Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Week 7 - The number’s not lie

In my professional career i deal with context marketing for the pharmaceutical industry. Created campaigns can educate and broaden the knowledge of the society. In my work I have done such topics as: young health, immunology, diabetes and now I make rare diseases. For my experience the most important topic is diabetes because in the environment of each of us is one or many ill. I hope that for you this topic wil be interesting or will increase the knowledge about this disease and encourage self-care and prevention.

Diabetes is an epidemic affecting one in 10 Poles, and in the world 387 milion patients.
Is a group od metabolic diseases. Diabetic has to high or to low blood glucose level for longer period.

The key to controlling diabetes is not a magic bullet, but information. The more information that patients and clinicians have about the patient’s blood glucose levels, the better they are able to monitor the progress of the condition and to prevent deterioration and complications.

Type 1 diabetes accounts for around 10 per cent of people with the condition. It occurs when the body’s immune system destroys the cells that make insulin, which is vital in helping us get energy from the food we eat. Type 1 is the most common type of diabetes in children.

Type 2 diabetes is more common in adults, and accounts for most people who have the condition. In Type 2 diabetes, the body either doesn’t make enough insulin, or the insulin it does make doesn’t work properly.

When treatment does not work, diabetes destroys other organs:

The most modern treatment becomes possible. Roche sponsors the first in Poland treatments with the use of a sensor.

“The system of continuous glycemic monitoring provides patients with
diabetes with better life comfort and allows to control the disease on an
ongoing basis. Thanks to this modern system, people with diabetes can feel safe
around the clock, also during sleep, and in the future avoid dangerous
complications of the disease.” Says Dr n.med. Andrzej Gawrecki who performed the first operations with

Sensor have only a three elements:
·      The only sensor that operates up to 90 days (not only one week). The device is applied by the doctor in 10 minutes.
·      Wise transmitter loads the sensor and informs about the change in sugar level. Is sticks with sticking plaster.
·      Aplications on iOS or Android inform about actually sugar level and trends.

Now consciousness is growing. We have access not only to modern treatment but even
to fashion for diabetics. Blogging environments connect people with the same
Life is easier in the group. 

Young bloger:

Do you know people with diabetes?Is diabetes the subject of taboo?How to educate the society about civilization diseases?Are you interesting in health topics?  My campaign for the world day of fighting against diabetes: http://project.mediaplanet.com/20076.pdf (this pdf is only for you, without share)


  1. Do you know people with diabetes?
    - Yeah, my dad has diabetes. He takes reading of his sugar level every day and has to pay attention to what he's eating

    Is diabetes the subject of taboo?
    - In my opinion no, it should be OK to talk about it and as you wrote in your presentation spread the knowledge. According to you 1 in 10 Poles has diabetes! The knowledge NEEDS to be spread (but please, no "suplement diety" advert) just a simple information to go and get tested for it and what are the symptoms.

    Are you interesting in health topics?
    Well, in my opinion everyone should be if he/she wants to live :) It is their choice to get a check up or not but personally i would like to know when something would be not working properly in my body.

    1. my favorite product is a dietary supplement .. And at the top, a product in which a large proportion of symptoms has 50% of the population.

      You wrote about the test. In my opinion, this is not a good method. Tests are based on diagrams indicating likely solutions. Education, awareness, elementary knowledge are better. And the next step, a visit to a specialist and research.

  2. Do you know people with diabetes?
    – No, I personaly don't know anybody with diabetes. I can't even remeber when I last talked or heard about it. I think the major part of having heard about diabetes occured during watching movie, when sometimes a move character has diabetes.

    Is diabetes the subject of taboo?
    – I don't think diabetes is subject of taboo. Personally, I think people don't consider diabetes as serious illness. What I mean is diabetes has few ways of treating and you don't hear about it as much as about cancer or some other incurable disease. In my environment nobody has diabetes, so I basically never talk about it, but that doesn't mean it's subject of taboo.

    Are you interesting in health topics?
    – The best answer is more or less. I think it's quite important to know about at least common diseases or condition in order to correctly react in such a situation. You can sometimes hear that a person who wasn't aware what is a particular disease he has and he tries to cure himself with homemade medicines which can lead to horrible outcome. I like to have superficial knowledge, but when I encouter something new I always go to doctor.

    1. Of course, it is not a cancer or a rare disease, but in "strong" problems the disease is independent of the patient. In contrast to diabetes, where the person decides the scale of the problem. And when we think about thousands of children choosing coca-cola and chips in the store, it starts to be frightening. But the society / family / young boy does not know about the consequences or does not want to think. We need to talk about problems and of course we prefer a doctor, not an uncle of Google..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. When I was young I was going to my grandma’s job after school to eat a meal. She was working in cook team. They were always cooking two variants of each dish. One for healthy people and one for diabetes. It was first time when I heard of diabetes. Nowadays I don’t know anybody with that illness. I think that diabetics are more discreet than vegans for example. They can’t eat everything just like vegans, but have you ever heard of any diabetic’s restaurant or seen diabetic who is talking about his illness without a reason? But overall, I don’t think that is a taboo topic. It’s more like “silent topic” because its not as dangerous as cancer or as popular as vegan diet… Don’t get me wrong, I’m not willing to offend any vegan here, I just want to point out that diabetics are forgotten nation in the world of trendy topics. Do I’m interest in health problems? No. Not now. I think that I’m going to be a self-made doctor when I get older. “Every grandfather has his set of medicines; every grandfather knows about medicine” like in Maleńczuk’s and Krawczyk’s song ;-)

    1. Maciej, I agree with you. Your note about diabetic restaurants is very good. I have never heard of such a place and it would be a great solution. I have been using this diet for some time and unfortunately I can not buy anything for a sick person 'quickly in the store. Maybe in Warsaw it's not a problem because there are more options, but in a small town like this.

  5. Do you know people with diabetes?
    -Yes some of them, young people. Funny think is that before thay told me about it i really don't know.
    Is diabetes the subject of taboo?
    -I don't think so, these days with high tech equipment diabetes can be position on the same level like weak hear, or eye issue.
    How to educate the society about civilization diseases?
    -Internet and television, this it what we do every day. I think that's the easitest way to give simplese info for humans
    Are you interesting in health topics?
    - I hope i never have oportunity to use this knowladge ;) But, I like some intresting topics so many times read nice articles

    1. I also hope that none of you will know this knowledge in practice :)

  6. Yes, I know. One my colleague have a diabetes. I haven’t talked with him about this but I don’t think it’s the subject of taboo. I think people should one by one keep thinking about civilization diseases. It shouldn’t be anybody business to educate masses. Yes it’s great when governments take care of that but that’s all no more private institutions making business and money. Pharmacist market is so bad, they see only money not people. Nowadays we have a great opportunity of access to the Internet, so we must use this. For me, it’s quite normal to read about how live healthier and try to daily. So, yes I’m interested in health topics.

    1. Łukasz, the topic of the pharmaceutical market is very difficult. of course this is bussines. They earn money for the sick, and and theoretically there should be more of them. But on the other hand, they treat, make educational programs. In everyday work, I contact the industry and it is difficult to judge clearly who is good and who is bad

  7. Do you know people with diabetes?
    Well, not a diabetic, but my father have a high sugar level, so he has to pay more attention to it than other people.

    Is diabetes the subject of taboo?
    I think its not the subject of taboo, but its not popular enough. I mean that people are not aware of it, how You can be affected but it and what are the consequences of having diabetes of any type.

    How to educate the society about civilization diseases?
    I think there could be some kind of advert campaign that can inform people about the disease and how to prevent Your organism from having one. The education is really important, especially in young age, cause at that age You create some kind of habits and stick to them sometimes till the end of Your life.

    Are you interesting in health topics?
    Yes, recently I have stopped eating meat for example and I have ambitions to become full vegan. I know its really hard, but the health consequences of becoming vegan are much more superior that 'comfortable eating everything'. I already have much more energy and I feel much better in general after subtracting meats from my diet. I recommend it for everyone, You can treat it like a challenge at first, but when You realize Your state of being, then You will stick to it.

    1. There are many campaigns, though not enough.

      The challenges for otrganizmu are a great science. They not only allow you to get to know each other but also to build a character. Good luck with you private battle!

  8. Do you know people with diabetes?
    I do not know people with diabetes, I only heard from family stories

    Is diabetes the subject of taboo?
    No, I think it is not a shameful disease. Therefore, there is nothing to sweep under the carpet. If I knew someone like that I would be happy to ask him for details, if of course it would not be a problem for him.

    Are you interesting in health topics?
    I always read articles about health with interest, but I am not actively looking for them. I prefer topics about technology, which has recently begun to be very connected with medicine, e.g. biomedical engineer.

    1. technology greatly supports medicine. it gives many possibilities and helps those in need. There are so many innovative solutions that it is difficult to be constantly in every part of medicine.

  9. I am interested in health. I am trying to pay more attention to what I eat. This is very difficult as there is a lot of cheap unhealthy food all around me. I regard the need for educating the public on civilization diseases as very important. We spend more and more time sitting at our desks which causes civilization diseases.

    1. A sedentary lifestyle and fast food is the biggest health risk. Sometimes small habits can protect us.

  10. Do you know people with diabetes?
    Well, unfortunately not personally, but I heard a lot of about this person. How hard it is, etc. ;)

    Is diabetes the subject of taboo?
    No, why? is it somehow embarrassing? No. It's the disease you live with.

    How to educate the society about civilization diseases?
    It's a good question. I do not know how anyone would force me to do it ;)
    Maybe there should be more such topics in school on biology instead of other non-significant ones

    Are you interesting in health topics?
    I'm rather IT guy, so I'm not interesting about this stuff :)

    1. The concept of interesting articles on biology is a great idea. I agree that there is not enough practical knowledge at school. A case study would be a good variation.

  11. Yes, My stepfather has hard diabetics problems. I think that this is a one of hardest civilisation problems. A few years ago this i a taboo, but not now. Children`s are educated at school about this problem. In my opinion knowledge about health food and diets is very important. I often use consultations with my dietitian.

  12. Do you know people with diabetes?
    Not really.
    Is diabetes the subject of taboo?
    I don't thik so. If is it shouldn't.
    How to educate the society about civilization diseases?
    Internet is the easy way and documentaries are harder. Probably also socia campaigns
    Are you interesting in health topics?
    Yes, it's very interesting topic for me. I also like tech news so part about Roche sensor and clip about how it works is great.

  13. Thank you so much for sharing those handy information with us.
    I know one person with diabetes type 1. I met him 18 years ago, when there was no smartphones, none of those helpful equipment were avaliable yet. My primary school class mate had to deal with it since birth. And we were all aware, that sometimes he act difriently (lack of insuline caused sleepiness, as I suppose, and too much of it caused too much energy) and he was always permited to leave classes and buy some candies if he needed. He had quite big insulin pump on his tigh and every hour he did blood tests. His mother woke up everynight to check up on him.
    So now, when I read about those small devices and applications for diabates I feel relief, because I can imagine how hard it is on daily basis to deal with that disease even with all that help.

  14. Yep, my grandpa is diabetic. Fortunately, his sugar level doesn’t tend to get high, but he has to check it frequently and pay attention to his nutritional choices. He also gets to see a doctor quite often in order to keep the diabetes in check.
    I wouldn’t call this disorder a taboo, it doesn’t seem to be controversial in any way - but it’s definitely a neglected subject. We should raise awareness among people - as everyone can get it, if not already has it! The initiatives you mentioned are definitely a good idea. Also, it’s important to regularly examine your health at a certain age. Thanks for the wrap-up, as those subjects are really important to talk about. I try to stay current but many problems go unnoticed:)

  15. I know people with diabets. My grandmother and my Dad. My grandmother has to take an incjections and my Dad everyday has to measure glucose level and he takes pills. Diabets have to be on a special diet, however for some of them it is hard to get used to. I know that because I am allergic for some products.
    Why do you think that diabets is taboo? I have never hear of that. I know that nowadays it is common that society know about this disease. It isn't hard to educate youth about civillization diseases, because thanks to social media people know more about it, but if you really want to maybe it is good to have suplementary classes with doctors?
    I'm into it, but only a bit. It is interesting to read about some diseases, especially uncommon ones
