from you :)

  16. 2-8.12 - Albert Pęksyk

    my name is Albert and I'm 26. Over the past few years I worked i.a. in two cinemas and a bookstore, only because of my love to good books and movies. In search of answers to unanswered (as I later discovered) questions about human mind I began studying psychology at University of Warsaw. After three years I decided that I need to get a new standpoint, so I dropped out psychology and began my new journey across the uncharted seas of computer science (on a boat called PJWSTK).

  17. 28.10 - 03.11 Volkan Kartal


    My name is Volkan and I'm 24 years old. I was born in Turkey and lived there till 2000 (We moved to Poland after earthquake which had place in 1999). I was studying in PJWSTK daily but after doing my practice, bank decided to continue our cooperation so I opened a firm and made a contract with my counterparty. My hobbies are: cars, sports especially football, surfing and diving. Lately I'm interested in bitcoin and making some business of it.

    Best regards to all and wish succeses to you all.


  18. Hi, My name is Kate and like most of you I’m on a non-stationary studies in Computer Science, Project Management (yes, me too! :). Those are actually my second studies – previously I graduated Printing Technology on Warsaw University of Technology and post graduated studies in IT. I’m a pioneer, so my interest changes constantly. At the moment I’m intrigued by cyber security issues (yes, me too!), strategic planning and behavioral economics (don’t know yet what that means either). During the week I’m part of “client onboarding” and “new solutions” team in the biggest printing corporation in the wold, where I trie to be a connector between the IT and business worlds. In the meantime I help my boyfriend with photographic company leading (you may take a look at his sites: & – will arrange some discount for you if you wish! ;) and realise our “moving to New Zelenad before the last Hobbit comes out” plan. Hope to hear from you soon!

  19. Hello everyone,
    Manufactured in 1985 and still breathing
    Work: Coordination of marketing activities of all major Retailers, in cooperation with CPU and Operating System providers, for one of world’s leading brands in electronics
    Study: Mobile networks
    Interests: friends & family, MTB, compulsive spending on cycle parts, books, movies
    Free time: none
    Moderation: since all of the dates are gone, I’d like to go with mine as soon as possible considering completion of project EVIL Uprising which would be the subject

  20. 2-8.12

    My name is Kamil and I am walking (or crawling) on this world for 26 years.

    Honestly, describing myself is always a great challenge. How to present myself to strangers in a couple of words, as we build definition of ourselves through all our life..?

    Anyway: since three years I am working for an international corporation. It is being said that workers in such a place are "corpoman inside corpoland" devoted to the job - in a negative meaning. Despite appearances I really _love_ my job - flexible work time, great people with whom my job is a fun experience, everyday challenges which make me improving my skills.. and I do not have to stay at work at nights :)

    personally - I am rather calm person, love reading books (mostly fantasy and sf - it happens to me very often to start a book and finish it same day - or night - even if I have to get up in two hours), love good music (however average it sounds), love photography (sadly I have never found enough time to take it seriously - i.e. getting money with this activity), almost addicted to Magic the Gathering (Trading Card Game) - really like to play board games. Besides that, I also like some non-hardcore activities like riding a bike, cooking (sadly, it is not very often too).

    And how the guys in the internet says... "it is not even my final form"!

  21. Hi, I'm Mateusz and i am 23 years of age.
    I work full time for one of financial institutions as a transactional systems' analyst since July and I'm a part-time post-graduate IT student at PJWSTK (planning to further specialize in Project Management). My passions are sports (in almost any form or shape), video games, music and decent/good movies and a bit of motorsport. Like most of you mentioned, I, as well, quite cannot find much time to enjoy my hobbies, let alone develop new ones - comes with the territory, I guess.

    As for moderation period - I know I'm kind of late, checking out the blog on Sunday, and I'm okay with being assigned to any week available (as all the dates are already taken, if I'm not mistaken).

    Best regards,

  22. Magdalena Wójcik12 October 2013 14:27

    Hi everyone!

    I'm pitching in late. I signed my contract with PJWSTK only a week ago and I'm getting up to speed with school errands now. I'm still OK with this week's deadline, but didn't have a chance to pick up a date to be a moderator. That said - you will read me next week :)

    As of who I am: I'm doing my Masters in Computer Science, specializing in artificial intelligence. I hope to write my thesis in topic of data mining. When I'm not at school, I work as a programmer for a small software house where we create applications for NGOs (which stands for non-governmental organizations, like foundations and associations). I love my current job - it makes me feel like writing code actually makes a difference in the world. In fact I love coding so much that as a hobby I teach others how to code.

    In my spare time, apart from teaching programming, I'm on a everlasting pursuit of becoming physically active. Despite my great efforts I never get to exercise daily, but I feel I'm getting there. And when not exercising, I watch TV series - a lot of them actually. I'm a big fan of medical dramas and American comedies with Parks and Recreation being my favourite.

    That's a little bit about me. It's nice to meet you all and have a great course :)

  23. (copied my comment from the wrong thread)
