Wednesday 9 October 2013

Week 2: No Arms No Legs No Worries

I would like you to read/watch and comment on/discuss the presentation - No Arms No Legs No Worries 
 You will find it at


  1. First of all, I'd like to state the opinion that he is really an amazing person. I've always admire people who are like him. Though being a disable man he is still very strong, full of energy and cheerful. What is more, he can appreciate what he has. That man really enjoys his life! According to the title of this article No Arms No Legs No Worries hmm I suppose that people who have got arms, legs etc., they have got more problems because they often say: " oh my God my legs hurt me and so on and so forth, they always complain about something - which irritates me. I believe that you know what I mean. They should be happy due to the fact that they have got all parts of body. Moreover, there is a quotation: " you never miss the water till the well runs dry." I reckon that this statement fits in this subject.

  2. Great comment Łukasz. I can tell from my experience that in life the most important thing is who you are and the people that surround you. I know some people that have a lot problems with themselves. It is sad for me that they simply cannot accept who they are and that this not the end of the world if something is not going like we want it to go. I think that Nick is very lucky guy that he found “the light” in his life. He is loved and he loves someone. He is happy despite of his physical disability that for me is terrifying. I think that, knowing my own boundaries of psychic, I would be very unhappy if not in depression if I did not have my limbs… I love football, and without legs, well you can all just imagine… Nick is, if I may risk this statement, in some better situation than other people that lose limb or all during some life situations like accidents. He was born without them and he could adapt to that stat from the begging of his life. Most of people do not have this “head start”, they lose for example a leg in accident when they are teen or grown-up. This is I think harder to cope with.
    But I admire optimism of Nick. He is a real “life star”.

  3. I agree completely with Lukasz and Slawomir, this Man is a real Hero. I cannot even imagine life he lives.

    Always, when I see such people and problems they overcome each and every day - I always feel ashamed. I tell to myself: "What your tiny problems means in comparison to these people problems". I think it crucially important to remember about such brave examples when you evaluate any situation in your life or even how you feel today.

    Endless respect for Nick and people like him.

  4. I really agree Nick is an amazing and inspiring person. But... please don't compare everything to his situation and everyone to him. It is true - some people complain a lot about not important things. I also want to tell them "please, stop". But all of us have some problems. And I believe we all have right to not feel happy because of these problems. Everyone should have a right to live his own live. Nick says abiut people who have a difficult situation at home. Of course Slawomir has right: it is not end of the world if something goes wrong. But if someone has this difficult situation at home, I think he has right to be unhappy or worried about that. Should he really say: "ok, it's difficult for me but I will not think about that because other people have worst situation"? I don't think so. I think the point is what he will do to make this situation better. And that is how I understand Nick: don't complain - do something. He's inspiring me this way.

  5. According to what Agnieszka said, I think that nobody is taking right to complain from anyone. In my opinion, Nick Vujicic is talking more about self-esteem and accepting yourself than complaining about situation at home. Believing in yourself can be a factor to overcome internal obstacles, but it won't solve problems with money. Still it can help you feel happy and hope for brighter future.

    I must agree with Sławomir Salwin - I'm a football freak as well, so losing possibility of running on the pitch and the satisfaction of scoring a goal will be horrible, I hope it won't happen, BUT I don't think that Nick is in better situation. Having something and losing it is of course a great pain, but imagine that from the day you was born you never had a chance of doing something. You will never have a chance to compete with your friends, you will always be different, you won't even have memories. It's easier for Nick to cope with that feeling, because he has never tried it, but I think it is way much worse, because he didn't have and won't have a chance of trying it.

    I'm also a great fan of talent shows, so I watch "Go Talent" from many countries - Canada, Australia, America, UK and there you can find people about who Nick is talking about. He is one of them:

    A boy, who is changing his disadvantages into advantages. We born short, tall, big or small, perfectly healthy or handicapped, but this is our choice what we will do with our life.

    We can also talk about Oscar Pistorius, but I think it's a topic for bigger discussion.

  6. Perhaps I will not say anything new or spectacular about Nick Vujicic but in my opinion he is definitively an inspiring person, not only an authority to admire for those with various physical disabilities but also for those who feel psychologicaly miserable or frustrated. It is hard to believe that this young man, without arms and legs, suffering from a very rare medical syndrom, bullied and mocked because of his disability and after suicide attempt is now teaching others how to simply not to give up. But it is happening and for me Vujicic is a remarkable example of psychological strenght, and gives hope to all of us! He is claiming that by thinking positively one can achieve everything, overcome all obstacles standing in the way. The key to success is to start to believe that the power is inside us. If we stop being our worst enemies and alter our way of thinking we can improve in lifes's all areas. Of course, changes are always frightening and force us to act differently, to be courages, determinated and motivated so it might feel like it is easier to give up. But, as Vujicic says, if we strongly trust in ourselves and believe that gaining happiness is within our reach we will find strenght to act.

  7. Actually, when I saw the video of Nick, my first thought was: "Who is helping him with his beard?". I assume it's his mom, dad, spouse or a friend, because he couldn't have done it himself. This realization uncovers the other side of this story - support system. While I think it's amazing what Nick actually can do in his situation, attitude that he's gained must have come from change from the inside, I also believe that there are prerequisites to being this happy. And these are healthy, strong relationships with family and loved ones - that way someone will always pick you up, when you fall hard (In Nicks case it's not a metaphor I guess :). Also, a support system. It might mean a circle of friends but for physically disabled it simply means social care and pension. I don't have the data on how social care looks like in United States, but from various Polish sources I will argue that it is probably better than in Poland - maybe that's the reason why disabled people aren't too happy here.
    To sum up - Nick is amazing, with his positive outlook on life and courage to live life to it's fullest. But the lesson we all should learn from his story is - have a good relationship with family and friends, so you won't be alone in time of crisis. And when you're in a bad shape, needing money and social care - maybe move to USA? :)

    1. True enough.

      More than once I've heard all kind of people called "heroes" telling, that the heroism comes from lack of another options. War veterans had only two choices. Defend what they believe in or die. On the other and, common people has dozens of choices between, where they can simply accommodate their doings to their social status. Nick had two choices as well. Be a burden or be a hero. Of course - the later comes with enormous devotion, which is no more than a reason we call such people heroes.

      He is good speaker. Even if he had his limbs, he would still thrill listeners minds. And moreover - he's telling very important stuff. Nevertheless I agree with Magda - he must have had superb support from number of people. Only with people around him he would have not wanted to be a burden and he would have had a reason for any actions. There cannot be speech without the audience, as some says.

    2. Grzegorz, having two choices is not lack of other options ;)
      What I want to say is that there is always second option - even if sometimes this option is hard and seems to be hopeless (but it can make the choice easier).
      For some people in such situation easier option is do nothing - it's much more simple and doesn't force any action. For other people only possible choice is doing their best and trying to be happy. According to our story - be aware that Nick had this two choices and his decision was... both. After he wanted to commit a suicide he just had a second chance to answe the same question and change his mind, what he finally did.

  8. As a person whos plan was demaged by life at least twice, I can only say that these situations were not the end evethough in the begining I had such a filling. Both these situations were new entry, new opening and I think I was ofered much more then my oryginal plan forcasted.

    I think we don't have right to say whos problems are better and who has worst situation, as every person has their own problems which are the most important for this particular person.

    I understand Nick the same as Aga "don't complain - do something".

  9. Nick, among other severely disabled people, makes me realize how stupid problems can 'healthy' people manufacture themselves. Most of which are linked with materialism and consumptionism, like a girl who thinks she is dressed badly (when others' opinion is, that there's nothing bad about her appearance), or a medium-class guy who is constantly moaning about his salary - examples might be simple, but you surely know the term "first world problems". Putting aside Nick's popularity and his perfectly shaved beard :) - he is a posterboy reminding that the problems we create ourselves are often pointless, a waste of time and energy

    1. Can you say that your problems are less worth than his?

  10. I have seen the man before, and found him very inspiring. Here is short film with Nick - "The Butterfly Circus" that I strongly recommend to everyone:

  11. I give a full respect to this guy, for his inside strength and for what he does. I wonder if I was in his situation I be able to enjoy life as he does after all. That reminds me to be happy with what I have but ofcourse it doesn't mean that ve are good as we are, we always should do something to be bettter or more healthy, happy.
