Wednesday 20 November 2013

Week 5: Creating superheroes

The determinant of a comic book superhero popularity is the number of copies sold and created albums. Over the years, many heroes became famous and gained many fans - Batman, Superman, Spider-Man and Wolverine. There were also those, whose star of glory faded quickly - Madame Fatal, The Red Bee and The Elongated Man. There is no perfect method to create a comic book superhero who will be loved by  millions of readers around the world. But there are some questions that developers need to answer at the very beginning of design, such as:
• What powers and abilities will my superhero have?
• How do he/she possess these powers?
• What is his/her history?
• How he/she develops and uses powers?
• How does my character look like?
• How he/she behaves in everyday life and does he/she have alter ego?
• What are his/her weaknesses?
• What is his/her attitude to the world around?
• What is his/her name?

These are just some of the issues that must be considered during the process of creation. Analyzing the history and origins of the DC Comics and Marvel Comics superheroes,  you can find some templates or patterns, which motivated developers who wanted to create a fascinating and interesting to the reader character.
The origin of the power and skill are often one of the most important dilemmas faced by the developers. You have to provide not only interesting, but often also a logical sequence of events that led to the creation of a hero. Important  is the right moment in the life of the hero, the circumstances and the consequences the event caused. The powers, combined with the back-story of the characters and the nature of the superhero’s strength are those factors which influence how he is perceived by the reader. Marvel and DC Comics have developed at least six main ways in which the heroes gained their outstanding ability:

I. Lucky accident
A random situation or a combination of factors that led to positive results:
- Spider-Man (Marvel) – bitten by radioactive spider
- Fantastic Four (Marvel) – cosmic radiation giving superpowers
- Hulk (Marvel) – exposure to gamma rays
- Flash (DC Comics) – thunderbolt  stroke chemicals with which the character was working
- Captain Atom (DC Comics) – accident while testing the strength of spacecraft

II. The chosen one
Superpowers offered by the powerful being or acquired in a magical way:
- Silver Surfer (Marvel) – as a messenger of Galactus he gained powers and magic board
- Iron Fist (Marvel) – by defeating the dragon called Shou-Lao, he gained magical abilities
- Captain Marvel (DC Comics) – mystical power offered by the wizard Shazam
- Green Lantern (DC Comics) – ring offered by the Guardians of the Universe

III. Powerful aliens
The following characters are considered on Earth as superheroes, because they have an innate abilities characteristic for their breed / species:

- Thor (Marvel) – god of thunder and storms coming from Asgard
- Black Bolt (Marvel) – ruler of Inhumen (non-humans), race of warriors created by an Kree (aliens)
- Superman (DC Comics) – powerful man coming from Krypton
- Martian Manhunter (DC Comics) – last surviving Martian having a plurality of superpowers

IV. Own creation
Scientists, engineers or random people who use their inventions and devices to help people:
- Iron Man (Marvel) – Tony Stark created hi-tech combat suit
- Ant-Man (Marvel) – Henry Pym created a liquid that allows him to reduce and increase size and a helmet to communicate with ants
- S.T.R.I.P.E. (DC Comics) – Patrick Dugan created his armour to fight criminals
- Cyborg (DC Comics) – after a tragic accident, Victor Stone uses a metallic prosthesis to fight evil

V. Training and discipline
Ordinary people who decided to undergo hard training to use their experience, intellect, skill in the fight against crime:
- Hawkeye (Marvel) – Clinton Burton trained with Trickshot and Swordsman at the age of 14
- Black Widow (Marvel) – Natalia Romanova was trained in the Soviet Union to be the best Soviet spy
- Batman (DC Comics) – Bruce Wayne after the death of his parents decided to train to fight crime in Gotham
- Green Arrow (DC Comics) – Oliver Queen, who mastered archery, decided to use his skills to help others

VI. Innate abilities
Earthlings who had their powers from birth, most of which were the result of some mutations (not caused by the accident):
- X-Men (Marvel) – group of mutants with different superpowers
- Mr. Immortal (Marvel) – Craig Hollis is immortal - whenever he dies, he comes back to life without any damage
- Black Canary (DC Comics) – blessed with a shout, with a strong destructive power
- Lilith (DC Comics) – with ability to read minds telepath, who also have telekinetic abilities

Please make up a superhero and write a few lines about him/her in comments J


  1. haha , this is quite cool.

    My super hero would be : The IT MAN !!!
    He spent some many hours sitting at the computer , that eventually integrated with it. He now can think with a speed of 5 teraflops per second, he knows everything about everyone and can show infinity of funny cat videos !
    He's only weak point is that terrible pain in the back.
    All trolls, script kiddies and even NSA - Beware! IT Man is gonna get you !

    1. "he knows everything about everyone and can show infinity of funny cat videos !" Sounds like Google. Or Facebook ;)

    2. Daniel, you stole my idea! ;)

  2. My Super Hero would only have had one super power:

    time extension ability

    Probably because I suffer from the disease, which is called - CLoT Chronic Lack of Time, and the only thing I can think lately is that I need to have more time to finish all the things.

  3. My super hero already exists. His name is Harry Potter.

    I love his fireplace and the Floo Powder. I would use it to spend more time with my family and friends. Simply to have a dinner with them when I have not enough time to go for a weekend to my home town.

  4. There is a fun site about failed superheroes called "Gone & Forgotten":
    Couple of years "This American Life" interviewed its author about traits superhero need to have to succeed. It's a little great listen:
    The interview was a part of a whole show on superheroes, by the way.

    As for me personal superhero, I think he (or she) would be called OpenSource(Wo)Man. It's not a single person, but a vast network of people who, without any formal coordination, can act as one, helping people by creating impossibly complex things for free. Tell me that's not a real superpower!

  5. I would base my superhero (or - a supervillain) on a former NFL player (training, not discipline, factor), getting to much steroid injections (Unlucky accident factor) and turning into a Hulk-like character, but with much less intelligence (the chosen one factor). I'd call him Jock'oid. He would be tackling random people on the street football-style, t-bag them and trash-talk incomprehensible jibberish. Now, that's a hybrid.

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  7. I may be there not-fantasy or not-sf there (in fact I am true fan) but I am sure that I also have my superherose - my parents! They gave and >did< teach me a lot :)

  8. My superhero would be a woman (of curse! :). Flight ability is crucial, and just right after all of the jedi, cat woman and IT man skills (thanks to Daniel!). Part of the abilities are innate and the rest were trained from the childhood ….Cause my superwoman is a descendent of ancient alien family… They live among the usual people and look exactly like us, but hide. There are two (very alien and ancient) clans fighting each other. One wants to rule the humanity and the second wants to live in peace…

    I liked comic books when I was at school. Now I watch the movies based on Marvel stories. The science-fiction effects are superb! 3D effect and great sound improves the experience – that’s something cinemas were created for ☺ When I can’t see something at cinema, I usually sooner or latter somehow see it anyway. The effects may be less spectacular (but still very good!) and plot helps be believe there is a happy end for all of us.

  9. I hereby present : THE chair .

    • What powers and abilities will my superhero have?
    Standing still in particular.
    • How do he/she possess these powers?
    That was way before our ancestors sit for the first time... I mean - long time ago. And there was THE carpenter. And he made THE chair.
    • What is his/her history?
    Twenty years in furniture store, two years in karate dojo, five years on fisherman boat fighting with storms (and it didn't fall over even once!)
    • How he/she develops and uses powers?
    Oh please. It just stands still above any other heroes. Nothing to learn new about it.
    • How does my character look like?
    Like a chair... pretty simple wooden, poplar chair.
    • How he/she behaves in everyday life and does he/she have alter ego?
    It stands still all day, but at night it behave as a stool.
    • What are his/her weaknesses?
    Hates being in water for long period of time.
    • What is his/her attitude to the world around?
    Chair in fact is very intimate with world around him, especially with people sitting on it.
    • What is his/her name?
    I said it already – THE chair.

  10. Whoa, cool topic! I love the idea behind this blog post. But also it's really hard to think of something. I would definitely create a feminine character, as I believe there are too few in the Marvel universe. I would also like her to be less sexualized and more smart and well... "badass". Actually my favourite from superhero from Marvell is Iron Man, because he's smart and self-reliant and has an amazing armour that he created himself.
    So, for the hero I'm going with Bit Woman, who was so smart that she transferred herself to the computer and now lives in the internet. She has unlimited power to do anything to computers that are connected to the internet but also she can tamper with wireless networks like cellular network or wi-fis. Because modern world relies heavily on these, Bit Woman has a great power and can do as serious stuff as starting or ending wars, preventing missile strikes etc. Her weakness is obviously that she is in the computer and hence can be deleted someday if someone as smart as she is figures way to do that.

  11. For my a hero is a person who tries to do the best to help people in need.
    We are not aware of an existence of many heroes in our surroundings.

    They do not expect fame, they just have an internal need to help people who are weaker or ill.

    All things which they do are just because they have hearts of gold.

    That’s the reason why they deserve to be called a hero.

  12. To be honest I like BATMAN.
    You all know all his skills, all his powers. I really enjoy this character not only in movies (new series lately created with Christian Bale is my second best) but also in comics.
    Jakub you asked us to create a superhero – so let’s create someone else than Batman. Someone who would be strongly connected to Polish tradition and history. Let’s make Polish superhero.
    Name: Eagel White (current alter ego Jan Kowalski).
    Powers: Immortality.
    Powers origin: One day he received them from divine being.
    Story: He was born in 1000 year in village near Gniezno. He was a noble son, and was trained to become a knight. One day when he was praying in the chapel our hero felt tired and fall asleep. In the dream he saw an Angel who told him that he have a mission to perform. He will not be killed by any human made weapon until his successor arrives. Till that day his mission is to protect Poland and Polish people. One of his false identities was Zawisza Czarny.
    Weakness: He is more susceptible to wounds and can be killed when Polish people will stop being patriots. When there is at least one patriot left Eagle White will still be able to fight.
    Attitude: honorable, he keep his word, courageous, calm under pressure, strong willed, friendly, deadly for Polish enemy’s
    Appearance: He always have his medallion – (bird) White Eagle with crown on his head – and around the eagle there is a ring with words: “Semper Fidelis”, except that he looks like normal guy, nothing unusual.
    Behavior in everyday life: He always try to make Poland a better and safer place. Currently he is working in ZTM as bus driver.

    How do you like it?

    1. There is already a polish superhero called "White Eagle" ( and they named him Aleks Poniatowski. But to be honest I like your idea more than this presented by Maciej & Adam Kmiołek.

  13. I have to admit that this task is a challenge for me, because I already have my favourite superhero - Spiderman :)

    My hero would be a woman - terrifying force in an inconspicuous woman's body would be her additional advantage, which is an element of surprise.What is more, she would be extremely beautiful, her beauty, charm would be one of her weapon against men.

    Her innate ability would be extraordinary instinct, whereby she could "feel" danger, bad intentions of other people, or even weakness of her opponents. In addition, she would also have very keen senses (all of them) and huge power.

    As most of the superheros, she would have 2 lifes, trying to hide her special abilities, to keep anonymous.

  14. Very interesting article. There truly is a lot of science that goes into creating a superhero.
    But what I think is even better is when the creators miss the mark. Be it just slightly or by a mile.
    For example the Color Kid whose ability was to change the colour of anything.He gained this ability after being struck by a ray of light from a different planet.
    Or there also was Arm Fall Off Boy. No explanation necessary, it's all in the name.
    It's fun to watch the writers come up with problems that can be solved by their obscure powers.
    As to creating my own superhero I must say that I wouldn't change anything in The Tick. I love everything about him. The unintentional hilarity of his actions. The back-and-forth he has with his sidekick. The fact that he lives in an apartment owned by said sidekick. The hints that he might be delusional. I love it all. Especially the fact that he makes being a superhero look like a job like any other.
    He is not overpowered and he faces villains with powers as far-fetched as the superheroes mentioned above. But the guy with a chair for the head and obesity-man are no match for The Tick.

    1. The Tick is great, Arthur as well as he were always mistaken withe the bunny (instead of moth that he is) and his hilarious battlecry "Not in the face!" :)

      Because now cinema have more possibilities to screen comics we have plenty of productions about superheroes, and even TV series like Heroes. It is almost inexhaustible well of ideas for producers.

    2. Oh I forgot about the bunny thing:) Time for a rereading and rewatching!
      It was also one of few shows that are actually better with polish dubbing.

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