Monday 6 January 2014

Week 8: Choosing your own way: Entrepreneurship vs. Employment

“There is only one success- to be able to spend your life in your own way.”  - Christopher Morley

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In today's post I want to talk about Entrepreneurship.
What is it really ? 
How is it different from classic employment
And what are bright and not so sides of both ? 

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Peter Drucker
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What can we say about an Entrepreneur
He or She: 
  • Has key personal attributes (such as leadership, self-motivation and fearless) 
  • Good at managing themselves, tasks and other people
  • Knowledgeable of and passionate about certain topic 

            What about employees ?

            He or She:
            An expert in a certain domain
            Either managing or managed, sometimes both
            Works following company rules  for the greater good of a company

            What is a difference ?

            Overview of Entrepreneurship

            A bit academic overview of employment

            So what are the pros and cons of each one ? 

            Differences visualized: 

            Personal perspective

            So I've tried to give as much neutral view on the topic as I could. Everybody here should know by now that there is no "one size fits all" route. Both approaches and philosophies have their advantages and disadvantages, moreover both require certain skills and determination that one could posses or not.
            As for my personal favorite: it must be entrepreneurship. Why ? Simply because it gives you a chance to create something of your own. Good or bad, useful or useless, but something that reflects your personality and knowledge. That been said, I have to confess that I am not an entrepreneur so far. I work in a large company for more than 5 years. And only recently I jumped into the topic of entrepreneurship, building businesses and products. The following I believe is the most important to cover for a person who thinks about starting his own business: 
            • Knowledge - for as much as it is useful to be an expert in any domain for an entrepreneur its far more important to be a generalist. A person who knows at least a bit, the more the better, about as many domains as possible. Only such person could see a way to apply something that works in one industry and successfully apply it to another. 
            • People - for as much as one person could be a genius - "two heads are always better than one". Team often is the main factor of success for a start up. 
            • Courage - for as much as all above matters, the most important is to start doing.  


            As usual, any input is appreciated. 
            A few topics to trigger a talk: 
            1. Can you honestly say at this point in time:  I am where I belong. Doing what I love. ? 
            2.  Is there a job that is not your job, but you love doing and you do it in your free time ? Have you ever thought it could be "Your thing" ? 
            3. When did you decide on your profession ? Was it your and only your decision ? Are you happy with that initial choice or you want a change ? 


            1. This article reminds me of “Week 2: Corporate Life-Hell on Earth”.

              Before I move on to a more personal part, I would like to comment on the content of the post. Rob Sperry, Steve Jobs and others write about the stubbornness, the joy of working and being faithful to the vision. Dr.. Gaurav Kumar even adds that “Entrepreneurs are Made ... Not Born!” I agree with this, but I share the opinion that not everyone has the aptitude to set up business. You can meet all the above conditions, but may run out of "that thing" , which makes even a good plan fail. Some could bite off more than they can chew.

              Answering the questions: I must gladly say that fate was generous to me and so - I do what I love. Of course, it always could be a little better because I have a nature of a leader than the nature of a guy standing in line, but I’m not working for that long so I hope my time will come and I will manage to climb higher in the hierarchy . I am at the beginning of my career , so I know I still have a lot ahead and there's no rush , no less - I am very pleased.
              And if I had to do something else in life ? For sure I wish I were a footballer that would be a dream, but being more realistic , I would like to test electronic equipment / computer stuff for a computer magazine (which I had a pleasure to do for a short time, while having my internship in CHIP magazine) . Though I dare to say that my current work , though difficult , is much , much more interesting .

              Having the opportunity, whether I would change something in my life? No! I was lucky that my parents made it possible for me to study new media, which with my zeal and persistence, caused that every day I do something different, something interesting, something that others will enjoy and which will give them joy. If not for this opportunity and drawing and painting lessons, I would probably ended up at the Warsaw School of Economics and work in some corporation. Each day I would spend on completing the forms, tables, which no one would have noticed. But now? I'm doing what I love and in which I fulfil my dreams. I wish all of you the same joy I have.

              And for those who do not have the opportunity to change their job:


              Finally I would like to say that I love the visual part of the article and Prezis are great (I haven’t seen those before!)

              1. Hey Jakub,

                Thanks for your feedback !
                Its great indeed that you love what you're doing !
                I tried this post not to be an advert for entrepreneurship or gloom over full-time employment, my idea was to present 2 sides of a coin with a thought that both are equally fine.

                I more than agree that not everyone should start a new company, even if one posses all characteristics of an entrepreneur. Its more about what makes you happy, and if that's day job in somebody's else company, so be it , as long as you enjoy it !

            2. According to the title of your article, I would like to highlight some reasons why Entrepreneurship is better than employment. One of the reason is that you have more control over your future. This thing is slightly connected with your personal perspective because when a person works for somebody, he or she is at mercy of their business decisions and they can obviously change course. And this is exactly what you have written, in entrepreneurship you can make your own decisions. Everything is up to you, including whether you want to work in a certain way with such people. I absolutely agree with Daniel exactly with the statement which he has added. Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone. If you love trying new things, challenges, thinking of new ways to earn money well entrepreneurship will be the most rewarding thing you can do. As Gaurav Kumar states; Entrepreneurs are Made ... Not Born. What is more, as an owner, you establish your own schedule. Nobody is checking if you are some minutes late or if you leave early. Also, you can feel more satisfied because you choose work that you want to do and in which your skills are the best. When it comes to the disadvantages, one of the most important con is that when you run a company, you are also responsible for paperwork. It consumes lots of time.

              Answering to your questions. There is an occupation, which I’d like to do. I wish I were a car mechanic. Motorization is my biggest hobby and I am spending a lot of time repairing and keeping my car in perfect condition. I have no special courses in this field, but I’ve been learning everything on my own. I always try to solve the problem in my car on my own.

              Everyone of us faced with the choosing career early, when we knew little about life. I have chosen my career path when I was at the high school and it was my own decision. Still, I am very grateful to my parents for their support. They encouraged me to develop my skill sets and interests in both IT and motorization.

              1. Hey Lukasz, thanks for contributing !

                I agree completely on your statement about + and - of working on yourself.

                About career path choosing , I believe we're asked to make a decision far too early in our life. Most of us was almost forced to choose a university to straight after high school and I don't believe that a teen at an age of 17 or 18 could make that choice easily.

                In England there was , and still is (rarely nowadays, but still exists) a tradition that a young person after finishing high school takes a year off before entering a uni to travel and see the world. This person literally goes on "across the world" trip for entire year to see different continents, cultures, things other people is doing and so on. This is called "a gap year".
                Among other goals, it serves one - help young to understand what he or she wants to do next in their life.

                But in our culture, there is nothing like that unfortunately. We're always under pressure to move fast ... from school to high school , from high school to university , then to work , then to other ... then take few loans ... :)

                What do you think about it ? Are we given enough time to make proper decision about our future ? Or that's OK if initial path we've chosen turned up to be not for us ?


              2. As you have written "unfortunately" we don't have a gap year after graduating from a high school. Still, it is very interesting and I wish it was in our country. It will be very helpful for young people who do not know which way of life choose.

              3. I must say that although I'm more 30 than 20 I still can't say for sure what I would like to do in life. What seems fun in my spare time doesn't bring enjoyment when done by the rules set by others, even if good paid. I would like to run my own small business, but what terrifies me the most are the legalities. I'm afraid I'm lacking the necessary discipline.

            3. At the beginning I want to say that Steve Jobs is the person who inspires me. I admire him because he was a person who fought for his dreams and who had a power to realize them. I totally agree with what Jobs said: in order to be successful you have to love what you are doing and you have to have a passion. Passion is the key factor, perhaps most important one needed to realize your ideas. It is a driving force which not allows to give up, influences others (investors or customers) and makes them believe that what you are doing make sense. Jobs created an empire: realizing his own (very unique) vision, he filled a gap in the market of new technologies. I suppose that I will not manage to repeat his success even in the smallest percentage, but I believe that I can create something I will be proud of in my professional life because I feel passion.

              Can I honestly say that at this point in time I am where I belong, doing what I love? No, I can not say that. Despite my young age, I already have gained a high professional position and I have a quite big autonomy in my professional environment, but yet I do not feel that this is the right place for me to be: not because of what I am doing and what my responsibilities are, but rather because of the people with whom I am dealing every day. But I take into account some factors (highlighted in a presentation on the pros and cons of being an employee and being an entrepreneur) that correspond to me in this moment of life, that is why I am not changing anything right now.

              Is there a job that is not my job, but I love doing it and I do it in my free time ? Have I ever thought it could be "My thing"? Answering your question - no, there is no such thing. The thing you are asking of is my passion (in a very broad sense) and more specific - is what I am doing in my current work. Of course I would rather do it on my own account, but as I mentioned above, being at this point in time, I prefer not to change anything.

              When did I decide on my profession ? Was it my and only my decision? Am I happy with that initial choice or I want a change ? I can say that IT is something that flows through my veins. I have been interested in it since I was a little boy (although in that time my interest was limited to dismantling my brother’s Atari into parts). Therefore, I knew what I wanted to do in my life quite early, but it took me some time to get "access" to it. It was only my decision and my family saw me in a completely different profession. Therefore they were a little bit disappointed by my choice. But I am very happy with it and I would not trade it for anything else.

            4. Hi Piotr,

              yes , I also admire people like Steve , that pursuit their dream no matter on obstacles and difficulties along the way.
              If you've read Steve's biography (that I suggest everybody to read no matter whether involved in IT or not) - you've noticed how many paths Steve followed until found his own and how many times it was so easy to give up.

              On the topic, I found this video very useful and inspirational:

            5. I think that your idea to present 2 sides of a coin with a thought that both are equally fine is very good.

              It is true that everyone is created for another job. It is not difficult to understand those which corresponds to employment. Fixed working hours, fixed salary, the premium, healthcare. As an employee you don’t have to make all the decisions yourself. No need to be good at everything - from a variety of things are different departments. No need to bring work home. (Of course there are exceptions - but I focused on the benefits).
              In such work, we can feel fulfilled professionally too. Hikes, additional bonuses and promotions - give a sense of professionally accomplishment. As an entrepreneur, you can create something of your own and it's a big plus. But no one said that the employee can’t be creative, have innovative ideas. Employment - this is not always the paperwork.

              Can I honestly say at this point in time: I am where I belong. Doing what I love? As of today my work satisfies me. As a manager I can improve the leadership qualities, make changes. Every day I speak with many people, exchange opinions, learn something new. It all makes that this work gives me a sense of accomplishment.

              Is there a job that is not my job, but I love doing and I do it in my free time ? Have I ever thought it could be "My thing" ? My current job isn’t associated with IT sector. Information technology, computers - is a passion ever since. I like it. Hence, this field of study. Once I connect these two separate interests, then I could say that this is 'my thing'.

              When did I decide on my profession ? Was it my and only my decision ? Am I happy with that initial choice or I want a change ? I chose my job alone. Nobody, in any way, didn’t influence on my decision. Field of study too. From both decisions, I’m very pleased. Each of them brings many advantages to me.

            6. I also have an impression thatwe already discussed this subject few weeks ago.
              But regarding the present article:

              Can you honestly say at this point in time: I am where I belong. Doing what I love. ?

              Yes, I can. I love my job. It's not love at first sight but for sure I'm in a good place. Of course there is many things I would like to change in my daily work or my company but noone and nothing is perfect - I really appreciate what have and what I do.

              Is there a job that is not your job, but you love doing and you do it in your free time ? Have you ever thought it could be "Your thing" ?

              Isn't it called hobby? What I do at work is my thing but in addition to my work life there is few things I like to do in my free time. As studies for example. I'm not the project manager at work and I'm not sure if I would like to be one in future. But I'm interested in this filed so studies are my second thing, treated as a form of getting knowledge but also some kind of hobby.

              When did you decide on your profession ? Was it your and only your decision ? Are you happy with that initial choice or you want a change ?

              I had two moments in my life when my profession was "under decision". First time after high school, when I had to decide what I would liek to study. Computer since was an easy choice but I was not sure what I would like to do after. I just knew I wuld like to finish studies in this field. Second moment was when I applied for my present job. I still wasn't sure what I would like to do next few years. During studies and right after I was working in few companies but as a part-time worker or contract staff member. So I wasn't very attached to any of this companies. I started to looking for a full time job and I found interesting advertisement. I applied for this posion but without conviction. I had no experience in field of digital television. I knew what the set-top box is because I connected one to my parents TV. But the company decided to give me a chance becuase I had an experience related to quality engineering and that was the most important for my boss. He knew the STB knowledge is not very popular so I could learn it already in company. We can say that my present boss and the accident decided about my current life in second moment. But I'm happy with that and would not change anything until now.

              1. Hi Agnieszka,

                Thanks for sharing.

                In a question about "your thing" I actually meant exactly that when your hobby becomes your profession. Lots of people (including myself) believe its the best what could happen. Hobby by definition is what you like doing, something that is pleasurable for you and makes you happy. How great will it be to receive money for that , isn't it ?

              2. Yes it is but in such caase - what about youfree time? You do the same? I'm really attracted to my job but I love to make other things after I leave the office. It gives me a chance to waiting for something, it separates my work from life - after spending weekend on my hobby I'm going back to work with a "fresh head". And after exhausting week at work I'm happy to spend my time doing something else. What about the situation when hobby became you work? You have to find another hobby?

              3. well, that's interesting.
                You probably know this quote : "Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life". That basically what I mean, if hobby is your work - you're not working, you're doing what you love. Which almost mean you don't need to rest from it.
                Almost , because even from hobby you sometimes need to rest. So you right , being able to change activities is very important.
                Keeping in mind that a person usually has more than one hobby it should not be a problem.

            7. Good! I’ve got all characteristics required to be an Entrepreneur (...I just copied that difficult word from your presentation, and wonder why does it always start with a capital letter?? :) But let’s turn to your presentation and questions. Think that being and employee is much easier, and it was said many times here... But who doesn’t want to manage their own time and create something on their own. It’s nice but difficult vision. I haven’t decided that yet, think that I still have some time and now is the learning and preparation period... So I try to carefully observer the world around, learn as much as I can and if I have a good idea, who knows, maybe I’ll start a company - think that everybody should try at least once! :)

              1. Indeed, the word is terrible to remember. it took me good few month of practice to spell it correctly :)
                no mention there is also Intrapreneur , haha :)

                one more thing to mention: lots of people think starting a business always starts with an idea. This is true in some cases, but not in all. Its better to say: I'll start my company when I see an opportunity. For example: you've met with great people of differentiated skills and you thought : "how great would it be to work with those lads" - that well could be a start of new business. Idea can come after.

            8. Nice article. I want to answer your questions, and to be honest with you and myself I must say I like my job. This is not “my thing” but I’m good at it and company pay my decent so I can live with this.
              I had a lot of ideas, who I will be in the future, when I was young. When I was getting older (many years passed) my idea who I would like to also had been changing. I bought 2 husky dogs and after that “mistake” I stared to think about moving somewhere where is very cold – Alaska, Canada, Arctic regions… I have no clue for now what I would like to do there to earn money for life there but I’m sure that dog sledding is now my favorite thing I would like to do. Living in harsh, rough place with my woman, my husky’s is my dream and I hope to live this dream someday. I think I could be lumberjack or someone like that there… If there where trees :)

              1. I've heard in Finland they have pretty nice woods and they search for foresters :

            9. My whole adult life I'm an employee. I don't think I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur - mostly thinking about patience and a way of handling other people - I don't have it :) But being an employee treats me well. Although I would like to earn some more and have more free time, this would never push me to switching from being employed to employing others.
              About my profession - I'm a programmer + teacher. I write code for years now and am feeling a little tired with that task, but recently I got a position as a programming teacher and this is definitely "my thing". I love to see my students grow, come up with brilliant solutions, show their creativity and adding personal touch to their code. I very much recommend everyone trying to teach someone - maybe you'll love it as I do now.

              1. Thanks for sharing Magda !
                I would only add that being an entrepreneur does not mean to do absolutely everything yourself. You may have co-owners.

            10. Can I honestly say at this point in time that I am where I belong, doing what I love? Yes, I think so. This doesn't mean I don't want to learn, challenge myself further and explore new territories. I definitely do. And I will. But I feel that in general I'm on the right path.

              > Is there a job that is not your job, but you love doing and you do it in your free time?
              > Have you ever thought it could be "Your thing"?

              In my free time I usually do the same kind of stuff I do at my job, but in my own personal projects. I'm a programmer and I find this is pretty common among programmers. I guess programming is so fun you just can't stop :)

              > When did you decide on your profession?
              > Was it your and only your decision?
              > Are you happy with that initial choice or you want a change?

              I don't think there was a single point when I "decided" to become a programmer. I just liked playing with technology. I started writing code when I was in middle school, but I had no idea this would some day give me job. I just thought creating stuff on the computer was extremely cool. As a consequence I already was a programmer for many years before I decided to get a full time programming job. The only difference now is people pay my money for doing what I always did :)

              1. This is great , isn't it ? to do what you like and receive money for it :)
                Its not that common that people being young already have an idea what they want to do in adult life, so lucky were and are you ;)

            11. Honestly I would say that I am doing what I like but not love. I am a software developer, this is only way of earning money not a big love. I like the second question, of course there are things which I love to do but they are not my job. I love ride on snowboard and I taught my friends how to ride. It was quite fun and I had satisfaction but unfortunately I live far away from mountains and I can’t train often so I think I am not good enough to be professional trainer. Decision about profession I made without any influence of other people and as I mentioned I like it. Do I want to change it? Yes, I want to be famous football player :) From today more running less coding :) Of course I am kidding, it`s too late :(

              1. yeah , I remember myself seriously considering moving somewhere in mountains to become a ski trainer. I stopped to dream about that when I've learnt there is no broadband internet in the mountains :)

            12. Some of the motives were taken under discussion in “Week 2: Corporate Life-Hell on Earth”. There is no “better side” as we live in monetary system, when the profit is the main objective. If we think about our own good that is clearly connected not only with money, some of the “real stories” shows that being Entrepreneur is not always the baest choice.

              If you are a carpenter and you love what you do – you should have small 1-10 people company and do what you love, sell when you want, work when you want. Problem is, when you need to be bigger to achieve good monetary results. Dealing with big clients and competing with big rivals on the market usually has nothing to do with urge to do what you love. In business it is said, that company that don't evolve – dies.

              So, very often being the Entrepreneur is the same as being Employee but without really “free” time., as you are slave not to boss, but to clients.

              But in fact I'd be rather Entrepreneur than Employee, because you can do there something of your own and control it in many more aspects.

              1. Hi Grzegorz! Thanks a lot for your feedback.

                There is one very useful tip in your comment: often people think that being entrepreneur is that wonderful thing when you decide what you're doing and when. Sometimes it is true indeed. But sometimes, majority of times, as Grzegorz said that's your clients who "decide" what you do and when. Which is very much similar to being an employee and have a boss. Who pays - decides ;)

                its much better to be just born billionaire ! : )
