Tuesday 19 November 2013

Week 5: Things you can learn about on the internet. Or simply enjoy them.

Today internet is all around us. Can you imagine a day without it? (Yes, I know you can, but making it real is very hard - I know what I’m saying, this year during holidays I put myself in a weeklong internet-rehab). We use it everywhere. At work, home, just after waking up, moments before falling asleep. We even take our English classes sitting before computers connected to the internet.

Listening to one episode of one of my favorite podcasts (about podcasts later) Radiolab (I cannot recall which one) I have heard that daily amount of information that people are absorbing these days is dozens of times bigger than one for people living a hundred years ago (I cannot remember exactly, but it is really a great difference - today we are everyday bombarded with information which people from the beginning of previous century would hear in a month). Very frightening for me is that this information often isn’t that much valuable. That most of things we hear, see or find on the internet are just a regular junk.

Much of this invaluable information comes from the internet - popular pages with dummy pictures, YouTube with its stupid videos or sensational, useless news. I don't like it and I don't like to realize how much time I waste vainly browsing the internet either.
But as we now have to, and in future will have to use the internet (because of its ubiquity) I like to use it to make things that can turn out to be useful. And I want to share some of them with you - I hope you will like them! At least some of them:)

1. Webcams
There are millions of public webcams out there on the internet. They are mostly very boring, but I like to watch them in the background - as a substitute for TV. In the meantime I can do something productive, just enjoying the view or find something more about things I can see. Of course you cannot always explore the topic, e.g. when you find a webcam in a cat hotel or in Icelandic sports hall (although you could try to find out what sport it is - probably some kind of training golf field?) or Croatian old town (can bring back memories from vacation:) + you can try to search its history) or printing factory or an always empty hotel lounge looking like it was build few meters below ground (couldn't find a link to this one). But... From time to time you can find something really interesting. You can watch the Earth rotating (did you know about pendulum? If not - you should read about it!). You can admire Polish wildlife (are you familiar with polish Żubr and its history? Do you know that they're not Polish?) - I recommend this one for long winter evenings. You can also wait for a pitch drop to drop (bottom of the page here or http://www.theninthwatch.com). I found this one about 1,5-2 years ago. Recently it became a little bit viral, so now you can watch it in HD or like it on Facebook. Pitch is a solid polymer. The experiment started about 80 years ago when Professor Thomas Parnell of the University of Queensland wanted to prove his students that pitch although it appears to be solid is in fact very-high-viscosity fluid. He had to wait for the first drop for 11 years. The most interesting fact about this experiment is that no one ever saw the drop! Even when they used cameras to record it - the cameras broke just before the most important moment. If you want to learn more about the whole pitch drop experiment – check the wiki or an official experiment page.

2. Google Maps
While wandering on google maps you can also find amazing places. For example: the black spot on a desert which is an iron ore mine - you can try to follow the train track back to the harbor on the shore (or just click here) - it's also all black from the dust. You can also climb the mount Fuji using the street view or walk with penguins through Antarctica.

3. Podcasts
I just love them. It is very easy to find them on the internet. You can listen to them while using the internet but I prefer to download them onto my phone and then listen to them on my way to/from work. My favorite ones are 99% invisible about very interesting things that happen in our surroundings and RadioLab about science.

Do you know any interesting webcams? Have you ever spotted anything unusual on google maps? Do you listen to podcasts on the internet?
What do you think about my efforts to take advantage of internet while wandering it? Do you also do this? Do you have your own tested methods? Or maybe you think it doesn’t make any sense?

P.S. While searching the internet you should always try to avoid the weird part of it and not to reach its end.


  1. I have to say, that my use of webcam was limited to two things:
    first attempt - on the long weekend I had checked by webcam on Solidarności/Jana Pawła if the store is opened before I had left my home :)
    second time - it was checking of ski slope before I made up my mind, where to go on my winter holiday.

    Google maps is totally different story, I use it on daily basis, for local and global purposes, I also recommend Google Earth.

    I don't have any experience with podcasts yet.

    As for the rehab thing, my first thought was, that nowadays even my watch in smartphone is synchronized with the internet.

    Here is fragment one of the best issues of IT Crowd :)

    1. I love your idea to check if the store is open, I will try it next time I have doubts! :) As for checking ski slopes - I think that it is the most popular use of webcams today. Together with webcams on beaches in spring/summer.

    2. The store idea is great!
      Can be also useful abroad or or in the city where I am for the first time. - no more walking around the city looking for the store. Next time I'll use a webcam :)

    3. I have seen that modern kindergartens have a webcams - and I really like the idea, I saw my colleagues from work watching over their childs in the job so that they could know if there is everything okay with them. Of course it can lead to obvious abuses but still.. great reason and use of technology!

  2. I'm so happy you mentioned podcasts, Ania! I absolutely adore podcasts! I will restrain myself from sharing my favorite ones for now, because most likely I'll want to use them in my own article. But let me tell all of you - if you are not into podcasts yet, you are missing a lot. RadioLab, mentioned by Ania, is a great one. I not familiar with "99% invisible", but it was recommended to me before, so I will certainly get around to trying it out soon.

    I feel Google Maps is like something that came straight from the future. And we got so used to it we don't even notice. I remember seeing satellite photos on Google Maps for the first time. The ability to zoom in on your hose and to see it from above was pretty incredible. That felt so weird back then. But Google Street View? That's something in a different league all together! How would you react if couple of years ago someone told you "I want to make a 360 panorama of every fragment of every street in the entire world"? Surely you would have laughed. But Google is almost there! What an incredible world we live in.

    1. I'm looking forward to reading your post about podcasts!

      I also remember seeing first satellite photos on Google Maps. There was some kind of science project the part of which was to make hi-res photos of spots Africa - beautiful! I tried to find them while writing this post, but I couldn't - today the whole Africa is photograthed in high resolution:) And Google Street View - that was an insane idea. But, what's more interesting - back when it was launched I saw a short funny video with a crazy concept that a few years later turned out to be true (Google Street View inside buildings).

    2. I remember the video! For me it was also the first thing I thought about when I heard about Google actually using the Google Street View technology inside buildings.

    3. Totally agreed! Google Maps and Street View is like the science-fiction coming to life. Every time I use it, it reminds me the map of an Empire from Borges’ On Exactitude in Science but in parallel (virtual) reality – and thanks to that much more practical.

  3. I'm not a big fan of using webcams - I tried chatroulette couple of times and I've always ended up in a "strange" place with "strange" people, so I only use my camera to chat with my friends via Skype and.... I'm pretty sure I will leave it as it is. And watching public places with those.... It's not for me, but I must agree - watching pandas (http://en.ipanda.com/live/) ease up stress, because they're so adorable! It was a trend on my year.

    About Google Maps - I'm a great fan of that! It makes planing holidays so easy! You can check every route, there are also bus schedules and you can see your path, so you won't get lost!

    Couple of months ago I came across this site:


    where can you find funny and "interesting" pictures from GoogleMaps - enjoy it!

    Podcasts are great, but I would rather watch TED then listen to those, but I haven't heard about 99% invisible and RadioLab, so maybe I will give it a try and make an update.

    Ania, it's great you want to expand your horizons!
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za61nlcOxf8 :)

    1. For the last 2 days I've been listening to RadioLab as I said I will and I can agree with Anna it's interesting. For sure it's nice to listen to something else than music or audiobook. I can really recommend audition named "Blame", which left me with so many questions! Others were more or less interesting, but this one you have to listen!!! All in all I won't become a fanatic RadioLab listener, who waits for the next audition on the edge of my seat, but I think I will visit their site from time to time to see what do they have to offer :) Thanks Ania! :)

    2. Great! I'm so happy you like RadioLab! Thanks for taking my advice and trying it:) And watch out - I also thought that I won't become a fanatic listener, and today I can't wait for another episode (not mentioning that I've already listened to all available past episodes:).

    3. Oh! And I really like the site with pictures from Street View. Back when there where only Google Maps (without Street View) I used to browse similar page but containing strange things on satellite photos (unfortunatelly it is closed now) - there were crop circles, paintings on roofs and many many other interesting places.

  4. I find internet very useful too – obviously! My most favorite part are online courses – if you haven’t tried yet, you definitely should! There’s lots of different topic so anyone can find something interesting. They are well prepared, interactive, most of the content is video and you can even earn a certificate from Harvard or MIT. Worthwhile! Check out the online courses portals like Coursera (www.coursera.org) and edX (www.edx.org).

    When it comes to webcams – my colleagues from work love them! But they do not use their own cameras, they prefer only to watch others …You can imagine why ;)

    I also love podcasts! They are like an ocean of knowledge you may so easily explore. I already posted a link to 5by5 podcast repository on the blog, but I need to do this again – in case you missed it ;) http://5by5.tv Like with online courses – on 5by5 there’s something interesting for everyone.
    I remember being surprised when I have first found list of all available podcasts on iTunes… Subscribed to about 50, but only few stayed with me for longer. Like you mentioned some of them are just junk.

    My biggest problem when I think of all of this is …lack of time to watch, read and listen to all of this… Do you feel the same?

    1. Kasia I agree with you! I also use internet in various ways: in work, in home, when I look for something funny etc. To be honest this kind of relationship that we all have with internet is very strong. I see here some place for abnormal behavior for people. I had read that someone died after spending in internet more than 24 or even 48hrs. This is extreme but there is some possibility that in some time people won’t meet in real life but only in the “net” – some demographic growth can be damaged by this behavior.
      I see also very big potential for anyone who can use this medium of communication to his benefits i.e. marketing, sales etc. This medium of communication is powerful so we should use it wisely as in my opinion it has more destructive power than using nuclear bomb, also you can see in it very big power of creation. All depends of one character.

    2. Kasia, I had the exact same problem - I kept finding new and interesting podcasts but there was just not enough time to listen to them all! The solution I found a while ago was to increase the speed of playback. If the player you're using has this function well implemented it's not going to change the pitch of voices so they don't sound like something from a cartoon. I started at x1.3 but now I'm at x1.7. That's 70% more podcasts I can listen to in a given amount of time:) Unintended consequence - your spoken English comprehension will improve dramatically! If you can understand an interview with a foreign guy at x1.7 nothing in real life is a challenge.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Sebastian, I also have problem with too many podcasts. Right now I subscribe about 15-20 podcasts, regulary listen to about 7 of them and tried to use increased speed about two weeks ago. But it is not for me - I like to listen to them to relax, to cut off from surrounding, and listening to interviews in x1.5 speed makes me feel like everybody, including me, is in hurry:)

      Kasia, I also attanded some online courses, you can really find interesting ones out there on the internet. As your colleagues - I also only watch, I never used my own camera. And I've run into 5by5 before but probably gave it not enough time - I will for sure try it soon one more time.

    5. Wow that really shocked me a bit, I sometimes have serious problem understanding fast-speaking India guys at work and trying to imagine even faster... would be a really pain. Anyway I need to try it out, may be starting with something less difficult ;)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Primarily I admit that a vast of information found on the internet is useless, and very often its reliability can not be confirmed by any trustworthy source. So, as you said it can be classified as a regular junk. What is more, information once posted on the web is constantly copied/ duplicated and changed by other users so at some point it is almost impossible to verify if it is true or simple rubbish. But the most terrifying is the fact that in many cases people believe uncritically in everything that is available on-line. They perceive information from the websites as predominant, and do not take much time for consideration. Some time ago I found a picture, that in my opinion, perfectly describes the thing I mentioned (unfortunately I was not able to find its equivalent in English, so I “take” it from the Polish side):


    Answering your questions: My contact with podcasts and webcams is minimal, but from time to time I enter: http://www.earthcam.com/ and watch the most beautiful cities around the world. This is my substitute for long-distance travels. Have I ever spotted anything unusual on google maps? Well, it was not unusual, rather funny - once I googled the street that my friends lives in and I noticed her cat in the window at google picture – the cat chose a perfect moment to observe the nature, just when the google camera was passing. :)

    1. What a great website! So many webcams from all over the world. And they are not cat hotels or furniture stores;) Thanks for the link. And thanks for a great google maps story!

      The great example of believing in everything on the internet are cases when people are sick. Nowdays they don't visit a doctor, they check their symptoms online! And then they blindly believe in the diagnosis dr Google made for them. Two funny (polish - sorry) pictures illustrating this problem can be found here and here

  7. Interesting article, although too many topics in here together :)

    With regards to webcams , here I am quite boring - checking slopes in the winter.

    Google maps - everyday tool. Their traffic layer recently became quite accurate for Warsaw (G probably buys content from local suppliers or use Waze data).

    Podcasts ? - now we're talking !
    for me such format works great. I have both professional podcasts and leisure ones.
    recently I found myself listening more podcasts than audiobooks, that were my top favorite a year ago. Why so ?
    in general because podcasts are frequently updated, while for audiobooks you need to search quite extensively.
    Also, podcasts are great tool to keep your English language knowledge up to date with modern British and American trends.

    Among my favorite podcasts:
    (football ones)
    BBC (5 Live, 606 Football phone in and BBC Radio Manchester)
    Ian Wright on Absolute Radio

    (entertainment ones)
    Lifehacker podcast
    NPR TED Radio hour (NPR generally has lots of interesting podcasts)

    (technology ones)
    Product People
    Agile weekly podcast

    and as a p.s. I am really concerned by the amount of information we're consuming on a daily basis. On my own example, I can say that on a typical day out of 16 hours I am normally ON - information consumption takes around 15 hours 30 minutes. Reading, listening, watching, processing .... thinking ? creating ? Those are my main concerns - its so easy nowadays to consume information and there is infinity of information to consume that we have less and less time to Create.

    It appears sometimes, that everything is already there , why bother ? just consume.
    And our creation abilities: writing, composing, drawing ... go lower and lower.

    Do you feel the same ? Compare yourself today with yourself 5 years ago , have your creation level changed anyhow ?

  8. I agree with Daniel - very interesting article Ania!
    I love theendofinternet.com - simple but great idea to show people they should turn off computers.

    I'm a really big fan of Google Maps. First of all it helps me in everyday life. I moved to Warsaw about 2 years ago and still there is many places I don't have an idea about, sometimes I have a problem to reach some destination using a car - then google is priceless (also jakdojade.pl is a brilliant solution). The second thing is I travel a lot for business purposes. Google Maps is always a good advisor - even if it sometimes makes some small mistakes like confusion between the numbers of buildings, at least I know I'm in a good area of the city, looking the building at the good street.
    On the other side - I have a friend who is a huge fan of interesting but forgotten or hiden places like old military areas, bunkers, abandoned buildings and railway sidings. Google helps him to find such places. It's amazing how many things he showedme after he found it using Google Maps!

  9. After reading this post and all the comments I think I can no longer ignore podcasts and should give them a try. But there’s one thing… Does anybody know how to find time for all these goodies?

    BTW: I’ve heard about Foucault Pendulum many times, but I had no idea I can watch it live. It’s hypnotizing! o_O

  10. Speaking about webcams – I don’t use them too often so far. I encountered on pandas and that’s all. In this article and comments I found a lot of interesting links that undoubtedly I will use them in my free time.

    Google Maps are extremely useful in such a big city like Warsaw. By entering any address of cafe, club, restaurant easily find it on the map. With street view you can check if on the given street are parking spaces. Recently, using street view, I went on a journey through New York. Such a tiny substitute vacation :)

    Podcasts are completely new for me. Maybe not so much that I did not hear about them as I never listened to them. The main culprit is the time. In fact, the lack of time. In contrast, my girlfriend is a fan of them.

    I use the Internet mainly in work and college. In free time I read or watch the news from the world. A big plus is that I can find them at any time of day or night.

  11. I'm not into webcams at all - just when I have to check ski slopes' conditions. Podcasts are not my thing, too - it's easier for me to follow YouTube vidcasts or discussions (that's basically my substitute for TV). I think my Google Maps (or, HERE Maps on my Windows Phone) fits the standard online maps user profile. I use it to check specific route more so, than do Internet travel. As for travelling by GMaps, i recommend gondola sightseeing of Venice, which is now available for those, who are yet to see the city - I say that's much better experience, given the stinky atmosphere there :)
    Jakdojade.pl or Bilkom smartphone apps are essential for me also - i became so dependent on them, like I never would have imagined before.

  12. The only thing I would add (and I suppose no one mentioned it yet) is about useless information. Indeed, nowadays there is a lot of them, the key is to filter them. Like, watching youtube which is often censored and really is no longer providng real information due to that. I recommend LiveLeak - you could see for example real videos (not streaming at least) what really happens on the whole world (in my case this was bombarding Syria). Nothing censored, really stuff, real blood, real pain of feeling what is happening to these people. As today's media are no longer shocked about 'couple of people being killed' in, seriously, unessessary "war" by american soldiers. Do not use the main sources of information, search on your own!

    1. For me it’s not about to much useless information but about easy access to vast resources of valuable content. I would never intentionally cut myself off of internet, of course, but fifty-something unread e-books bought in many promotions are haunting me.

  13. Do you know any interesting webcams? Have you ever spotted anything unusual on google maps? Do you listen to podcasts on the Internet?
    What do you think about my efforts to take advantage of internet while wandering it? Do you also do this? Do you have your own tested methods? Or maybe you think it doesn’t make any sense?

    Really I don't know any webcams available through Internet and really I cannot find in it any amusement being more appealing than any other ways to find „interesting things” in internet. I always listen to music while working, so any webcam voice would be a nuisance for me. And problem with video is, that you must watch it to see it. And it's hard to do anything else while watching it. Nevertheless it can be interesting and astonishing at the same time. It's just...the same as any other film, that you don't know yet.

    Podcasts are great thing, but still... no music is a pain I couldn't bare.

    What do I think about your efforts? Hmmm. Keep the good work :D Although I tend to NOT use the Internet if I don't need to. It's fact that there are thousands of genius things in Internet worth watching, but in my opinion the effort is not worth it. Situation changes when you know exactly what kind of fantastic things you want to see. For example : World’s Biggest Ship Graveyard on Google Earth. (Google Earth is fantastic thing by the way...)

  14. Anna, I think YouTube can also be a wonderful resource. I mean, sure, stuff that's most visible if you are not a regular user is utter crud, no question about it. But if you start exploring a bit more you'll find plenty of quality, educational content.
    There are the usual suspects like TED (I know they've got their own website but most of their views come through YouTube) and Khan Academy but you can pretty much name a topic and there is a channel run by someone excited about it and trying to share their knowledge. Mathematics? Numberphile. Physics? MinutePhysics. Zoological Museums? Brain Scoop. Mortician work? OrderOfTheGoodDeath. Assorted sciency stuff? Vsauce, Vihart and CGPGrey. The list goes on. And every single one of those get tens or hundreds of thousands of views per video.
    Not to mention that it's never been easier to find a how-to video on pretty much anything you can think of. Just this week I learned how to properly clean a troublesome part of my bike and how to configure an obscure piece of software on Linux.

    Also, it's good to hear from yet another podcast lover. I could write a couple of paragraphs about them but I understand that is what Ludwik is going to write about so I'll keep it to myself until then. Just one thing - if you like RadioLab you should check out This American Life. The format is almost exactly the same but they focus more on societal stories.

  15. I am not really get used to use web cameras, but there are days in which I have to use it at work.
    It’s much easier to meet with your colleagues on the video-conference than travelling to the other continent.

    Many people have mentioned the importance of Google Maps. I totally agree with those people.
    I can’t imagine daily life without this. It’s very helpful during a trip.

    There are many different applications for our smartphones which make our lives easier. As an example I can give an application called mobileMPK which provides you up to date information about the timetable of city buses.
    Another very interesting and useful mobile app is SoundHound which can provide you the title and the author of the song which you are listening to.

    I cannot say anything about the podcasts, because I am not familiar with this subject, but I see that many of you are interested in it. So I also have to get into it.
